                           shemake's gopherhole
       The web is getting worse, so I figured I'd try out the smaller
       webspaces for awhile. Right now, this content is being mirrored
       from my regular site, but I may have some gopher-specific stuff
       in the future.
       What you'll find here:
         *  Tabletop gaming stuff (articles, games, scenarios, etc)
         *  Book Reviews
         *  Tech-adjacent articles (usually over-specific solutions to
            niche problems and occasional thoughts on bigger topics)
   DIR Tech: Tech articles and free scripts
   DIR Gaming: Tabletop roleplaying stuff
   DIR Reviews: Book reviews
       I don't really do social media. If you want to reach out, here's
       my email:
       email: willow@willisfamily.net
       My husband's gopherhole (lots of good tech articles)
   DIR encw.xyz
       WEB LINKS:
  HTML shemake's site
  HTML shemake's itch.io
  HTML shemake's gitlab
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