OCC day 3 Okay, I finally made it. I can run arch on that tiny laptop. Allright, it autoboot in console that's a good start. Installed fbterm, with a nice background image and some sort of transparency for the other tools I use. I've been pretty good at making a comfortable text only life! Connecting my cellphone in USB to connect to the internet and post this... Now what? I feel a bit of a cheat on this challenge as I have been reducing my computer usage to a very minimal sets of tools: vim, mutt, mpg123, phetch, ssh, w3m The memory and cpu aren't much of a problem, hence the desire to have an even more minimal system on hand and see what could be my bare minimum. I've discovered jonsharp's gopher hole (gopher.jonsharp.net) where he build hand made comptuer. I really like the idea :D But for now, I want to go further into minimalism. I'll setup to try to install an even smaller OS in the next days. I'm quite interested in openWrt, but I'll see what I can dig. At one point, just using no-computer life would be one goal. But I like the idea to have an online tribe, to gather, share and communicate.