[ Endless Summer I was creating this entry a few days ago: We are nearing the end of September and while many places around the world are enjoying Autumn, here in Tokyo we are still sweltering in triple digit heat. I still have to wear sunblock, still have to have the air conditioning on all the time (including at night to sleep) and there are still heat stroke warnings on TV. Even though the sun now rises later and sets earlier, there doesn't seem to be an end to Summer just yet. However suddenly this Monday the temperature went down considerably and I think finally (fingers crossed) we may be entering Fall. As I type this it's overcast and cool and I have the window open. Something I haven't been able to do for several months. I never thought I'd tire of sunny days but it finally got to me, and now I look forward to gray, overcast skies. In that entry I was also lamenting how I don't go on any adventures downtown anymore, and that is because it has become tiring. I haven't done the research but I think we have more tourists now than we did in 2019, and trains now seem to be standing room only a lot of the time. On top of that is/was the heat and so going for a stroll in the city lost its appeal. I went out over the past two 3 Day Weekends however, so that I could do entries for this year's ROOPHLOCH (I'm still sorry I missed last year.) Two years ago I used a Palm and this year I used a Sharp WG-530. Perhaps you could call it a PDA - I don't know if it qualifies - but it has an LCD screen and you can write on it with a stylus. There is no handwriting recognition, no connectivity except for a mini USB port and no backlight. I only need to charge it once or twice a year. The only way to backup entries is to export them to bitmaps using this clunky Windows-only software - which I rarely use - so I transcribed my entries into text files.