         Torah Toolbox
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       |  Messianic resources for you
   DIR Resources
   DIR Talking Point Slides
   DIR Snippets
   DIR Greek Words of the Day (UTF-8)
   DIR Quotations
       Welcome to the Torah Toolbox Messianic resources gopherhole.
       Content is added and updated on a regular basis, so do bookmark
       this page and check back again soon.
       Some Articles to Get You Started
   BIN Doctrinal Beliefs
   BIN Tassel Hassle
   BIN Why Christians Observe the Sabbath
   BIN What Does the New Testament Mean By "The Commandments"? (A4)
       Calendar for 2023 A.D. / 6162 A.M.
       The following calendar is based on predicted sighting times of the
       new moon in Israel. The Gregorian date given in any particular
       instance is the earliest possible date, and therefore, in general,
       could be too early by one or even two days, depending on
       The Gregorian date given is always the daylight hours date, even
       though Shabbats begin the evening before. (Note: Only Shabbats
       begin at evening, and not every day, as the Jews have it by
       The Biblical Calendar instituted and approved by Yahweh, is an
       observational calendar, and not a calendar calculated in advance
       based on the lunar conjunction. The current Jewish calendar is an
       example of the latter and, although convenient, is not approved by
       Yahweh for the keeping of his holy times.
       In this calendar, you will see that new moon days are highlighted
       in yellow, and annual Shabbat days are highlighted in green. Purim
       and Hanukkah are Jewish civil holidays, in that they were not
       commanded by Yahweh.
   BIN Messianic Biblical Calendar for 2023 6162
       Technical Note
       Most content in this gopherhole is available in PDF form and
       OpenPGP signed for your convenience.
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       Send email to David Trudgett (david at-sign trudgett full-stop me
       or datalinkdroid at-sign sdf full-stop org). David's OpenPGP public
       key is available below. Use it to send me email and check the
       signatures of the files in this gopherhole.
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       Encrypted email is preferred.