                     Essays, Articles, and Such 
              ___________________   ____________________
          .-/|  78   ~~**~~      \ /      ~~**~~   79  |\-.
          ||||                    :                    ||||
          ||||   Dorothy asked    :   The Scarecrow    ||||
          ||||   the Scarercow    :   answered "Some   ||||
          ||||   "How can you     :   people without   ||||
          ||||   talk if you      :   brains do an     ||||
          ||||   haven't got      :   awful lot        ||||
          ||||   a brain?"        :   of talking."     ||||
          ||||   She looked at    :   She replied,     ||||
          ||||   him puzzled.     :   "That's true."   ||||
          ||||                    :                    ||||
          |||| -The Wizard Of Oz- : -The Wizard Of Oz- ||||
          ||||___________________ : ___________________||||
  TEXT On Buckshot Patterns and Standards - 09/26/2023
  TEXT The Psychotherapist - 04/10/2023
  TEXT ChiCom Tokarevs - 04/01/2023
  TEXT EDC - 11/28/2022
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