Dillo 3.10 and Gopher Back when I was just starting to realize that the modern web was in many ways the antithesis of what we had thought the web of the 1990s might become ... before I'd heard of SDF, or the tildeverse, or smolnet, or gemini, and when I thought gopher was this ancient protocol that nobody used anymore ... I had this obviously silly and unworkable idea, which was, "what if we sectioned off a part of the web where it was still like the 1990s, with lots of quirky odd little hobby and personal sites?" And I thought at the time that Dillo, the lightweight graphical browser that eschewed javascript, might be the perfect client to use for such a project. Because, it seemed to me, the fundamental technological difference between the 1990s web and today is that it went from being a document-centric platform to being application-centric, and javascript (while it has its uses) enabled that, plus all kinds of ancillary abuse. Anyhow, my feeble conception of a "web roots" movement was for me just a passing idea. One that was clearly in the air at the time, and I did nothing with it, so I'm not claiming any credit here. I mention it only to provide some context why I was really happy to hear yesterday that Dillo is being developed again and just had its first new release in 9 years! And why I've already installed it on two computers, my home desktop running Ubuntu 20.04, and a laptop running Debian 12. Out of the box Dillo is a web browser, but there are plugins for alternative protocols like gopher, gemini, ipfs, etc. I had a bit of difficulty getting the Gopher plugin to work properly, so I'm going to make a few notes here in case it helps anyone else who happens to be running a recent-ish version of Ubuntu or Debian. First off, download the Dillo source from github releases: https://github.com/dillo-browser/dillo/releases/tag/v3.1.0 (not from the main source branch unless you know more about compiling software than I do. It requires autoconf which failed with a couple of errors when I tried it, so probably you need a quite recent version of autoconf). I found a list of dependencies in some older documentation. You might want to run the following command: sudo apt install gcc g++ autoconf automake make zlib1g-dev libfltk1.3-dev libssl-dev libc6-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev The standard commands for compiling under gcc work just fine: ./configure make sudo make install That should get you a working version of Dillo. Fire it up and take it for a test drive! Next, install the gopher plugin. Download it from: https://github.com/dillo-browser/dillo-plugin-gopher In this case, do download the master branch from the github repo. Unzip that, and install it with: make install Fire up Dillo. Notice that Gopher now works. Yay! But Dillo's bookmarks are broken. Boo. What happened is that "make install" installed a file at ~/.dillo/dpidrc that overrides the settings in the default dpidrc file that lives at /usr/local/etc/dillo/dpidrc Unfortunately, local file has the wrong dpi_dir setting, namely: dpi_dir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dillo/dpi The dpi directory is where Dillo stores its plugins (and bookmarks are a plugin, apparently). You can have a dpi directory in your ~/.dillo folder and that's fine (that's where the gopher plugin lives) but your main dpi directory that got installed with Dillo lives elsewhere, so your dpi_dir should be set as follows in ~/.dillo/dpidrc: dpi_dir=/usr/local/lib/dillo/dpi Update your local dpidrc file with the correct dpi_dir. Also, the Gopher dpidrc file also has an extra protocol entry that the main dpidrc file doesn't have, namely: proto.https=https/https.filter.dpi I'm not certain if it's necessary to remove it, but I did so just in case. You will probably also want to copy the file /usr/local/etc/dillo/dillorc to your ~/.dillo folder, so you can customize it with your local homepage, font size, etc. Dillo, your bookmarks and gopher should all work now! Happy smolnet browsing.