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       . |  | /  ______|
       . |  | |  |_' \'|
       . \ ,' (   _) -`|
       .  '--- \ '-.-- / Canceled Software Solutions Gopher
       . ______/`--'--<  Service by Roman production
       . |    |`-.  ,;/``--._
       . |    |-. _///     ,'`\
       . |    |`-Y;'/     /  ,-'\
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       .  |   //[==]     \,' \_.,-\
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       .           ___...____/
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       Rebuilds      /||\        /||
       Repacks        ||        /  |
       Remastering    ||       /   | Home of Archaic php chat project
       .   __________________________________________________________
       . / \This page contains my experience and results of           \
       .|   |experiments with legacy industrial computerized          |
       . \_ |equipment, networks, communication tools, also PHP       |
       .    |and JS scripts.                                          |
       .    |It is the result of my many years of work and my         |
       .    |creative, works life expressed in the Gopher:// project. |
       .    |Here you will find not only my developments: repacks,    |
       .    |rebuilds, handicrafts, repackaging, but also a multitude |
       .    |of useful software, drivers, utilities that I have       |
       .    |haphazardly accumulated over decades of my research      |
       .    |work in the field of industrial legacy systems and       |
       .    |engineering equipment. Thus, while sorting through these |
       .    |archives, I decided that it was necessary to create one  |
       .    |place where all my technical life experience would be    |
       .    |systematized. In other words, to share it with the whole |
       .    |world.                                                   |
       .    |And thanks to Dust Council, I created this place.        |
       .    |I chose Gopher:// because I don't want to feed BigTech   |
       .    |with unique content that will eventually be nationalized |
       .    |by the Web Archive and its globalist owners. These       |
       .    |technical solutions will be primarily interesting and    |
       .    |useful to modern corsairs, adventurers, and seekers of   |
       .    |new experiences from Gopher://, BBS, Gemini://, and God  |
       .    |knows where else.                                        |
       .    |Make this hole your browser homepage! In short, welcome! |
       .    |Email address for feedback: formymail4me[dog]yahoo.com   |
       .    |   ______________________________________________________\
       .    |  /                                                      /
       .    \_/______________________________________________________/
       First time in Gopher?
   DIR Gopher browsers hint!
       Detailed information about connecting to GopherSpace
       from any modern and legacy system!
   DIR Gophoogle - your home page
       The first page of the Internet where I collected all
       links. Everything can be found here!
       +----------- Attention Windows users -----------+
       | New Gopher:// browser for ALL modern versions |
       | Windows here: http://shibboleths.org/roman/   |
       [ Navigation hint ]:
       1. Games 2. Software 3. Drivers  4. Scripts 5. Links section
       In the this moment server contains more than 1200 programs,
       drivers, patches, utilites, dlls, games and scripts for Dos
       and Windows 3x - 7 !!!
  TEXT News here
       Last news about this page
  HTML Guest book
       My HTTP Guestbook for any browser! Please leave a comment!
   DIR What do you like best here?
       Please, take part in my Gopher poll!
  TEXT Why did I choose Gopher?
       In fact, why?
  TEXT Facts about dead internet
       Global HTTPs mystification
  TEXT Facts about the fake overpopulation
       Global overpopulation mystification
       .            _
       . _         | |
       .| | _______| |---------------------------------------------\
       .|   _______|==[] 1. GAMES SECTION  ========================>>
       .|_|        | |---------------------------------------------/
       .           |_|
  TEXT An interesting experience of the world of games
   DIR Wolf 3d
       Repacked collection of all possible versions of Wolf 3D
   DIR Doom
       All Dos Doom versions and his clones
   DIR Quake
       Builds and repacks collection of Quake 1 & Quake 2 addons
   DIR Duke
       Builds and repacks collection of Duke Nukem and his clones
   DIR Other games
       Other repacks, rebuilds and remasters
   DIR Strategic games
       Popular strategies games that I had a hand in
   DIR JS games online demo in Gopher
       My experiment of working JS in Gopher://
       .>>>>>>>_______________ 2. SOFTWARE SECTION _____________\`-._
       .>>>>>>>                                                 /.-'`
       We can always do more than has already been done
   DIR Windows 98 actual browsers
       Rebuilted browsers with TLS 1.3 support for Windows 98
   DIR Modern Windows XP browsers
       Modern 100% up-to-date proven browsers for Windows XP
   DIR File managers
       File managers for Dos - Win32 legacy sytems
   DIR Servers and networks
       Server and network utilites for legacy systems
   DIR Office tools for legacy pc
       Office and multimedia tools for legacy systems
   DIR Useful things and widgets
       Useful things and widgets for legacy pc
   DIR Other useful software for legacy pc
       100% tested  programs in daily use
   DIR Desktop themes for Win9x and wallpapers
       Miraculously preserved archives to decorate Windows
   DIR Midp2 software
       Useful software for push button phopnes and old devices
   DIR Midi ringtones
       The most popular midi melodies for push-button phones
       ._________________________ ,---'__,---'
       ._________________ ,-'---_---__,---'
       .__________ /_    (,  ---____',
       ._________ /  ',,   `, ,-'
       .________ ;/)   ,',,_/,'
       .________ | /\   ,.'//\ 3. DRIVERS SECTION
       ._________`-` \ ,,'    `.
       ._____________ `',   ,-- `.
       ._____________ '/ / |      `,         _
       ._____________ //'',.\_    .\\      ,{==>-
       .____________ //   __;_`-  \ `;.__,;'
       ._________((,--,) (((,------;  `--'
       Only time-tested and myself tested solutions
   DIR Dos/Windows 9x - XP drivers
       Actual drivers for old systems
   DIR Dos/Windows 9x - XP utilites
       Actual patches and sytem utilites for old systems
   DIR DLL's and Wrappers for Windows
       Wrappers, DLL's, mappers not included to other sections
       . \'\     ___________
       . / '|   ()__________)
       . \ '/    \4. SCRIPTS  \
       .   \       \  SECTION  \
       .   ==).      \___________\
       .  (__)       ()___________)
       Means of communication for your pages
   DIR Php 5.2-8x scripts
       Entertainment scripts in Web1 style
   DIR JS scripts
       My JS crafts and toys
   DIR MIRC scripts
       Mirc 6x IRC client scripts
       .                    |
       .____________    __ -+-  ____________
       .\_____     /   /_ \ |   \     _____/
       . \_____    \____/  \____/    _____/
       .  \_____ 5. LINKS SECTION ______/
       .     \___________  ___________/
       .               /____\
       Everything can be found here!
       === Useful Internet pages
   DIR Gophoogle - your home page
   DIR Erotic page for Dial Up
   DIR Final page of Internet
   DIR Internet off switch
   DIR Useless facts page
   DIR Useless link page
       === For Social media and FTN
   DIR Internet Board of Disease Control
   DIR The most wierd TOP's from 90's!
   DIR Spray against idiotic questions
   DIR Vaccine against stupidity
   DIR Internet police
   DIR Cyber jail
   DIR Finger
       === For good and cool people
   DIR Internet person of the week
   DIR Boomerang of friendship
   DIR Friendship Ball
   DIR Virtual kiss
   DIR Smile page
       === Science and medicine
   DIR What do men know about women?
   DIR Gopher Reader of Your Mind
   DIR Mental Perversity Test
       === Psychology and parapsychology
   DIR Are you afraid of the dark?
   DIR Antidepressive page
   DIR Antistress link
   DIR Cursed mail
       === Hardware and software pages
   DIR Autosearch outdated drivers
   DIR M$ Notepad official gopher
   DIR Gopher digital camera
       === Really interesting things
   DIR Complaint about this Gopher
   DIR Make everything to be good
   DIR Scratch & Sniff Page
   DIR Page for real man
   DIR Gag gift
       === Nature and animals
   DIR Official permission to rest
   DIR Pet the cat
   DIR Killer dog