       First post of 2020
       Wednesday Jan  1  6:59:17 2020
       The first post of the year has to be about pharc and its performanc
       this has been the ritual since I wrote the script. It worked well a
       usual creating the 2019 archive and the gophermap. There was howeve
       small flaw in all this. It was the permissions of the new files.
       Everybody knows that setting the right permissions to new files is 
       crucial, I have my umask set to 002 and I usually have no problems 
       all. New files get 644 and directories get 755.
       However the new directory and files created by pharc where not 
       world readable this time. After a bit of reseach I found out that t
       link to the gopher hole at sdfeu is:
       lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  arpa    20 Sep  2  2015 gopher -> 
       This might be the issue. Of course I could make the script modify f
       permissions after its performance but I think that should not be 
       the right way.
       If one could count the endless hours spent on all unix systems due 
       file permissions the number would be astronomical, even though thes
       kind of issues are usually easily fixed.
       Have a great year and decade!