       Friday, May 24, 2024
       Moving On
  TEXT Continued...
       Wednesday, April 3, 2024
       Adjacent to Five Questions: Things to Love in Life
  TEXT Continued...
       Monday, March 25, 2024
       christyotwisty tries microblogging
  TEXT Continued...
       Tuesday, March 19, 2024
       christyotwisty's replies to gef's Five Questions
  TEXT Continued...
       Monday, March 18, 2024
  TEXT Continued...
       Tuesday, September 5, 2023
       Five Questions for September 2023, plus bonus
  TEXT Continued...
       Thursday, August 10, 2023
       Happy Surprise 
  TEXT Continued...
           Tuesday, August 8, 2023
       August 2023 Five Questions
  TEXT Continued...
           Monday, July 3, 2023
       Where is Everybody?
  TEXT Continued...
           Monday, July 3, 2023
       July 2023 Five Questions
  TEXT Continued...
           Wednesday June 14, 2023
  TEXT Continued...
           Wednesday May 31st, 2023
       June 2023 Five Questions
  TEXT Continued...
           Monday, May 1st, 2023
       May 2023 Five Questions
  TEXT Continued...
           Friday, March 31st, 2023
       April 2023 Five Questions
  TEXT Continued...
           Saturday, March 04th, 2023
       Dinner tonight
  TEXT Continued...
           Tuesday, February 28th, 2023
       March 2023 Five Questions
  TEXT Continued...
           Tuesday, February 21st, 2023
       How to abstain or mortify my fleshly desires for Lent
  TEXT Continued...
           Monday, February 6th, 2023
       Allergen response, or respiratory virus? Plus Fasting Links
  TEXT Continued...
           Sunday, January 29th, 2023
       Five Questions February 2023
  TEXT Continued...
           Saturday, January 21th, 2023
       Recipe: Hot Artichoke Dip
  TEXT Continued...
           Thursday, January 12th, 2023
       Planned Reading 2023 - Authors and Titles
  TEXT Continued...
           Monday, January 2nd, 2023
       Five Questions January 2023
  TEXT Continued...
           Tuesday, December 13th, 2022
       Platonic: How Friendship Transforms Our Lives
  TEXT Continued...
           Tuesday, December 6th, 2022
       In which I rant about poisoning the electronic commons, metabolic s
  TEXT Continued...
           Saturday, December 3rd, 2022
       35 Days of Post-Twitter-Purchase, How Much is My Soul Degraded?
  TEXT Continued...
           Wednesday, November 30th, 2022
  TEXT Continued...
           Thursday, July 14th, 2022
       My Pen Pal Died
  TEXT Continued...
           Wednesday, July 06th, 2022
       Happy July to you.
  TEXT Continued...
           Saturday, June 04th, 2022
       Five Questions for June 2022
  TEXT Continued...
           Monday, May 16th, 2022
       Qi Gong, Wishes, Doc Savage
  TEXT Continued...
           Monday, May 16th, 2022
       "Something to Make Us Smile"
  TEXT Continued...
           Sunday, May 08th, 2022
       I Miss People
  TEXT Continued...
           Saturday, December 04th, 2021
       My immune system preservation team for the last 18 months
  TEXT Continued...
           Saturday, July 03th, 2021
       My Restricted Twitter Account
  TEXT Continued...
           Wednesday, June 30th, 2021
       Most replies for June were from Gopher phlog writers.
       You get first crack at July's answers.
  TEXT Continued...
           Friday, June 4, 2021
       Startling Observation
  TEXT Continued...
           Tuesday, June 01th, 2021
       Five Questions
  TEXT Continued...
           Saturday May 29th, 2021
       Fundraising, an Experiment
  TEXT Continued...
           Monday, May 17th, 2021
       Gopher and Gemini, the amiable shrink rap
  TEXT Continued...
           Friday, April 09th, 2021
       Six Months Already?
  TEXT Continued...
           Sunday, August 23rd, 2020
       If you can find the time, you can make this fine
  TEXT Continued...
           Tuesday, June 23th, 2020
       What Am I Missing?
  TEXT Continued...
           Thursday, 11 June 2020
       "Recipes, gopher, gemini, rules of marcation"
  TEXT Continued...
           Saturday, 6 June 2020
  TEXT Continued...
           Monday, 16 Sept, 2019
  TEXT Continued...
           Wednesday, June 5, 2019
  TEXT Continued...
           Wednesday, April 17, 2019
       "My Paul Lynde Dream"
  TEXT Continued...
           Thursday, March 28th, 2019
       "What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate"
  TEXT Continued...
           Monday, February 25th, 2019
       Morbid Weekend
  TEXT Continued...
           Friday, February 08th, 2019
       Incomplete List of Ideas for What to Do When Snowed In
  TEXT Continued...
           Monday, December 17th, 2018
       Another Week, Another Death
  TEXT Continued...
           Monday, December 10, 2018
  TEXT Continued...
           Sunday, December 9, 2018
  TEXT Continued...
           Friday, September 07th, 2018
       "The Thrill of Discovery"
  TEXT Continued...
           Tuesday, August 28th, 2018
       Bombshell Scents
  TEXT Continued...
           Tuesday, August 14th, 2018
       Tomasino asked me on 'commode' (chat rooms within SDF) if I used a 
       scalloppine. I affirmed I used James Beard's 1947 Fireside Cook Boo
       scalloppine, for my anniversary dinner. This saved us some carbs an
       entree making it at home. Si simple!
  TEXT Continued...
           Wednesday, August 01st, 2018
       Doctor Appointment My Eye!
  TEXT Continued...
           Thursday, July 19th, 2018
       Whither should I fly?
       I have done no harm. But I remember now
       I am in this earthly world; where to do harm
       Is often laudable, to do good sometime
       Accounted dangerous folly. Why then, alas,
       Do I put up that womanly defence,
       To say I have done no harm? --Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 2
  TEXT Continued...
           Monday, July 09th, 2018
       This morning I had another dream about a Scrabble club member. I wo
       in my bed and sitting on a chair, to my left, wearing a greenish-bl
       zip-up cardigan, was Cynthia Perkins. Cynthia was an Alaska Native,
       want to say Aleut but there are more tribes and we never got into s
       about tribal identity. I mailed her a Christmas card one year and w
       she saw me at Safeway she ran up to me and gave me a tight, strong 
       embrace of love and gratitude. 
  TEXT Continued...
           Saturday, July 07th, 2018
       "You have read 29 out of 30 books in 2018"
  TEXT Continued...
           Sunday, June 24th, 2018
       On Friday I learned Ann Ferguson, first director of Seattle Scrabbl
       Club, passed away of cancer. She was 68. I talked to Ann when I was
       about to drive down for a tournament, my first. I had spent five mo
       playing unofficial Scrabble club games in West Vancouver, getting m
       butt kicked by an 88-year-old man. I thought I was hot stuff. I pla
       fifth in the beginner/casual division. 
  TEXT Continued...
           Sunday, June 24th, 2018
       Penpal letters, Summer Reading
  TEXT Continued...
           Tuesday, June 19th, 2018
       Today is the day I begin cleaning. I welcome suggestions for cleani
       music: my gophermap lists radio channels, but with the exception of
       radioswissclassic their formats are varied, and include genres my e
       don't easily translate into a flow state for the mind. I like jazz,
       classical, shibuya-kei, psychedelic blues, psychedelic rock, chicha
       synthpop, New Wave, Ramones, 1920s-1930s dance band music, whatever
       me to move.
  TEXT Continued...
           Tuesday, June 19th, 2018
       Mini things
       1. My tot is ending his tenth year of school. I've looked for his s
       reading list and apparently last year's students entering Grade 11 
       reading assignments with instructions to literally "talk to the tex
       using their phones. 
  TEXT Continued...
  TEXT June 12 2018...
       Goodreads Bot Accounts: Do Not Engage
  TEXT June 11 2018...
  TEXT June 6 2018...
       Test Post
  TEXT June 5 2018...
       Today's bleat
  TEXT Continued...
       Weird Dream
  TEXT Continued...
       Tue Aug 28 18:27:14 UTC 2018
       Mon Nov  5 19:29:32 UTC 2018
       Mon Dec 10 23:29:01 UTC 2018
       Thu Jun 11 04:47:01 UTC 2020