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                                G O P H E R H O L E
       This Little Gopher Hole is a collection of
           - Handy Tools,
           - Cheat Sheets,
           - Tips and Trick
       for OpenBSD and Linux.
       To make your and my life a little bit brighter
       Please Leave some comment!
   DIR Guestbook 
  TEXT Sed - Gnu Stream Editor - Tips and Tricks- on 18 June 2022
  TEXT tee - Nice use of tee command inside Vim - Tips and Tricks - on 13 May 2022
  TEXT Vsftpd - Very Secure FTP Server install on Linux Artix Runit - Tips and Tricks - on 30 April 2022
  TEXT Nmap - Scan attached Devices on Network - on 19 Mar 2022
  TEXT Pem Certificate to Pkcs12 Certificate - Amfora Certificate to Ariane - on 01 Aug 2021
  TEXT Awk - Layout Functions                   - on 06 Oct 2020
  TEXT Cups - Command Line Printing - Cheat Sheet - on 04 jun 2020  
  TEXT Enscript - Enscript configure custom label size - Tips and Tricks - on 28 May 2020                         
  TEXT NTP - Setting the Date Time with NTP - Cheat Sheet  - on 12 Sep 2020           
  TEXT Wget - Saving Websites Offline - Cheat Sheet - on 19 Sep 2020    
  TEXT Email and Batch Attachments Extraction  -  Tips and Tricks - on 06 Aug 2020                  
   DIR My github
   DIR Learning Groff
   DIR Geomyidae Scripts Scraps Examples
   DIR Start of a project for simple database using plain text file and awk 
  TEXT patch for iomenu from gopher://bitreich.org 
  TEXT VXX Daily Stock Analyse  
  TEXT UVXY Daily Stock Analyse  
  TEXT VIXY Daily Stock Analyse  
  TEXT UVIX Daily Stock Analyse  
  TEXT SVIX Daily Stock Analyse  
  TEXT SVXY Daily Stock Analyse  
   DIR yasendfile.org - My First Gopherhole
   DIR Bitreich.org
   DIR Distrotube
   DIR Typed Hole
       Last Updated on 2022-07-15
       Get in touch: gopher@thinkerwim.org
       Powered by Geomyidae running on OpenBSD since 15 July 2022