       cmccabe's gopher hole
                             _            ____           _  __ 
         __ _ __  __ __ __ _| |__  ___   / __ \   ___ __| |/ _|
        / _| '  \/ _/ _/ _` | '_ \/ -_) / / _` | (_-</ _` |  _|
        \__|_|_|_\__\__\__,_|_.__/\___| \ \__,_| /__/\__,_|_|  
       ++ friSBEe server and rawtext.club update ++
       Overview of a weird server I built, and a quick follow-up update on
  TEXT Continued...
       ++ SDF Tutorials Update Week ++
         Friday, Feb 28th, 2020
       Reminder about the most exciting holiday week of the year; The SDF
       Tutorials Update Week. First week of March.
  TEXT Continued...
       ++ Low-tech Magazine Mini-Review ++
          Friday, Dec 27th, 2019
       Mini-review of Low-tech Magazine, a website you should check out if
       you haven't already been exposed to it.
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       ++ Micro-pubnix Experiment Project ++
          Friday, May 10th, 2019
       Description of an experimental micro-pubnix server I am building.
  TEXT Continued...
       ++ Public Access Unix Systems - History and Future ++
          Friday, June 22nd, 2018
       This is a summary of some research I've been doing on the history o
       public access Unix systems.
  TEXT Continued...
       ++ Starting a Not-to-Do List ++
          Saturday, May 26th, 2018
       An attempt to maintain focus in the face of infinite distractions. 
       you, Internet!
  TEXT Continued...
       ++ Barriers to Entry ++
          Saturday, April 07th, 2018
       Some thoughts about what makes SDF and places like it special.
  TEXT Continued...
       ++ More Question than Answers ++
          Saturday, March 31st, 2018
       Hello (gopher) World!
  TEXT Continued...