09 August 2024 =============== Sometimes, once in a while i reenter the "normal" surface web besides the few pages i visit normally to just get a feeling for what i am missing. Yesterday, after now living "abstinent" for a longer time i peeked into reddit again... oh boy. Perhaps i am getting old, but the simply mind numbing idiocy going on even in big subreddits (just to give an example: r/de) is just unbelievable. There hast to be just ONE OPINION and if you don't subscribe to this idea or think you may just have a slightly different take on this idea you are a Nazi, a fascist, a horrible person, stupid and absolutely lost. After losing as much braincells as if i had spend the time gulping hard liquor i closed my browser, reintroduced my reddit block into my firewall and headed back for the much calmer waters of the smol net... On a more positive note: Yesterday we also took a little family trip to the Zoo in Frankfurt, the first time for junior and he absolutely loved it. What I personally loved was how good the rail transport worked, against my fears (somewhat justified ones after commuting by train for a long time) everything worked absolute flawlessly... we rode by car from our village to the next bigger city (our village HAS a train station, but a train arrives only every hour), from Marburg we then rode by train to Frankfurt (about an hour) and from there by tram to the zoo. We first feared that junior would be bored on the train ride, but he quiet enjoyed it. The zoo itself is worth a visit, and there was a lot of people (especially those with children) visiting. Astounding on a normal work day like yesterday. The ride home did also go smooth, even a bit more so because junior was sound asleep most of the time. We think we will do more daytrips like this one in the coming weeks / monhts, our son seems now at an age where he starts to enjoy those things.