Yesterday watchig dark miror Naima was watching another show on her phone. It felt silly. We both decided to come down to the beach and watch the last late light around 9:30 at night. We had a nice chat by the lake and then went to the tippi. I layed down there but she wanted to go sleep in her room. We walked back up, and once she was there, she wanted to come and sleep in the tippi. So we came back down. There are plenty of bed in the tippi so it's nice when others are joining in. I wanted to write a bit but it sounded like she fell asleep pretty quickly. Today she invited 2 other friends here. It's nice to have more people at the home. I like their energy and bringning them to different place. We went for a St-Jean Baptist sitting around a fire, then went to a jam for a friend birthday party. I played the Dumbek for a couple hours. I am back in the tippi tonight. The weather hasn't been great so I slept in the house for the last few days. The healing that happens in here is really powerful. It feels like I'll live longer if I sleep all the time in a tippi or in a hammock! I've practice my music setup earlier today. Connecting the Zoom h6 -> Avalanche Run (delay reverb) -> Ditto x2 (looper) -> Smpltrek (sampler / effect / mixer) It's working well and all that can output to a stereo channel so I don't need an extra mixer. I mention that because I want to be able to make music to make people dance. I want to make people dance (and I want to dance) as a healing practice. I'll post an article I've written in the newspaper last Wednesday. In short, I've always been using my body for different modalities (martial art, thai massage, yoga, sacred dance) and I want to develop a system that brings it all togheter with improv and playfulness. The working title is Elemental Yoga Dance. I have a draft on my main computer what is not synced to the gopher but that will be the base of the system. Next week I'm planing to join the contact improve group in the village near here to explore further what that is! On another front, I've started to centralize my samples that I wnat to share of gopher. Gopher will then be my centralized digital repository, with code, audio recording, samples, my digital garden and my phlog. Yesterday when Naima couldn't get to sleep I started telling her about how I got to BC. It remindeed me about my writing from my travel. I want to get back into that, and into More writing is good for my brain! One more last thing about writing, it seems more interesting to write about the thing that I am aspiring to, and what I am working with than the things from the past. So for now my goal is : Create a healing modality that merges dancing, playfulness, community, proximity and shadow work as a yogic practice. Build this with a live music helping the movement and the healing to happens. The dance should also have theatrical element, and musical elements, like masks and drums and shakers... Good night!