       Technical Articles
       email - <tf@sdf.org>
  TEXT 1980s Part 15 Radio Adventures On 49 MHz.
       Before I got my ham ticket, I was on 49 MHz.
  TEXT Icom IC-R5 Receiver
       A favorite of mine.
  TEXT Monitoring Town Channels
       A newer scanner article on monitoring your local municipality.
  TEXT Understanding Telephones, by Julian Macassey, N6ARE
       First published in Ham Radio Radio Magazine, September 1985
  TEXT Scanner Data Decoding FAQ, by Bill Cheek (SK)
       A discriminator tap gives old analog scanners a new life by 
       enabling them to decode various digital data and voice signals 
       with soundcard software.
  TEXT XC-Series Converters
       From the old Heathkit mailing list. AB5L/SK talks about 
       Heathkit XC-series VHF Converters.
       Frank and the Five Meter Liberation Army. A must-read.
  TEXT Traffic Analysis
       A Layman's Guide To Traffic Analysis, by Nigel Ballard.
       This file may be old, but it's very good.