04 September 2024 ================= In recent weeks i was wondering: How many regular users do gopher get? I dont't mean how many servers or active gopher holes, but just people who browse the gophersphere and read. A few hundred worldwide? Perhaps a few thousand? I somewhat doubt that it would exceed that. I am curious what you fellow gophers think about that. This year somehow feels really short... it somehow feels that last week we were still preparing for the travel to vietnam and after that being teleported into the late summer, a really weird feeling. Perhaps its what my relatives always told me, that time flows way faster when you age... I have started a little project more or less to keep myself motivated while diving into retroforth: I am translating the examples from Leo Brodie's "Starting Forth" into this dialect and patching this all together into a big commented textfile. Well, currently i am at chapter three, i hope i can release this on this phlog sometimes soon.