  TEXT Oil Stain in Beverly Hills
            They wouldn't allow it today but there it is in the early sixt
  TEXT Government's Surveillance Mission Statement
            Point to any block any city any room and ...
  TEXT Socialism Measured In Car Repair
            Can a socialist find the motivation to fix a friends car?
  TEXT Corporate Way of Life
            Corporate freedom in society.
  TEXT Community is Fiction
            I surmise about community.  You interested?
  TEXT Shared Responsibility Payment
            How did they come up with the Affordable Health Care Act monik
  TEXT Property Lines
            Shaking hands across the property line to start civilization.
  TEXT Your Credit Algorthm
            Freedom. What was that.  Live by the algorythm.
  TEXT Orcas Island Kelp Beds
            Fishing in the Orcas Island Kelp Beds at YMCA camp.
  TEXT Trust
            Trust or invite control.
  TEXT Energy Matter Sin
            Matter is energy.  What is sin?
  TEXT Classifieds Then and Now
            Print ads were more reliable.
  TEXT Traffic Jams
            Traffic apps have now destroyed the commute.
  TEXT Transcending Generations
            Each generations lives to shock the previous.
  TEXT Way's Magazine Service
            Recalling a Seattle based  magazine clipping service.
  TEXT Practical
            People who live in cold climes are more practical.
  TEXT Thought Control
            Thought control is here.
  TEXT Vindictiveness
            Job dissatisfaction at its worst.
  TEXT Charts discombobulated
            Is it just me or are charts hard to read?
  TEXT Quality of Life 
            Working to spend, spending to work.
  TEXT Miracles
            Witnessing miracles and flying in my dreams.
  TEXT Ask An Expert
            Or don't.  What do they know?
  TEXT Ivory tower gibberish.txt
            Tell it like it is - NOT.
  TEXT Pump Scenario
            Absolute computer security absolutely.  Well almost.
  TEXT The Second Enlightenment
            It's over.  Did you miss it?
  TEXT Employee Investment
            How capitalism could have worked.
  TEXT Scofflaws in the Communtiy
            Laws or community to dissuade scofflaws?
  TEXT Wood Heat
            Heating fuel perspective after using wood heat for the winter.
  TEXT Spam
            How many emails in a spam?
  TEXT Magic Jobs
            Get the bureaucracy out of the way to create jobs.
  TEXT Baseball and National Security
            Baseball and national security expenses compared.
  TEXT Doin the Math
            350,000 grads in India where tuition is $600/yr.  400,000 in C
       U.S. 70,000 with 100k tuitions.  Can somebody do the math?
  TEXT Text vs Visual Learning
            Are modern learning techniques better or worse?
  TEXT Text vs Visual Learning rewrite
            Is it better to learn with text or visual media?
  TEXT Buzz the Door
            The abuse of power with a door buzzer.
  TEXT How to reduce road costs.
            Radical thought on how to eliminate road taxation.
  TEXT Smart Grid Agenda
            Between the lines admission by Smart Grid Project director.
  TEXT L and I Files Anonymous Complaint
            How a state agency handled an anonymous complaint.
  TEXT My Utopia
            Or at least my rendition of it.
  TEXT Favorite blog comment, ever.
            There are some clever people out there.
  TEXT Managing Newspaper Comments
            A way for newspapers to embrace reader's comments.
  TEXT Reality TV
            They've discovered a powerful production tool.
  TEXT Communication is Context
            The wrong context is the wrong communication.
  TEXT Insurance Company Hostages
           Insurance companies have trashed America while holding us hosta
  TEXT Paranoia and hysteria
            We tear down and not build up.
  TEXT Recycling is Fiction
            Observation from working in the industry.
  TEXT The Inefficiency of Security
            The product of security is only inefficiency.
  TEXT Enforcing the Aggregate
            Technology will soon cull the individual from the aggregate.
  TEXT EMP and Nuclear Power Plants
            Can power plants run without electricity, an EMP?
  TEXT RSS Productivity
            Investing personal time for productivity.
  TEXT Energy Monopolies
            We are slaves to the energy monopoies.
  TEXT The Applet is Deprecated 
            What was once simple is now complex.   The applet is deprecate
  TEXT XML is Simple
            The complexity of simple XML.
  TEXT Cyber Scare
            An inducement to sell personal information.
  TEXT Paradise Lost
            Humankind's destiny is to destroy paradise.
  TEXT Moral Fabric
            Can we choose between bureaucracy and moral fabric?
  TEXT Deny History
            Who are we to deny tradition?
  TEXT Alternative To Health Care
            Does exercise count?
  TEXT The Insanity of FAQs
            Answering their own questions.
  TEXT Interview Hype
            Hype, not hard work, gets interviews.
  TEXT Box Stove
            Purpose looked at through the maintenance of a box stove.
  TEXT Social Networking Unleashed
            The daemon of social networking has been unleashed on the publ
  TEXT Government Apps
            The police state begins.
  TEXT The Lone Wolf Syndrome
            Don't stand out.  Don't do anything different.  Conform.  For 
       goodness sakes don't be a lone wolf.
  TEXT FAA Drones and Privacy
            They're up in arms about drones in Pakistan.  Opinion and FAA
  TEXT Responsibility of Cash
            Whoever controls the currency controls the will of the people.
  TEXT Radical Economics Incentives
            Freeing the economy to go to work.
  TEXT Guitar Strings
            Can't find em.  Can't buy em.  More Wall Street tripe.
  TEXT Flash in the Pan Programming
            A common experience but gone.
  TEXT The Disappearance of the Dynamic Web Page
            Remember when you could resize a web page and read down the
       center of the screen?
  TEXT Eliciting A Response
            Emotional or technical conversation.  Which is better?
  TEXT Barnabas
            Historic example of the kindness of strangers.
  TEXT Ajax Enables Users
           Ajax puts the internet back into the hands of users.
  TEXT Selling Bookmarks
           Witnessing an amazing marketing effort.  The bookmark saleslady
  TEXT Police Scanner
           Direct line of communication  lost.
  TEXT Divide and Conquer
           Suspicion and paranoic leverage divide and conquer.
  TEXT Two bread basket countries
           Egypt was the bread basket to the World.  So is America.
  TEXT Sailed with him
           An inspirational moment with my father reading the Bible.
  TEXT Seasonal car repair
           Every year my cars break down at the same time.
  TEXT Larry Zipp
           Lessons from a WWII submarine verteran.
  TEXT Honor
           Is honor a casualty of the media age?
  TEXT Rewriting History
          Dogma rewrites history.
  TEXT Shoe War
         If our shoes are falling apart how can we compete?
  TEXT Persona
         A peek at our core self.