       The password is always password
   DIR [jebug29 on SDF]
  TEXT Doing the Mending
        05 Sep 2024 - Metaphorically and Literally
  TEXT An iMac G4 Thrives!
        28 Aug 2024 - After some trial and error, anyhow!
  TEXT My Server Crashed!
        17 Jun 2024 - But it's back and better than ever!
  TEXT Downlink, Uplink
        26 Mar 2024 - The Legend of DOCSIS: Tears of the Baud Rate
  TEXT Coffee, Art, and Minecraft
        25 Mar 2024 - Dang that's a good title
  TEXT Happy New Year!
        09 Jan 2024 - Walking the path of life, maaan
  TEXT Lear Siegler ADM-3A
        18 Apr 2023 - It really is a dream machine!
  TEXT Coworkers, Coffee Phones, Sonic the Hedgehog...
        18 May 2022 - ... And shattering glass while washing my
  TEXT Creative Computing, part 2
        17 Jan 2022 - Computing's "self" in a digital ocean
  TEXT Urge to Phlog
        22 Dec 2021 - Insert Change Here to Cover Server Costs
  TEXT Answering Christyotwisty's December Questions
        04 Dec 2021 - And ready for Winter Break
  TEXT Drained 9 to 5
        31 Aug 2021 - Ain't no way to make a livin'
  TEXT New Comments Section!
        06 Aug 2021 - Bash and Python are my besties
  TEXT IT Summer
        04 Aug 2021 - Lord have mercy it's the first day of school
  TEXT Core 10/Laney Essay
        08 Feb 2021 - The glows and the grows
  TEXT Close to Graduating
        17 Jan 2021 - I passed all my classes!
  TEXT Woah, It's the New Year
        03 Jan 2021 - I honestly didn't think I'd make it this far
  TEXT Copyright and Abandonware
        20 Jul 2020 - When I'm dead, bury me in the public domain
  TEXT Macintosh SE Antics
        03 Jul 2020 - Finally using a computer I've owned for 8 years
  TEXT I'm Binge-Watching the Avatar
        09 Jun 2020 - And answering Tomasino's fun gopher questions!
  TEXT Still Out of It
        03 Jun 2020 - But not HALTed
        28 May 2020 - Also an internet-connected Altair!
  TEXT Gameboy Advances
        04 May 2020 - And failures and fixes
  TEXT Holy cow it's MAY
        03 May 2020 - Here I come, back again
  TEXT Floppy Disk Case
        11 Jan 2020 - It's a Flippin Floppin' Mess
  TEXT A Star Is Born
        08 Jan 2020 - And its name is Altair
  TEXT Computing as a Creative Activity
        06 Jan 2020 - And outlets that need to be installed
  TEXT Happy New Year!
        04 Jan 2020 - Return from the Rising Sun
  TEXT g v0.3 Released!
        26 Mar 2019 - Another software update lol
  TEXT Screenshot Tool
        24 Mar 2019 - Almost Japan Time!
  TEXT On Comics
        18 Nov 2018 - Rest in Peace, Stan Lee
  TEXT The Flu Shot Itches
        13 Nov 2018 - Rx Tx Rx Tx
  TEXT And now I'm back
        12 Nov 2018 - From Outerspace
        21 Sep 2018 - And make it play Tic Tac Toe
  TEXT Guess who just failed a test
        18 Sep 2018 - Fricking heck
  TEXT [Language] My F***ing Roommate
        16 Sep 2018 - I hate people
        11 Sep 2018 - Is it too much? eheh
  TEXT VT320 is Working!
        05 Sep 2018 - YEEEEEES (also this phost was typed on it :p)
  TEXT SMK Meetup Soon!
        24 Jul 2018 - Down the Gopher Hole
  TEXT Ways to Piss Me Right the Hell Off
        16 Jul 2018 - Part One Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Eight
  TEXT Fat and Bald
        14 Jul 2018 - I refuse
  TEXT Softwaaaare
        11 Jul 2018 - I will talk computer and you will understand
  TEXT I'm Getting Glasses
        08 Jul 2018 - Too bad they won't make me smarter
  TEXT g v0.2
        04 Jul 2018 - Maybe I should post these somewhere else?
  TEXT Introducing g!
        04 Jul 2018 - jebug29's Gopher Shortcut Tool
  TEXT Happy Fourth of July!
        04 Jul 2018 - 206-299-2120 (ext 1088)
  TEXT beep boop beep
        10 Jun 2018 - Three Times I Asked Him
  TEXT Eyes
        03 Jun 2018 - And my one, singular stigmatism
  TEXT Aliiiiiive
        29 May 2018 - I'm a hippie
  TEXT Jobs n Junk
        09 May 2018 - Get me online
  TEXT Finally Home!
        07 May 2018 - And working with Eudora
  TEXT Beethoven's Prometheus
        28 Apr 2018 - i.e. the paper I'm not writing
  TEXT Japan Japan Japan
        23 Apr 2018 - Everything's Coming Quickly
  TEXT Going Forward
        19 Apr 2018 - Baby steps!
  TEXT Spotify Premium
        11 Apr 2018 - Heck ye music
  TEXT [07-1901]
        07 Apr 2018 - when will it end
  TEXT Phost is a Dumb Word
        04 Apr 2018 - But I'm using it anyway
  TEXT Easter Time!
        31 Mar 2018 - Hop to it, boys
  TEXT I Hate This
        29 Mar 2018 - I'm tired, I'm confused, I need improvement
  TEXT Headphones and Capacitors
        28 Mar 2018 - Unrelated, but still
  TEXT I'm Back
        27 Mar 2018 - And now in Courier New 14!
  TEXT Spring is here, Spring is here
        07 Mar 2018 - Life is skittles and life is beer
  TEXT Migraine
        06 Mar 2018
  TEXT Oh Hello There
        05 Mar 2018 - C'mon Jesse, Keep Posting
  TEXT Feeling "Better"
        26 Feb 2018 - For now
  TEXT Tiredness
        26 Feb 2018 - And Rejection
  TEXT Hey There
        24 Feb 2018 - Got Kik?
  TEXT Movie Night Cancelled :/
        16 Feb 2018 - Sucks to suck
  TEXT Movie Night and ADM5
        16 Feb 2018 - No Pizza for me
  TEXT Valentine's Day
        15 Feb 2018 - Dance to Samba
  TEXT Decisions, Decisions
        11 Feb 2018 - And the desire to fast
  TEXT Pizza
        09 Feb 2018 - Time to eat
  TEXT Introverted Rant
        08 Feb 2018 - *angry typing*
  TEXT Got Dat Computer Science?
        07 Feb 2018 - *where is everyone*
  TEXT Oh Hello There
        06 Feb 2018 - LET ME SLEEP I HATE THIS BODY
  TEXT Gopher Rant
        03 Feb 2018 - Join the Club
  TEXT Gimme the Macs
        02 Feb 2018 - And Rice
  TEXT Happy February!
        01 Feb 2018 - Get me some Comp00ter Science
  TEXT Ham and Cheese Omelette
        31 Jan 2018 - It's Wednesday my dudes
  TEXT Tired Tired Tired
        30 Jan 2018 - how 2 fix
  TEXT Lonely Again
        30 Jan 2018 - Photographs and Memories
  TEXT The Decision to Skip
        29 Jan 2018 - I am not a good adult
  TEXT Sip that Tea
        28 Jan 2018 - And give me Ibuprofen
  TEXT Finally a Post!
        27 Jan 2018 - Brought to you by IBM
  TEXT Computer Club
        24 Jan 2018 - Also Happy Birthday, Yoshi
        22 Jan 2018 - THANK YOU
  TEXT Sleepy Sunday
        21 Jan 2018 - Someone Cuddle Me Pls Thx
  TEXT Upgrading...
  TEXT New Donation! Woo!
        19 Jan 2018 - And other stuff
  TEXT Text. Me. Back.
        18 Jan 2018 - Lots of profanity and frustration
  TEXT Need to Escape
        17 Jan 2018 - TOO MANY PEOPLE HERE HELP
  TEXT PowerBook G3 + Wifi
        16 Jan 2018 - Heck ye. Also snow
  TEXT Realistic DX-160
        15 Jan 2018 - I'll fix it (someday)
  TEXT Comments Page Available!
        14 Jan 2018 - chmod -x jebug29
  TEXT Sad Shit and Donations
        14 Jan 2018 - It's a thing
  TEXT Terminal & College
        13 Jan 2018 - The Good, The Bad, and The Lonely
  TEXT I'm Gay
        08 Jan 2018 - Gay as frick