       Foreseeing problems (linux related)
       Sunday Jan 24 12:17:58 2021
       One of the things I am most proud of after using linux for 15 years
       that I can foresee problems before they show up. This week I had to
       update our HP proliant server with debian linux oldstable release 
       squeeze and before running the magic words apt update && apt upgrad
       thought: Well there are two things to keep in mind here. One, one o
       the disks in the raid might be broken (which is often the case afte
       months of 24/7 service) and two, the new kernel might fail to boot.
       It turned out I was right. One of the disks broke and the new kerne
       failed to boot. Since I could not fix it remotely I had to go to th
       data center to manually boot the system and then remotely fix the 
       broken kernel.
       The system was up and running in a few minutes thanks to my experti
       in dealing with broken systems. This post has nothing to do with eg
       or self-praise. It is just a reminder that experience is always a 
       plus. No matter how clever or geek you are. Experience is always 
       an extra point. 
       I am really happy that I was able to solve the problem on a Friday 
       and the server was up and running during the weekend ;-)