I don't remember how much I wrote in day 6, but to wrap up the whole other OS thing: OpenBSD works but is slow and too familiar, NetBSD doesn't boot at all despite claims of support. It freezes after it loads the kernel. OSX installs, but I'm pretty sure that the last version which supports G3s (or at least this G3) is Panther, which has no software for it. Everything is for 10.4 and this computer is so limited on hard drive space that I can't even run classic apps since they require an install of OS9 on the disk as well as OSX. So this morning I reinstalled OS9. It was a nice reminder since I'd set my previous install up when I first got the laptop, I was shocked at how quickly I was able to get up and running again. Like, within an hour while doing work as my primary occupation. I was going to go river tubing with a friend this afternoon but work's gotten in the way, I need to mess with a server in Germany while they're asleep. I'll live, especially since I have Fridays off next month. I'm actually kinda excited for the end of the challenge mostly for the prospect of the Dreamcast project. I can't get that started until I have access to ebay again, which wasn't happening on any OS I was OCCing with (another issue with OSX: the best browser option is *still* Classilla, which I couldn't run for lack of Classic. I had no benefits at all of switching to a newer OS but worse performance and ui.) Later in the afternoon I installed NetBSD on my Thinkpad T41. A fun pain point: the NetBSD website lies about them being CD images. Many of them are now too large to fit onto a CD as of 10.0. With a bit of help from the occ room I was able to find a boot CD, which was still disgustingly large (200MB?!) I think it might've at least had base.tgz on it or something. The idea here was to not run X like a lot of others, but also to get an ed(1)ucation. I think line editors are neat and underexplored bits of tech, so forcing myself to use it and maybe do a little bit of development in it sounds like a fun challenge. Plus it doesn't hurt my fingers like microemacs does, so that's a bonus :) If you've never used it before, it's actually a lot like vi. Maybe I'll put a tutorial in the gopher hole later. Most of the night was consumed with fighting tmux though. Normally I use dvtm as my terminal multiplexer, tmux is kinda big and complicated for my taste, but dvtm is broken on NetBSD at least and I didn't really want to dig deep down to fix it. That at least explains some of the breakage I saw running it on the dreamcast though. Tmux functions but its default config sucks. I did the best I could to make something usable and the results will be in the gopher hole at the top level probably. It vaguely mimics a dvtm/dwm setup to the extent that I could within the limitations of tmux, mostly how layouts are a kludge that doesn't really exist (it doesn't actually have a concept of the main pane aside from it being pane 0 afaik,) and that I don't think there's a way to use variables or even substitutions? Maybe someone who actually knows tmux will correct me on that. If statements too. My big pain was trying to get the command to swap in the main pane to work. I didn't get the correct behavior, which is something like: Is the current pane the main? yes: swap main and the last visited pane no: swap main and the current pane, then focus the new main In the end I just made it unconditionally swap with main. I can confidently say I had fun this year with a hodge- podge of challenges, and hopefully this side bit with the T41 will be good practice when next year's challenge may well be "fun a thin client off an nfs root" if my hunch about the vga cable is right. For the rest of the night I plan on reading, maybe get some more Quake in. For now though, see y'all next year! Or at least until I put another file up on here. EDIT: I got bored and kept hacking on tmux.conf. I got Enter working for swapping with some help from if-shell. I wish there was a native way to do it but oh well. Maybe I'll add some more hotness later, I'll try to keep the config up to date. .