┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐ │╻ ╻┏━┓┏┳┓┏━╸ ┏┳┓┏━┓╺┳┓┏━╸ ╺┳╸┏━┓┏━╸╻ ╻│ │┣━┫┃ ┃┃┃┃┣╸ ┃┃┃┣━┫ ┃┃┣╸ ┃ ┃ ┃┣╸ ┃ ┃│ │╹ ╹┗━┛╹ ╹┗━╸ ╹ ╹╹ ╹╺┻┛┗━╸ ╹ ┗━┛╹ ┗━┛│ └──────────────────────────────────────────┘ Home made Tofu, this makes about 100g. Increase by 100% for more. Ingredients: 125g Soya Beans (Dried) 1L Water 4 Tbsp Lime (or Lemon) juice 2 Tsp Calcium Sulphate (Coagulates & adds Calcium) A Blender Musin cloth A Tofu press Soak the dry beans in a large bowl of water overnight. Place the re hydrated beans i a blender with 1 Liter of water. Blend for at least 5 minutes. Empty the mushed bean & water mix into the muslin cloth over a pan. Squeeze out the 'Soya Milk' into the pan, this can take some time. The muslin should now contain an almost dry pulp, this is Okara, it can be used in other 'Okara recipes' (search!) The milk now has to be heated over 85c, bring to a boil & monitor temperature. Mix a little water into the Calcium Sulphate to form a paste. Once over 85c allow to cool to between 70-80c. Add the Calcium Sulphate paste & the Lime/Lemon juice & stir only twice. This will now start to congeal, leave the pan to cool. Once cooled, drain the excess liquid & pour into a muslin lined tofu press. Press to remove the water & follow instructions for your press. This is usually applying weight to the press & leaving it for a few hours. Once firm, it can be stored in fresh water in a fridge for a week. Change the water every day.