Instalando OpenVMS – El Ñapas Recordando viejos tiempos De vez en cuando, uno mira hacia atrás y se da cuenta de la cantidad de tiempo que ha pasado desde que comencé en este negocio. Para hacer frente a la nostalgia no hay nada mejor que intentar resituarse en el pasado. Mis comienzos profesionales en este mundo de la TI (a finales de los 80) fueron como programador Ada en un entorno VAX/VMS, en concreto, la máquina que teníamos, por aquel entonces, era un MicroVAX 3xxx. Vamos algo del tamaño de una lavadora y que costaba unos 100.000$ de los de entonces. Guardo un cariñoso recuerdo de aquel sistema operativo que, entre otras cosas, conservaba las distintas versiones de los ficheros editados, sus comandos no distinguían entre mayúsculas y minúsculas, tenía un maravilloso editor de texto (frente a vi o emacs) y una ayuda aún mejor. En medio de este ataque de nostalgia decidí investigar si era posible emular la arquitectura hardware y montar una máquina, en principio virtual, VAX/VMS en mi entorno casero. Descubrí, para mi sorpresa, que el sistema operativo sigue vivo y, al parecer en uso, en muchos sitios y que ha sobrevivido a la desaparición de Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) empresa que, en los avatares de la crisis económica de principios de los 90, empezó a perder mercado y fue, posteriormente, incorporada a Compaq y, finalmente, a HP. HP ha seguido manteniendo y comercializando el sistema operativo (OpenVMS) y, proporciona, de forma gratuita, licencias de OpenVMS para aquellos que (como yo) tienen un interés meramente lúdico en la plataforma (OpenVMS Hobbyist Program). La página web de este programa está enterrada en la web de HP y, la verdad es que se hace difícil llegar a ella. Descubrí, además, que es factible hacer que el OpenVMS se ejecute sobre un simulador que, a su vez, puede ejecutarse en una Raspberry Pi. Parece increíble, un entorno de centenares de miles de dólares de hace 30 años se puede ejecutar en una máquina de 30€. Ni corto ni perezoso voy a recapitular lo que necesito para montarlo y me pongo a ello: • Una Raspberry Pi (tengo una 3 nuevecita) • Una tarjeta micro SD (voy a usar una de 16GB) • Una imagen de Raspbian (me la bajo de aquí) • Descargarme SimH e instalarlo en Raspbian • Obtener una imagen de OpenVMS y hacerla correr en Simh Voy a hacer una serie de posts describiendo estos pasos y vamos a ver a dónde llego. Repasando los puntos anteriores, veo que los tres primeros son sencillos. El cuarto, a priori, implica bajarse el código fuente y compilarlo en la Raspi, complicado pero factible. El quinto me preocupa porque, por más que busco necesito dos cosas que no encuentro en Internet: • Una imagen del sistema operativo • Una licencia que, a priori es necesaria para que se ejecute. Empezaré por el último paso porque es el que supone un reto más importante. Por último, esta entrada, como todas las del blog las escribo para mí, para acordarme de lo que hago y poder reproducirlo así que no tengo ninguna pretensión de precisión. La información, amigos, es “as is”. Obtener VMS En el primer post de esta serie, que tiene como objetivo describir paso a paso la instalación de OpenVMS en una Raspberry Pi, comenté que iba a comenzar por describir cómo obtener las imágenes y las licencias de OpenVMS a instalar. En este post voy a describir qué pasos he seguido. Supongo que habrá formas más fáciles de obtenerlo pero yo no he sido capaz de encontrarlas. En primer lugar realizo una búsqueda, todo lo exhaustiva que puedo, en Internet y no encuentro la forma de bajarme una imagen, un iso, etc. de OpenVMS. Al final, casi por casualidad, caigo en la página OpenVMS Hobbyist Registration en la que se presenta un formulario de registro donde solicita información en el que aparecen un montón de campos requeridos que no se cómo rellenar. Intento, a la desesperada, rellenar al buen tun tun los campos y no consigo nada. El primer combo del formulario permite seleccionar un capítulo (como los Ángeles del Infierno) que, entiendo, es una especie de club de usuarios. Veo que no hay ninguna opción española o en español así que me pongo a buscar en Internet. Descubro una referencia a uno de los capítulos DECUServe y descubro que conectándose por SSH a con el usuario REGISTRATION uno puede registrarse en el capítulo. Lo primero que hago es abrir la conexión SSH con putty: Me aparece una pantalla de entrada en el servidor: El primer problema es que no conozco la contraseña. Pruebo a darle a enter y … entro. De forma automática se arranca el proceso de registro. En primer lugar pide una confirmación para registrarse: A continuación me pide un número por lo que contesto NO Me asigna automáticamente un número de subscriptor (que anoto en un papelito) y continuo con el registro: Me solicita confirmación para mostrarme los cánones de conducta a los que se sujetan voluntariamente los miembros del capítulo: Aparecen, a continuación, una serie de pantallas en las que se va recabando información y, finalmente, me crea un usuario y una password: Finalmente, me presenta una pantalla diciendo que ya está listo: El proceso ha sido bastante largo pero ya tengo mi usuario y mi contraseña y formo parte del capítulo DECUServe con lo que ya puedo volver a la web de OpenVMS Hobbyist Registration y registrarme. Cosa que hago de inmediato. Con la información obtenida ya puedo rellenar y enviar el formulario y, al cabo de unos momentos, recibo un correo electrónico: Muy bien, me pongo a esperar la respuesta. Respuesta que llega cinco días después con la licencia (PAK) como anexo. El correo contiene muchas instrucciones y dice que envíe otro correo para que me pasen las instrucciones para descargar las imágenes del sistema operativo. Envío puntualmente el mail solicitando el acceso para las imágenes y me responden con unos enlaces para descargar las imágenes: Procedo a conectarme por SFTP con WinSCP y a bajarme las imágenes y los ejecutables que me interesan: Publicado el Categorías OpenVMSEtiquetas OpenVMS,VAX/VMS1 comentario en Obtener OpenVMS Descarga y compilación de simh Tal y como comenté en la primera entrada de esta serie, el objetivo que me propongo es conseguir instalar OpenVMS en una Raspberry Pi de forma que se ejecute sobre el simulador simh. Una vez obtenidas las imágenes del sistema operativo, el siguiente paso es crear una imagen de Raspbian para, sobre ella, instalar simh y, posteriormente, configurar OpenVMS. El crear una imagen de Raspbian y hacer su configuración inicial es un camino que tengo trillado y voy a seguir mi propia experiencia, intentando no cometer los errores que ya he cometido. Una vez creada la imagen, me conecto al router de banda ancha e investigo los dispositivos conectados para conocer la dirección IP de la Raspberry: Una vez conocida la dirección IP voy a proceder a su configuración conectándome por ssh: El siguiente paso es configurar el nombre de la máquina, colocarle una IP estática y actualizar el software. Ahora viene la parte difícil que es instalar simh. Por lo que he visto, lo recomendable es descargarse el código fuente desde GitHub y compilarlo en la raspi. He comprobado también que está en el repositorio en la versión 3.8.1-5. La versión que hay en GitHub es la 4.0: Vamos por el camino difícil. Descargar los fuentes y compilar. En el del sitio de simh en GitHub proporciona las instrucciones para descargar los fuentes y construir los binarios. En primer lugar me descargo el que contiene los fuentes: A continuación voy a compilar simh. Me cambio al directorio que contiene el paquete y hago, en primer lugar un make clean y, a continuación un make vax para crear los simuladores de VAX. A ver cuánto se alarga la espera. Realmente ha tardado muy poco, unos 5 minutos. En este momento, ya tenemos compilado el simulador para VAX. En el siguiente post abordaré la configuración inicial de simh. Configurando simh e instalando OpenVMS El siguiente paso en la tarea de montar mi OpenVMS es configurar el simulador simh para poder ejecutarlo. Aquí empiezo a entrar en un terreno desconocido (al menos para mí) así que espero ir poniendo toda la atención. Por el camino, he ido encontrando algunos sitios en internet que dan una cierta orientación a mi tarea. En primer lugar, voy a crear un directorio vax bajo /usr/local y bajo este directorio, dos subdirectorios uno llamado bin donde colocaré el binario del simulador y las ROMs de VAX y otro data donde irán los datos del simulador: Ahora copio los ficheros a la localización recién creada: Creo, bajo /usr/local/bin/vax un directorio images y copio la imagen iso del SO (usando WinSCP). Aprovecho y copio, al mismo directorio el fichero con la licencia: Creo el fichero de inicialización (openvms.ini) del simulador y lo coloco en el directorio data. Ya tenemos todo preparado para el primer arranque. Hay que ejecutar el simulador bajo un usuario privilegiado: Se ha tomado su tiempo, sobre todo creando los discos virtuales pero parece que ya está arrancado. Hago un comando show device para ver que dispositivos hay y procedo al primer arranque de VAX que debe ser desde el CDROM virtual: El CDROM virtual es la unidad DUA3. A por el boot: VAX ha arrancado en modo monousuario y vamos a instalar el sistema operativo desde el backup existente en el CDROM: Una vez completado esto salimos de la simulación (Ctrl-E). A continuación vamos a proceder a arrancar desde el disco duro y a realizar la instalación de OpenVMS. He capturado en un fichero las entradas y salidas durante el proceso: 1. Arranque de la boot ROM: sim> boot cpu KA655-B V5.3, VMB 2.7 Performing normal system tests. 40..39..38..37..36..35..34..33..32..31..30..29..28..27..26..25.. 24..23..22..21..20..19..18..17..16..15..14..13..12..11..10..09.. 08..07..06..05..04..03.. Tests completed. 2. Configurar el dispositivo desde el que se va a arrancar (DUA0) y arrancar en sistema (BOOT): >>>set boot dua0 >>>boot (BOOT/R5:0 DUA0 2.. -DUA0 1..0.. %SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT Mapping the SYSDUMP.DMP on the System Disk %SYSBOOT-W-SYSBOOT Can not map SYSDUMP.DMP on the System Disk %SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT Mapping PAGEFILE.SYS on the System Disk %SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT SAVEDUMP parameter not set to protect the PAGEFILE.SYS OpenVMS (TM) VAX Version BI73-7G7 Major version id = 1 Minor version id = 0 %WBM-I-WBMINFO Write Bitmap has successfully completed initialization. OpenVMS VAX V7.3 Installation Procedure Model: VAXserver 3900 Series System device: RA92 - _DUA0: Free Blocks: 2854566 CPU type: 10-01 3. Configurar la fecha y hora. Se va a quejar que no está licenciado. * Please enter the date and time (DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM) 15-DEC-2018 20:04 ********************************************************* %SYSTEM-W-TZGMT, your local timezone has defaulted to GMT %SYSTEM-I-SETTZ, to set your local timezone use: $ @SYS$MANAGER:UTC$TIME_SETUP.COM ********************************************************* On MIN or UPGRADE system startup - CLUE is not run. %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 15-DEC-2018 20:04:07.27 %%%%%%%%%%% Operator _OPA0: has been enabled, username SYSTEM %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 15-DEC-2018 20:04:07.28 %%%%%%%%%%% Operator status for operator _OPA0: CENTRAL, PRINTER, TAPES, DISKS, DEVICES, CARDS, NETWORK, CLUSTER, SECURITY, LICENSE, OPER1, OPER2, OPER3, OPER4, OPER5, OPER6, OPER7, OPER8, OPER9, OPER10, OPER11, OPER12 %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 15-DEC-2018 20:04:07.37 %%%%%%%%%%% Logfile has been initialized by operator _OPA0: Logfile is SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]OPERATOR.LOG;1 %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 15-DEC-2018 20:04:07.38 %%%%%%%%%%% Operator status for operator SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]OPERATOR.LOG;1 CENTRAL, PRINTER, TAPES, DISKS, DEVICES, CARDS, NETWORK, CLUSTER, SECURITY, LICENSE, OPER1, OPER2, OPER3, OPER4, OPER5, OPER6, OPER7, OPER8, OPER9, OPER10, OPER11, OPER12 %SYSTEM-I-BOOTUPGRADE, security auditing disabled %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 15-DEC-2018 20:04:09.36 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user JOB_CONTROL %JBC-E-OPENERR, error opening SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]QMAN$MASTER.DAT; %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 15-DEC-2018 20:04:09.37 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user JOB_CONTROL -RMS-E-FNF, file not found %LICENSE-F-EMTLDB, license database contains no license records %SYSTEM-I-BOOTUPGRADE, security server not started %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 15-DEC-2018 20:04:11.70 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM %LICENSE-E-NOAUTH, DEC VAX-VMS use is not authorized on this node -LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product -LICENSE-I-SYSMGR, please see your system manager %LICENSE-E-NOAUTH, DEC VAX-VMS use is not authorized on this node -LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product -LICENSE-I-SYSMGR, please see your system manager 4. Como vemos, se queja de que el sistema no está licenciado, eso lo dejaremos para más adelante. A continuación nos va a pedir una serie de parámetros y el volumen desde el que se va a instalar OpenVMS: Startup processing continuing... %SET-I-INTSET, login interactive limit = 1, current interactive value = 0 %SET-I-INTSET, login interactive limit = 0, current interactive value = 0 If this system disk is to be used in an OpenVMS Cluster with multiple system disks, then each system disk must have a unique volume label. Any nodes having system disks with duplicate volume labels will fail to boot into the cluster. You can indicate a volume label of 1 to 12 characters in length. If you want to use the default name of OVMSVAXSYS, press RETURN in response to the next question. * Enter the volume label for this system disk [OVMSVAXSYS]: * Enter name of drive holding the OpenVMS distribution media: DUA3 * Is the OpenVMS media ready to be mounted? [N] y %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, VAXVMS073 mounted on _DUA3: 5. Nos va a pedir, a continuación, el software que deseamos instalar. Decido no instalar el software de DECNet, ni el soporte de clustering, ni la parte gráfica: Select optional software you want to install. You can install one or more of the following OpenVMS or DECwindows components: o OpenVMS library - 52200 blocks o OpenVMS optional - 19000 blocks o OpenVMS Help Message - 10400 blocks o OpenVMS Management Station - 20000 blocks o DECwindows base support - 4400 blocks o DECwindows workstation support - 23800 blocks - 75 dots per inch video fonts - (included) - 100 dots per inch video fonts - 6200 blocks o DECnet-Plus networking - 80000 blocks o DECnet Phase IV networking - 800 blocks Space remaining on system disk: 2854377 blocks * Do you want to install the OpenVMS library files? (Y/N) y Space remaining on system disk: 2802177 blocks * Do you want to install the OpenVMS optional files? (Y/N) y Space remaining on system disk: 2783177 blocks The Help Message utility (MSGHLP) provides online explanations and user actions for OpenVMS messages in place of the hardcopy OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual, which is now separately orderable. The MSGHLP database file, MSGHLP$LIBRARY.MSGHLP$DATA, consumes approximately 10400 blocks and will be placed by default on your system disk in SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP] unless you specify an alternate device when prompted. * Do you want to install the MSGHLP database? (Y/N) y You can install this database on your system disk in SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP] or on an alternate device. If you specify an alternate device, but no directory, MSGHLP$LIBRARY.MSGHLP$DATA is placed in [HELP_MESSAGE]. When prompted, take the default of the system disk or specify an alternate device using this format: device:[directory] * Where do you want to install the MSGHLP database? [SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]] Space remaining on system disk: 2772777 blocks The OpenVMS Management Station is a client-server application that provides OpenVMS system management capabilities through a client application on a personal computer (PC) running Microsoft Windows. The server application runs on OpenVMS systems and is automatically installed as part of the OpenVMS operating system. This option provides the files used to install the PC client software. If you want to use the OpenVMS Management Station, you must install these optional files on at least one OpenVMS system and then use one or both of them to install the PC client on one or more PCs. There are two files: TNT030_I.EXE for Intel systems (Windows 95 and Windows NT), and TNT030_A.EXE for Alpha Windows NT systems. The OpenVMS Management Station optional files consume approximately 20000 blocks and will be placed on your system disk in SYS$COMMON:[TNT.CLIENT]. * Do you want to install the optional OpenVMS Management Station files? (Y/N) y Space remaining on system disk: 2752777 blocks You can select DECwindows now, or you can use the DECW$TAILOR utility to provide or remove DECwindows support after the installation. Some media, TK50s in particular, can be very slow when tailoring on files. You might want to select DECwindows now and tailor off unwanted files later. NOTE: This kit does NOT contain full DECwindows. To obtain full DECwindows, you must also install the separate layered product, DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX. V1.2-3 is the minimum version of DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX that can be used with OpenVMS VAX V7.3. The DECwindows components provided in this kit requires approximately 34400 blocks, broken down as follows: o DECwindows base support - 4400 blocks o DECwindows workstation support - 23800 blocks - 75 dots per inch video fonts - (included) - 100 dots per inch video fonts (optional) - 6200 blocks You must select the DECwindows base support option if - you plan to run DECwindows software, or - you are installing this kit on * a workstation or * an OpenVMS Cluster that contains workstations, or - you want to provide font files for Xterminals. If you are installing this kit on a system that includes Xterminals and you do NOT select DECwindows base support, then you will have to use the DECW$TAILOR utility to provide font files. * Do you want the DECwindows base support? (Y/N) n Beginning with OpenVMS V7.1, the DECnet-Plus kit is provided with the OpenVMS operating system kit. Compaq strongly recommends that DECnet users install DECnet-Plus. DECnet Phase IV applications are supported by DECnet-Plus. DECnet Phase IV is also provided as an option. Support for DECnet Phase IV is available through a Prior Version Support Contract. If you install DECnet-Plus and TCP/IP you can run DECnet applications over a TCP/IP network. Please see the OpenVMS Management Guide for information on running DECnet over TCI/IP. If you plan to install DECnet Phase IV do NOT select DECnet-Plus. * Do you want to install DECnet-Plus? (Y/N) n * Do you want to install DECnet Phase IV? (Y/N) n The following options will be provided: OpenVMS library OpenVMS optional OpenVMS Help Message OpenVMS Management Station Software -- PC files Space remaining on system disk: 2752777 blocks * Is this correct? (Y/N) y Restoring OpenVMS library save set ... %BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass Restoring OpenVMS optional save set ... %BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass Restoring OpenVMS Help Message save set ... %BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass Restoring OpenVMS Management Station Software -- PC files %BACKUP-I-STARTVERIFY, starting verification pass Now registering the OpenVMS operating system in the POLYCENTER Software Installation product database The following product will be registered: DEC VAXVMS VMS V7.3 DISK$VAXVMSV73:[VMS$COMMON.] The following product has been registered: DEC VAXVMS VMS V7.3 Transition (registration) You can now remove the distribution kit from DUA3:. In an OpenVMS Cluster, you can run multiple systems sharing all files except PAGEFILE.SYS, SWAPFILE.SYS, SYSDUMP.DMP, and VAXVMSSYS.PAR. Cluster configuration cannot be done at this time because no network is present. In order to configure a cluster you must FIRST do one or both of the following: o Install DECnet-Plus (or DECnet Phase IV), or o Execute SYS$STARTUP:LAN$STARTUP.COM by removing the comment delimiter ("!") from the line $! @SYS$STARTUP:LAN$STARTUP in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. Then configure the cluster by executing the following command: @ @SYS$MANAGER:CLUSTER_CONFIG See the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Essentials for more information. 6. A continuación, establecemos las contraseñas de cuentas importantes, nos proporciona una serie de consejos y acciones a realizar: Now we will ask you for new passwords for the following accounts: SYSTEM, SYSTEST, FIELD Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters in length. All passwords will be checked and verified. Any passwords that can be guessed easily will not be accepted. * Enter password for SYSTEM: * Re-enter for verification: %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMS-I-PWD_OKAY, account password for SYSTEM verified * Enter password for SYSTEST: * Re-enter for verification: %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMS-I-PWD_OKAY, account password for SYSTEST verified The SYSTEST_CLIG account will be disabled. You must re-enable it before running UETP but do not assign a password. %UAF-I-PWDLESSMIN, new password is shorter than minimum password length %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated * Enter password for FIELD: * Re-enter for verification: %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMS-I-PWD_OKAY, account password for FIELD verified Creating RIGHTS database file, SYS$SYSTEM:RIGHTSLIST.DAT Ignore any "-SYSTEM-F-DUPIDENT, duplicate identifier" errors. %UAF-I-RDBCREMSG, rights database created %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier DEFAULT value [000200,000200] added to rights database %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier FIELD value [000001,000010] added to rights database %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier SYSTEM value [000001,000004] added to rights database %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier SYSTEST value [000001,000007] added to rights database %UAF-E-RDBADDERRU, unable to add SYSTEST_CLIG value [000001,000007] to rights database -SYSTEM-F-DUPIDENT, duplicate identifier %UAF-I-NOMODS, no modifications made to system authorization file %UAF-I-RDBDONEMSG, rights database modified Creating MODPARAMS.DAT database file, SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT * Please enter the SCSNODE name: TCVAX * Please enter the SCSSYSTEMID: 1025 After the installation finishes, you might want to do one or more of the following tasks: o DECOMPRESS THE SYSTEM LIBRARIES - To save space, many of the system libraries are shipped in a data-compressed format. If you have enough disk space, you can decompress the libraries for faster access. To data expand the libraries, type: $ @SYS$UPDATE:LIBDECOMP.COM If you do not decompress these libraries, you will experience slower response to the HELP and LINK commands. o BUILD A STANDALONE BACKUP KIT - You can build a standalone backup kit using the procedure described in the "Backup Procedures" chapter of tye upgrade and installation supplement provided for your VAX computer. o TAILOR THE SYSTEM DISK - You might want to review the files provided or not provided during this installation. If you find there are files you want to remove from the system disk (TAILOR OFF) or files you want to add (TAILOR ON), use the following utilities to perform the desired tailoring. OpenVMS tailoring: $ RUN SYS$UPDATE:VMSTAILOR DECwindows tailoring: $ RUN SYS$UPDATE:DECW$TAILOR NOTE: The tailor procedure cannot be used to TAILOR ON or TAILOR OFF files located on an alternate disk. 7. A continuación, nos pregunta si queremos registrar el producto y le contestamos que no, en el siguiente boot cargaremos el PAK con las licencias: ================================================================= Continuing with OpenVMS VAX V7.3 Installation Procedure. Configuring all devices on the system ... If you have Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) to register, you can register them now. * Do you want to register any Product Authorization Keys? (Y/N): n ******************************************************************************** After the system has rebooted you must register any Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) that you have received with this kit. You can register these PAKs by executing the following procedure: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE See the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual for any additional information you need. ******************************************************************************** 8. En el siguiente paso, vamos a configurar la zona horaria y, finaliza la instalación prometiendo que va a arrancar de nuevo (cosa que no hace): %UTC-I-UPDTIME, updating Time Zone information in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] Configuring the Local Time Zone TIME ZONE SPECIFICATION -- Main Time Zone Menu 1) Australia 11) GMT 21) Mexico 31) Turkey 2) Brazil 12) Greenwich 22) NZ 32) UCT 3) CET 13) Hong Kong 23) NZ-CHAT 33) US 4) Canada 14) Iceland 24) Navajo 34) UTC 5) Chile 15) Iran 25) PRC 35) Universal 6) Cuba 16) Israel 26) Poland 36) W-SU 7) EET 17) Jamaica 27) ROC 37) WET 8) Egypt 18) Japan 28) ROK 38) Zulu 9) Factory 19) Libya 29) Singapore 10) GB-Eire 20) MET 30) SystemV 0) None of the above Select the number above that best describes your location: 20 You selected MET as your time zone. Is this correct? (Yes/No) [YES]: Default Time Differential Factor for standard time is 1:00. Default Time Differential Factor for daylight saving time is 2:00. Is Daylight Savings time in effect? (Yes/No): n Enter the Time Differential Factor [1:00]: NEW SYSTEM TIME DIFFERENTIAL FACTOR = 1:00. Is this correct? [Y]: ******************************************************************************** Running AUTOGEN to compute the new SYSTEM parameters ... %AUTOGEN-I-BEGIN, GETDATA phase is beginning. %AUTOGEN-I-NEWFILE, A new version of SYS$SYSTEM:PARAMS.DAT has been created. You may wish to purge this file. %AUTOGEN-I-END, GETDATA phase has successfully completed. %AUTOGEN-I-BEGIN, GENPARAMS phase is beginning. %AUTOGEN-I-NEWFILE, A new version of SYS$MANAGER:VMSIMAGES.DAT has been created. You may wish to purge this file. %AUTOGEN-I-NEWFILE, A new version of SYS$SYSTEM:SETPARAMS.DAT has been created. You may wish to purge this file. %AUTOGEN-I-END, GENPARAMS phase has successfully completed. %AUTOGEN-I-BEGIN, GENFILES phase is beginning. %SYSGEN-I-EXTENDED, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]PAGEFILE.SYS;1 extended %SYSGEN-I-EXTENDED, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]SWAPFILE.SYS;1 extended %SYSGEN-I-CREATED, SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]SYSDUMP.DMP;1 created %SYSGEN-I-CREATED, DUA0:[SYS0.SYSEXE]ERRORLOG.DMP;1 created %AUTOGEN-I-REPORT, AUTOGEN has produced some informational messages which have been stored in the file SYS$SYSTEM:AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT. You may wish to review the information in that file. %AUTOGEN-I-END, GENFILES phase has successfully completed. %AUTOGEN-I-BEGIN, SETPARAMS phase is beginning. %AUTOGEN-I-END, SETPARAMS phase has successfully completed. %AUTOGEN-I-BEGIN, REBOOT phase is beginning. The system is shutting down to allow the system to boot with the generated site-specific parameters and installed images. The system will automatically reboot after the shutdown and the installation will be complete. SHUTDOWN -- Perform an Orderly System Shutdown %SHUTDOWN-I-BOOTCHECK, performing reboot consistency check... %SHUTDOWN-I-CHECKOK, basic reboot consistency check completed %SHUTDOWN-I-OPERATOR, this terminal is now an operator's console %OPCOM-W-NOOPCOM, the request was not sent, the OPCOM process is not running %SHUTDOWN-I-DISLOGINS, interactive logins will now be disabled %SET-I-INTSET, login interactive limit = 0, current interactive value = 0 %SHUTDOWN-I-STOPQUEUES, the queues on this node will now be stopped %JBC-E-OPENERR, error opening SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]QMAN$MASTER.DAT; -RMS-E-FNF, file not found SHUTDOWN message from user SYSTEM at Batch 20:24:36 The system will shut down in 0 minutes; back up SOON. Please log off. Reboot system with AUTOGENerated parameters %SHUTDOWN-I-STOPUSER, all user processes will now be stopped %SHUTDOWN-I-REMOVE, all installed images will now be removed %SHUTDOWN-I-DISMOUNT, all volumes will now be dismounted %OPCOM-W-NOOPCOM, the request was not sent, the OPCOM process is not running %OPCOM-W-NOOPCOM, the request was not sent, the OPCOM process is not running HALT instruction, PC: 8443B709 (MOVB 400(R1),R0) sim> Simulation stopped, PC: 839ABD36 (ASHL #1,R3,R0) Hasta aquí la instalación de OpenVMS. Ahora voy a intentar instalar la licencia. La licencia es un fichero de comandos ejecutable por lo que lo que tengo es que intentar hacerlo llegar al sistema de archivos de OpenVMS. Antes de nada, voy a intentar rearrancar el sistema. Para ver si funciona: La secuencia de mensajes, durante el arranque de OpenVMS es: (BOOT/R5:0 DUA0 2.. -DUA0 1..0.. %SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT Mapping the SYSDUMP.DMP on the System Disk %SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT SYSDUMP.DMP on System Disk successfully mapped %SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT Mapping PAGEFILE.SYS on the System Disk %SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT SAVEDUMP parameter not set to protect the PAGEFILE.SYS OpenVMS (TM) VAX Version V7.3 Major version id = 1 Minor version id = 0 %WBM-I-WBMINFO Write Bitmap has successfully completed initialization. $! Copyright 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation. %STDRV-I-STARTUP, OpenVMS startup begun at 16-DEC-2018 10:02:25.02 %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 00000206 %DCL-S-SPAWNED, process SYSTEM_1 spawned %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 16-DEC-2018 10:02:46.13 %%%%%%%%%%% Operator _TCVAX$OPA0: has been enabled, username SYSTEM %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 16-DEC-2018 10:02:46.14 %%%%%%%%%%% Operator status for operator _TCVAX$OPA0: CENTRAL, PRINTER, TAPES, DISKS, DEVICES, CARDS, NETWORK, CLUSTER, SECURITY, LICENSE, OPER1, OPER2, OPER3, OPER4, OPER5, OPER6, OPER7, OPER8, OPER9, OPER10, OPER11, OPER12 %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 16-DEC-2018 10:02:46.44 %%%%%%%%%%% Logfile has been initialized by operator _TCVAX$OPA0: Logfile is TCVAX::SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]OPERATOR.LOG;2 %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 16-DEC-2018 10:02:46.44 %%%%%%%%%%% Operator status for operator TCVAX::SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]OPERATOR.LOG;2 CENTRAL, PRINTER, TAPES, DISKS, DEVICES, CARDS, NETWORK, CLUSTER, SECURITY, LICENSE, OPER1, OPER2, OPER3, OPER4, OPER5, OPER6, OPER7, OPER8, OPER9, OPER10, OPER11, OPER12 %SET-I-NEWAUDSRV, identification of new audit server process is 0000020C %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 16-DEC-2018 10:02:47.54 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user JOB_CONTROL on TCVAX %JBC-E-OPENERR, error opening SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]QMAN$MASTER.DAT; %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 16-DEC-2018 10:02:47.54 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user JOB_CONTROL on TCVAX -RMS-E-FNF, file not found %LICENSE-F-EMTLDB, license database contains no license records %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 16-DEC-2018 10:02:49.19 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on TCVAX %SECSRV-E-NOPROXYDB, cannot find proxy database file NET$PROXY.DAT %RMS-E-FNF, file not found %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 16-DEC-2018 10:02:49.22 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on TCVAX %SECSRV-E-NOPROXYDB, cannot find proxy database file NET$PROXY.DAT %RMS-E-FNF, file not found %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 16-DEC-2018 10:02:49.28 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on TCVAX %SECSRV-I-CIACRECLUDB, security server created cluster intrusion database %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 16-DEC-2018 10:02:49.29 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on TCVAX %SECSRV-I-SERVERSTARTINGU, security server starting up %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 16-DEC-2018 10:02:49.37 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on TCVAX %SECSRV-I-CIASTARTINGUP, breakin detection and evasion processing now starting up %SMG-W-GBLNOTCRE, global section not created -SYSTEM-F-GPTFULL, global page table is full %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 16-DEC-2018 10:02:51.06 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on TCVAX %LICENSE-E-NOAUTH, DEC VAX-VMS use is not authorized on this node -LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product -LICENSE-I-SYSMGR, please see your system manager %LICENSE-E-NOAUTH, DEC VAX-VMS use is not authorized on this node -LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product -LICENSE-I-SYSMGR, please see your system manager Startup processing continuing... %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 16-DEC-2018 10:02:51.81 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user SYSTEM on TCVAX Warning: DECdtm log file not found (SYS$JOURNAL:SYSTEM$TCVAX.LM$JOURNAL) %RMS-E-FNF, file not found TP server process waiting %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 16-DEC-2018 10:02:53.71 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user AUDIT$SERVER on TCVAX Security alarm (SECURITY) and security audit (SECURITY) on TCVAX, system id: 1025 Auditable event: Audit server starting up Event time: 16-DEC-2018 10:02:53.55 PID: 00000203 Username: SYSTEM %STARTUP-I-AUDITCONTINUE, audit server initialization complete The OpenVMS VAX system is now executing the site-specific startup commands. %SET-I-INTSET, login interactive limit = 64, current interactive value = 0 SYSTEM job terminated at 16-DEC-2018 10:02:55.32 Accounting information: Buffered I/O count: 1134 Peak working set size: 1791 Direct I/O count: 499 Peak page file size: 4924 Page faults: 3385 Mounted volumes: 0 Charged CPU time: 0 00:00:22.56 Elapsed time: 0 00:00:30.76 Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) VAX Operating System, Version V7.3 Username: De entrada, observo que la hora está mal configurada, el sistema tiene una hora menos que la que debería. Procedo a hacer logon en el sistema y aparece una pantalla ancha con el prompt de VAX (‘$’): El fichero de licencias es un fichero de texto de más de 2000 líneas que tiene una serie de comandos VAX. Voy a intentar hacer un copia y pega desde un editor del PC al editor de VAX dentro de la simulación. Para ello, lanzo el comando: $ EDIT PACKS.COM Se abre el editor, copio las líneas del fichero de licencias desde el Notepad++ del PC y, en la ventana del terminal, al pulsar el botón de la derecha del ratón, se pegan las líneas. Tarda un ratito y, una vez pegadas pulso Ctrl-Z para salvar el fichero y, ahí está: Lo último que me queda es activar la licencia ejecutando el fichero de comandos: $ @PACKS.COM La ejecución del fichero de comandos se toma su tiempo y cuando finaliza voy a reiniciar la máquina para terminar la configuración: $ @SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN Las últimas tareas que voy a realizar (por ahora) son configurar los otros dos discos que tengo en el sistema. Voy a ejecutar los comandos siguientes (tendré que configurar esto para que el montaje se haga en cada uno de los arranques): Por ahora nada más. Bajarme la documentación y recordar DCL. Instalando software en OpenVMS (I) Ya tengo mi OpenVMS ejecutándose en el simulador simh de la Raspberry Pi. Ahora, lo que voy a hacer, es ver cómo se instala un paquete de software en OpenVMS. Mi experiencia con VAX era de desarrollador, no de administrador de sistemas y no recuerdo nada de como se instalan paquetes de software. Para empezar, voy a intentar instalar el paquete DECSet que comprende una serie de herramientas para desarrollo, entre otras, el editor LSE. Uno de los módulos software que me descargué era precisamente DECSet. En primer lugar, el paquete que me descargué es un archivo zip, miro los contenidos y veo que son una serie de ficheros con extensiones de la a a la j y un fichero con extensión .txt Al parecer, es un fichero para SO VAX/VMS. Hasta aquí todo bien, pero tengo la duda de cómo hacer llegar este fichero a mi instancia de OpenVMS ejecutándose en el simulador en una Raspberry Pi. En el OpenVMS no tengo servidor FTP así que creo que la mejor forma es creando una imagen .iso y montándola en la unidad de CD que tiene la instancia simulada. La segunda duda es si creo el ISO con el .zip o si lo descomprimo y creo el ISO con los ficheros que contiene. Me inclino, en principio, por la segunda opción pero antes, voy a comprobar que mi sistema tiene un unzip porque si no la cagada es monumental. Arranco la máquina virtual y veo que no hay UNZIP así que, a por la segunda opción. Mediante WinSCP copio el fichero zip de mi PC al directorio home de la raspi y hago un unzip del fichero en un directorio creado ad-hoc: Hasta ahora, todo bien. A continuación creo la imagen ISO con la utilidad genisoimage que previamente había instalado en la raspi: Compruebo si el ISO está bien creado: He conseguido montar la imagen en raspbian y accedo a su contenido. Esto tiene buena pinta. El siguiente paso consiste en copiar la imagen al directorio /usr/local/vax/images y editar el fichero /usr/local/vax/data/openvms.ini modificándolo para que la unidad de CDROM virtual monte esta ISO. Ahora, arranco el OpenVMS, me logo en el sistema y miro si los ficheros copiados son accesibles: Si miro los dispositivos veo que la unidad de CDROM (DUA3:) no está montada: Procedo a montarla y tras varias y repetidas cagadas encuentro el comando que lo hace: Tengo que recordar que el directorio raíz de la unidad es el [000000]. El primer paso de la instalación que era tener acceso a los instalables está conseguido, ahora a por el segundo la instalación del software. A ver si se da igual. Instalando software en OpenVMS (II) En la anterior entrada conseguí configurar la simulación para tener un paquete de software accesible para la simulación. En concreto, el paquete DECSet que tiene una serie de herramientas para desarrollo. El objeto de este post es ver los pasos a seguir para instalar el software. Afortunadamente hay un manual detallado de instalación de ese paquete que voy a intentar seguir al pie de la letra. En la anterior entrada dejábamos el CDROM creado con el instalable montado en la máquina virtual: En primer lugar compruebo que el sistema tenga suficientes recursos para la instalación: Parece que la cosa no pinta bien, en el manual dice como asignar recursos con la utilidad autogen así que me pongo a ello. Para empezar, edito el fichero SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT y añado las líneas correspondientes a los parámetros MIN_GBLPAGES y MIN_GBLSECTIONS. A continuación utilizo AUTOGEN para generar los parámetros del sistema y rearrancar: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT Una vez rearranca, compruebo que ahora hay más recursos: Ahora empieza la parte divertida. Tengo que instalar el paquete que es un fichero ZIP y tengo que llevarme el paquete al OpenVMS. Ahora mismo no tengo ninguna manera de hacerlo a través de la red así que, el único medio que tengo disponible es la unidad de CDROM virtual. La estrategia que voy a seguir comprende: 1. Transfiero el paquete a instalar (fichero a la Raspi usando WinSCP. 2. En la Raspi descomprimo el paquete en un directorio. 3. Empleando el programa genisoimage creo una imagen ISO con los contenidos del paquete. 4. Monto la imagen ISO así creada en la unidad de CD virtual del OpenVMS. 5. Arranco el OpenVMS y monto la unidad de CD. Copio los contenidos a un directorio de uno de los discos duros y desde ese directorio realizo la instalación. Bien, pues todo este procedimiento no funciona. Al hacer el unzip en Raspbian al parecer se estropea la estructura de los ficheros del paquete de instalación y al crear la imagen ISO se truncan los nombres de los ficheros a formato 8.3. Tras varias consultas en foros, intentos de reparación de los ficheros y pruebas varias no llego a ninguna parte de esta forma. Así que, con la ayuda de varios foreros, cambio mi estrategia a lo siguiente: 1. Obtengo el programa UNZIP para OpenVMS. 2. Transfiero a la Raspi, usando WinSCP el programa UNZIP y el fichero con el paquete a instalar. 3. En la Raspi creo una imagen con el programa UNZIP y el zip con el paquete. 4. Monto la imagen en OpenVMS 5. Arranco OpenVMS y copio los contenidos de la imagen creada a un directorio temporal 6. Hago el unzip del paquete 7. Instalo Voy a ir detallando paso a paso lo que he ido haciendo para no olvidarlo. 1. Obtener UNZIP (y ZIP) para OpenVMS Afortunadamente, desde el foro de VMS me dirigen a este repositorio donde hay una version binaria de Unzip que descargo. Aprovechando que ya estamos, vuelvo a descargar la imagen de DECSet a instalar, esta vez comprobando los MD5 para garantizar que el fichero se descarga correctamente: Por ahora, todo bien. 2. Transfiero los ficheros a la Raspberry: 3. Creo la imagen ISO: pi@rpiopenvms:~ $ ls -l total 13720 -rw-r--r--  1 pi pi 13858278 Dec 18 21:49 drwxr-xr-x  2 pi pi     4096 Dec 18 17:50 iso drwxr-xr-x 46 pi pi     4096 Dec 15 14:34 simh-master -rw-r--r--  1 pi pi   178688 Dec 20 20:28 unzip-vax-73-v0600.exe pi@rpiopenvms:~ $ mkdir decset pi@rpiopenvms:~ $ mv decset pi@rpiopenvms:~ $ mv unzip-vax-73-v0600.exe decset pi@rpiopenvms:~ $ genisoimage -V decset -o decset.iso decset I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings) 71.13% done, estimate finish Fri Dec 21 15:15:31 2018 Total translation table size: 0 Total rockridge attributes bytes: 0 Total directory bytes: 0 Path table size(bytes): 10 Max brk space used 0 7029 extents written (13 MB) pi@rpiopenvms:~ $ sudo mount -o loop decset.iso iso mount: /dev/loop0 is write-protected, mounting read-only pi@rpiopenvms:~ $ ls -l iso total 13708 -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 13858278 Dec 18 21:49 -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root   178688 Dec 20 20:28 unzip_va.exe pi@rpiopenvms:~ $   Bien, he conseguido crear la imagen pero veo que se han truncado los nombres de ficheros en la imagen a 8.3. Esto tengo que tenerlo en cuenta en el siguiente paso. 4. Montar la imagen en el OpenVMS El primer paso es copiar la imagen al directorio donde almaceno las imágenes: pi@rpiopenvms:~ $ sudo mv decset.iso /usr/local/vax/images pi@rpiopenvms:~ $ cd /usr/local/vax/data pi@rpiopenvms:/usr/local/vax/data $ vi openvms.ini Edito el fichero openvms.ini para configurar que la máquina monte la imagen recién creada en la unidad de CDROM: 5. Arrancar OpenVMS y montar el disco pi@rpiopenvms:/usr/local/vax/data $ cd ../bin pi@rpiopenvms:/usr/local/vax/bin $ sudo ./vax /usr/local/vax/data/openvms.ini MicroVAX 3900 simulator V4.0-0 Current git commit id: c2b45a26 /usr/local/vax/data/openvms.ini-5> attach nvr /usr/local/vax/data/nvram.bin NVR: buffering file in memory /usr/local/vax/data/openvms.ini-20> attach rq0 /usr/local/vax/data/d0.dsk RQ0: '/usr/local/vax/data/d0.dsk' Contains ODS2 File system RQ0: Volume Name: OVMSVAXSYS Format: DECFILE11B Sectors In Volume: 2940951 /usr/local/vax/data/openvms.ini-21> attach rq1 /usr/local/vax/data/d1.dsk RQ1: '/usr/local/vax/data/d1.dsk' Contains ODS2 File system RQ1: Volume Name: DATA1 Format: DECFILE11B Sectors In Volume: 2940951 /usr/local/vax/data/openvms.ini-22> attach rq2 /usr/local/vax/data/d2.dsk RQ2: '/usr/local/vax/data/d2.dsk' Contains ODS2 File system RQ2: Volume Name: DATA2 Format: DECFILE11B Sectors In Volume: 2940951 /usr/local/vax/data/openvms.ini-25> attach -r rq3 /usr/local/vax/images/decset.iso RQ3: unit is read only KA655-B V5.3, VMB 2.7 Performing normal system tests. 40..39..38..37..36..35..34..33..32..31..30..29..28..27..26..25.. 24..23..22..21..20..19..18..17..16..15..14..13..12..11..10..09.. 08..07..06..05..04..03.. Tests completed. >>>boot Una vez arranca, hago login en OpenVMS y monto la unidad de CDROM: $ MOUNT/OVERRIDE=IDENT DUA3 %MOUNT-I-WRITELOCK, volume is write locked %MOUNT-I-CDROM_ISO, decset: (1 of 1) , mounted on _TCVAX$DUA3: $ dir DUA3:[000000] Directory DUA3:[000000] DECSET_1.ZIP;1 UNZIP_VA.EXE;1 Total of 2 files. $ Creo dos directorios en DUA1: • UTILS que va a contener el programa UNZIP • DECSET_TMP donde voy a copiar el fichero .zip Copio a estos directorios los correspondientes ficheros: $ create/dir dua1:[UTILS] $ create/dir dua1:[DECSET_TMP] $ set def dua1:[UTILS] $ copy dua3:[000000]UN*.* [] $ dir Directory DUA1:[UTILS] UNZIP_VA.EXE;1 Total of 1 file. $ set def dua1:[decset_tmp] $ show def DUA1:[DECSET_TMP] $ copy dua3:[000000]*.zip [] $ dir Directory DUA1:[DECSET_TMP] DECSET_1.ZIP;1 Total of 1 file. $ A continuación creo un símbolo para poder ejecutar UNZIP: $ UNZIP :== $dua1:[UTILS]UNZIP_VA.EXE $ show symbol UNZIP UNZIP == "$DUA1:[UTILS]UNZIP_VA.EXE" $ unzip UnZip 6.00 of 20 April 2009, by Info-ZIP. For more details see: unzip -v. Usage: unzip [-Z] [-opts[modifiers]] file[.zip] [list] [-x xlist] [-d exdir] Default action is to extract files in list, except those in xlist, to exdir; file[.zip] may be a wildcard. -Z => ZipInfo mode ("unzip -Z" for usage). => define foreign command symbol in LOGIN.COM: $ unzip :== $dev:[dir]unzip.exe -p extract files to pipe, no messages -l list files (short format) -f freshen existing files, create none -t test compressed archive data -u update files, create if necessary -z display archive comment only -v list verbosely/show version info -T timestamp archive to latest -x exclude files that follow (in xlist) -d extract files into exdir modifiers: -n never overwrite or make a new version of an existing file -o always make a new version (-oo: overwrite original) of an existing file -q quiet mode (-qq => quieter) -a auto-convert any text files -j junk paths (do not make directories) -aa treat ALL files as text -C match filenames case-insensitively -L make (some) names lowercase -X restore owner/ACL protection info -V retain VMS version numbers -Y treat ".nnn" as ";nnn" version -2 force ODS2 names --D restore dir (-D: no) timestamps -M pipe through "more" pager (Must quote upper-case options, like "-V", unless SET PROC/PARSE=EXTEND.) See "unzip -hh" or unzip.txt for more help. Examples: unzip data1 -x joe => extract all files except joe from zipfile unzip "-V" foo "Bar" (Quote names to preserve case, unless SET PROC/PARS=EXT) unzip -fo foo vms.c => quietly replace existing vms.c if archive file newer $ 6. Desomprimir el paquete Bien, ahora voy a descomprimir el paquete de instalación. Primero lo renombro a su nombre no truncado: $ set def [DECSET_TMP] $ dir Directory DUA1:[DECSET_TMP] DECSET_1.ZIP;1 Total of 1 file. $ rename DECSET_1.ZIP DECSET_122A.ZIP $ dir Directory DUA1:[DECSET_TMP] DECSET_122A.ZIP;1 Total of 1 file. $ unzip DECSET_122A.ZIP Archive: DUA1:[DECSET_TMP]DECSET_122A.ZIP;1 inflating: DECSET_A122.A inflating: DECSET_A122.B inflating: DECSET_A122.C inflating: DECSET_A122.D inflating: DECSET_A122.E inflating: DECSET_A122.F inflating: DECSET_A122.G inflating: DECSET_A122.H inflating: DECSET_A122.I inflating: DECSET_A122.J inflating: DECSET_A122_IGUIDE.TXT $ delete %DELETE-E-DELVER, explicit version number or wild card required $ delete;* $ Parece que todo ha ido OK. Ahora sólo una pequeña comprobación de que los ficheros del paquete de instalación son correctos: $ BACKUP /LIST DECSET_A122.A /SAVE Listing of save set(s) Save set: DECSET_A122.A Written by: RAMSHAW UIC: [001000,001017] Date: 29-JUN-1999 15:28:06.64 Command: BAC [.FILES]*.* DECSET_A122.A/SAV Operating system: OpenVMS VAX version V6.2 BACKUP version: V6.2 CPU ID register: 12000003 Node name: _EDSDS8:: Written on: _$15$DKA400: Block size: 32256 Group size: 10 Buffer count: 247 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]CHECK_COMM_LANG.TPU;1 3 4-JUN-1997 18:12 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]CMS$DW_IMAGES.DAT;1 1 1-MAR-1989 12:36 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]CMS$DW_NOTIMAGES.DAT;1 1 29-SEP-1995 14:13 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]CMS$IMAGES.DAT;1 1 31-OCT-1996 15:24 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]CMS$IVP.COM;1 16 26-JUN-1997 16:02 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]CMS$KITINSTAL.COM;1 50 30-JUN-1997 17:06 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]CMS039.RELEASE_NOTES;1 139 27-JUN-1997 16:04 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]DECSET122A.RELEASE_NOTES;1 637 28-JUN-1999 08:05 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]DTM$KITINSTAL.COM;1 64 30-JUN-1997 17:07 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]DTM038.RELEASE_NOTES;1 80 27-JUN-1997 16:34 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]ENVMGR$KITINSTAL.COM;1 47 20-JUN-1997 10:16 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]ENVMGR$KITVERSION.COM;1 3 20-JUN-1997 12:13 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]ENVMGR012.RELEASE_NOTES;1 62 27-JUN-1997 16:04 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]KITINSTAL.COM;1 55 29-JUN-1999 15:18 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]KITVERSION.COM;1 3 28-JUN-1999 08:11 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]LSE$KITINSTAL.COM;1 91 30-JUN-1997 17:06 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]LSE045.RELEASE_NOTES;1 102 27-JUN-1997 16:33 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]MMS$DW_HELP.HLB;1 207 20-JUN-1997 12:33 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]MMS$KITINSTAL.COM;1 62 30-JUN-1997 17:15 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]MMS$PROFILE.VUE$DAT;1 1 13-DEC-1994 18:00 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]MMS$VUE.COM;1 4 13-DEC-1994 18:08 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]MMS.HLP;1 80 20-JUN-1997 12:34 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]MMS032.RELEASE_NOTES;1 122 27-JUN-1997 16:05 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]PCA$KITINSTAL.COM;1 39 30-JUN-1997 13:53 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]PCA$KITVERSION.COM;1 5 27-JUN-1997 11:05 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]PCA$SYSTEM_BUILDDEFS.COM;1 3 27-JUN-1997 14:22 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]PCA045.RELEASE_NOTES;1 99 27-JUN-1997 16:05 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]SCA$KITINSTAL.COM;1 114 20-JUN-1997 09:08 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]SCA$KITPARAMS.COM;1 4 20-JUN-1997 15:19 [DECSET_STAGING.DECSET.V12_2A.SSB.VAX.KIT.FILES]SCA045.RELEASE_NOTES;1 57 27-JUN-1997 16:55 Total of 30 files, 2152 blocks End of save set $ Parece que todo ha ido bien. La instalación en el siguiente post. Instalando software en OpenVMS (y III) En la entrada anterior había dejado todo listo para la instalación del paquete DECSet. En esta entrada voy a detallar el proceso de instalación del paquete. De las distintas utilidades que tiene el paquete, voy a instalar dos: • El editor LSE • El sistema de gestión de código CMS. Voy a ir copiando y comentando las entradas y salidas del proceso de instalación. Recordar que el paquete con los ficheros se encuentra en la localización DUA1:[DECSET_TMP]. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DECSET_A122 dua1:[DECSET_TMP] OPTIONS N OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.3 It is 21-DEC-2018 at 16:44. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: DECSET_A V12.2 Beginning installation of DECSET_A V12.2 at 16:44 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 4 * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? yes %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. ******************************************************************************** - DECset V12.2A Collective Installation Procedure - This is a collective installation procedure for the DECset components. This procedure first asks which DECset components to install. Then it checks the system resources required to perform the installation of all the components selected. If there are enough system resources, it will perform serial installation for each of the component you have selected. If the system resources are not enough for all components, it will inform the user about insufficient system resources but continues to install as many components as possible. This will allow user to later install only those components which were not installed in the previous attempt. ******************************************************************************** Copyright ¦ Digital Equipment Corporation 1992, 1999. All rights reserved. Copyright ¦ Electronic Data Systems Limited 1994, 1999. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DECset V12.2A for OpenVMS VAX systems is a release in support of customers wanting a Year2000 compliant version of DECset running on OpenVMS V5.5-2 VAX systems. See the product SPD or the Compaq Y2K Web page for specific Compaq Year2000 compliance information. Please be sure that you intend to install this version of DECset on your system before proceeding with this installation. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ These are the options provided by this collective installation procedure: DECset components: - all the DECset components - Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) - Source Code Analyzer (SCA) - Code Management System (CMS) - DIGITAL Test Manager (DTM) - Performance and Coverage Analyzer (PCA) - Module Management System (MMS) Please choose your option(s): * Do you want all the DECset components [NO]? * Do you want Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) [NO]? yes * Do you want Source Code Analyzer (SCA) [NO]? * Do you want Code Management System (CMS) [NO]? yes * Do you want DIGITAL Test Manager (DTM) [NO]? * Do you want Performance and Coverage Analyzer (PCA) [NO]? * Do you want Module Management System (MMS) [NO]? These are the selections you have made: - Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) - Code Management System (CMS) * Would you like to reselect your options ? [NO]? %DECSET_A-I-AGGREGATE, Checking resources required to install selected products. %DECSET_A-I-START_AENVMGR, The following questions relate to ENVMGR installation. The DECset Environment Manager consists of: A run-time component used by DECset layered products, a DCL interface, and a DECwindows interface. The DCL and DECwindows interface components are optional. * Do you want to install the interface components [Y]? n * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? %DECSET_A-I-START_ACMS, The following questions relate to CMS installation. * Do you also wish to install the CMS DECwindows interface [YES]? n * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Product: VAXSET Producer: DEC Version: 12.2 Release Date: 01-APR-1996 Product: CMS Producer: DEC Version: 3.9 Release Date: 01-APR-1996 * Is one of these authorization keys registered and loaded? y * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? %DECSET_A-I-DONEASK, You have answered all the questions for CMS installation %DECSET_A-I-START_ALSE, The following questions relate to LSE installation. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Please note that the total system disk space consumed by the unsupported LSE source files is approximately 16,000 blocks. Digital recommends not to answer yes to the following prompt if you are constrained by the free space available on your system disk. * Would you like to install the unsupported LSE source files [NO]? The version of LSE that is currently being installed has two command languages: the VMSLSE command language, and the PORTABLE command language. The VMSLSE command language is the command language that is present in versions of LSE prior to V4.0. The PORTABLE command language is a new command language that will be LSE's command language on platforms other than VMS. If you would like to have the PORTABLE command language as the system-wide default command language, you should accept PORTABLE as the default command language. If you would like to have the VMSLSE command language that was present in versions of LSE prior to V4.0 as your system-wide default command language, you should specify VMSLSE as the default command language. Individual users may override the system default command language. See the release notes for more information. * Do you want default command language to be PORTABLE or VMSLSE [PORTABLE]: Product: VAXSET Producer: DEC Version: 12.2 Release Date: 01-APR-1996 Product: LSE Producer: DEC Version: 4.5 Release Date: 01-APR-1996 * Is one of these authorization keys registered and loaded? y Language templates for Ada, BASIC, BLISS, C, COBOL, CXX, FORTRAN, FORTRAN 90, MACRO, Pascal, PL/I , and VAXC as well as templates for the LSE command languages are included in this kit. Templates for other languages that support LSE and are not mentioned are provided in the installation kits for those languages. Please choose the languages for which you would like to install support: * Do you want to install language support for ADA [YES]? * Do you want to install language support for BASIC [YES]? n * Do you want to install language support for BLISS [YES]? n * Do you want to install language support for C [YES]? * Do you want to install language support for COBOL [YES]? * Do you want to install language support for CXX [YES]? * Do you want to install language support for FORTRAN [YES]? * Do you want to install language support for F90 [YES]? n * Do you want to install language support for MACRO [YES]? n * Do you want to install language support for PASCAL [YES]? n * Do you want to install language support for PLI [YES]? n * Do you want to install language support for LSE [YES]? * Do you want to install language support for PLSE [YES]? n * Do you want to install language support for VAXC [YES]? n You have answered all the questions for LSE installation. During the LSE installation the system environment file will be created or updated. Informational and success messages will be displayed indicating these events. ******************************************************************************* If you are satisfied with your answers, answer YES to the following prompt. If not, answer NO to start the auto-answer session again. The default is YES. ******************************************************************************* * Are you satisfied with your answers to selected DECset components ? [YES]? ******************************************************************************** This parent installation procedure will now install selected DECset components one by one. ******************************************************************************** %DECSET_A-I-START_ENVMGR, ENVMGR installation in progress %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... The installation of the DECset Environment Manager has added or modified: SYS$HELP:ENVMGR012_RELEASE_NOTES.PS SYS$TEST:ENVMGR$IVP.COM SYS$TEST:ENVMGR$SAMPLE.DECSET_CONTEXT_DB SYS$TEST:ENVMGR$SAMPLE.DECSET_CONTEXT SYS$SHARE:DECSET$ENVMGRCCTSHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:DECSET$ENVMGRSHR.EXE SYS$STARTUP:DECSET$ENVMGR_STARTUP.COM You should add the following line to your system startup procedure: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DECSET$ENVMGR_STARTUP.COM %DECSET_A-I-DONEENVMGR, The installation of the DECset Environment Manager completed %DECSET_A-I-START_CMS, CMS installation in progress %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %DECSET_A-I-ENDRESTORE, All required savesets have been successfully restored %DECSET_A-I-CMSSHR, Linking shareable image %DECSET_A-I-CMS, Linking main image %DECSET_A-I-EVENTACT, Linking the event action image %DECSET_A-I-PROHELP, Providing help %DECSET_A-I-PRODCL, Providing DCL verb %DECSET_A-I-PROEXE, Providing images *************************************************************** * * * The CMS IVP has been moved to the SYS$TEST directory. To * * run it after the installation, enter @SYS$TEST:CMS$IVP.COM. * * * *************************************************************** %DECSET_A-I-PROSTART, Providing startup procedure *************************************************************** * * * If this installation is performed on a cluster, you must * * execute * * * * $ @SYS$STARTUP:CMS$STARTUP.COM * * * * on all other nodes in the cluster. In addition, you must * * add the above line to your system startup procedure. * * * *************************************************************** %DECSET_A-I-DONECMS, The installation of CMS completed %DECSET_A-I-START_LSE, LSE installation in progress %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set E ... %TPU-S-SAVEENV, environment written to TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DECSET_A122]LSE$SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT.ENV;1 %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.LSE]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.LSE]. This installation added or modified the following files: SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE SYS$SYSTEM:LSEDIT.EXE SYS$LIBRARY:LSESHR.EXE SYS$LIBRARY:LSESHR.IIF SYS$MESSAGE:LSEMSG.EXE SYS$LIBRARY:LSE$CCTSHR.EXE SYS$LIBRARY:LSE$DECWSHR.EXE SYS$LIBRARY:LSE$SECTION.TPU$SECTION SYS$LIBRARY:LSE$DEFAULTS.DAT SYS$LIBRARY:LSE$SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT.ENV SYS$LIBRARY:LSE$DEBUG.TPU SYS$LIBRARY:LSE$WIDGETS.UID SYS$LIBRARY:PSE$COMMENTS.EXE SYS$HELP:LSE$KEYPAD.HLB SYS$HELP:LSE$MENU.HLB SYS$HELP:LSE$HELP.HLB SYS$HELP:LSE$CLIHELP.HLB; SYS$STARTUP:LSE$STARTUP.COM SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.LSE]LSE$USER.EXAMPLE SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.LSE]LSE$USER2.EXAMPLE SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.LSE]LSE$USER3.EXAMPLE SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.LSE]LSE$USER.DIA SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.LSE]LSE$IVP.TPU SYS$TEST:LSE$IVP.COM SYS$SYSROOT:[VUE$LIBRARY.USER]LSE$EDIT_QUALIFIERS.EXE SYS$SYSROOT:[VUE$LIBRARY.USER]LSE$EDIT_OPTIONS.UID SYS$SYSROOT:[VUE$LIBRARY.USER]LSE$EDIT.COM SYS$SYSROOT:[VUE$LIBRARY.USER]LSE$PROFILE.VUE$DAT *************************************************************** * * * If this installation is performed on a cluster, you must * * execute * * * * $ @SYS$STARTUP:LSE$STARTUP.COM * * * * on all other nodes in the cluster. In addition, you must * * add the above line to your system startup procedure. * * * *************************************************************** %DECSET_A-I-DONELSE, The installation of LSE completed %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... ******************************************************************************** The DECset collective installation will now run the Installation Verification Procedure for the each of the component you selected to run the IVP. ******************************************************************************** +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Installation verification command procedure for | | DECset Environment Manager | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Starting IVP for DECset Environment Manager IVP for DECset Environment Manager completed successfully %CMS-I-IVPBEGIN, Begin CMS V3.9-2 Installation Verification Procedure CMS Version V3.9-2 %CMS-S-CREATED, CMS Library TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST] created %CMS-I-LIBIS, library is TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST] %CMS-S-LIBSET, library set %CMS-I-LIBIS, library is TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST] %CMS-S-LIBSET, library set -CMS-I-SUPERSEDE, library list superseded %CMS-S-CREATED, element TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE created %CMS-S-RESERVED, generation 1 of element TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE reserved Reservations in CMS Library TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST] CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE (1) SYSTEM 1 21-DEC-2018 16:51:05 "" %CMS-S-GENCREATED, generation 2 of element TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE created -CMS-I-NOCHANGES, no changes %CMS-I-VERCLS, class list verified %CMS-I-VERCMD, command list verified %CMS-I-VERELE, element list verified %CMS-I-VERGRP, group list verified %CMS-I-VERRES, reservation list verified %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified %CMS-I-VERARC, archive control block verified %CMS-I-VER2, internal contiguous space verified %CMS-I-VERCON, control file verified %CMS-I-VEREDF, element TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE verified %CMS-I-VEREDFS, element data files verified %CMS-S-VERIFIED, library TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST] verified %CMS-S-FETCHED, generation 1 of element TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE fetched %CMS-I-FILEXISTS, file already exists, TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSUPD.DECSET_A122]CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE;2 created %CMS-S-FETCHED, generation 2 of element TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE fetched %CMS-S-IDENTICAL, files are identical %CMS-S-CREATED, class TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CL1 created %CMS-S-GENINSERTED, generation 1 of element TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE inserted into class TC VAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CL1 %CMS-S-CREATED, class TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CL2 created %CMS-S-GENINSERTED, generation 2 of element TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE inserted into class TC VAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CL2 %CMS-S-FETCHED, generation 2 of element TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE fetched Elements in CMS Library TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST] CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE "" Element generations in CMS Library TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST] CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE 2 21-DEC-2018 16:51:06 SYSTEM "" 1 21-DEC-2018 16:51:04 SYSTEM "" Classes in CMS Library TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST] CL1 "Test1" CL2 "Test2" Element generations in CMS Library TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST] CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE/2 %CMS-S-GENREMOVED, generation 2 of element TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE removed from class TCVA X$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CL2 %CMS-S-DELETED, class TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CL2 deleted %CMS-S-GENREMOVED, generation 1 of element TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CMS$IVP_TEST.FILE removed from class TCVA X$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CL1 %CMS-S-DELETED, class TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]CL1 deleted %CMS-S-CREATED, group TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]GR1 created %CMS-S-CREATED, group TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]GR2 created %CMS-S-INSERTED, group TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]GR1 inserted into group TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CM S$IVP_TEST]GR2 %CMS-S-REMOVED, group TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]GR1 removed from group TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$ IVP_TEST]GR2 %CMS-S-MODIFIED, group TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST]GR1 modified Groups in CMS Library TCVAX$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSTEST.CMS$IVP_TEST] GR2 GR3 %CMS-S-IVPSUCCESS, CMS V3.9-2 IVP completed successfully %CMS-I-IVPEND, End Installation Verification Procedure +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Installation verification command procedure for | | DIGITAL Language-Sensitive Editor | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ 36 lines written to file SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]LSE$IVP.LIS;1 DEC Language-Sensitive Editor IVP was successful. Installation of DECSET_A V12.2 completed at 16:51 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY VMSINSTAL procedure done at 16:51 $ En principio, todo indica que la instalación concluyó correctamente. Voy a probar a ver si funciona: ¡Conseguido! Ahora a por otras cosas.