20240320-bad_web_design.txt I wanted to go into a couple things that were bothersome for me as a web dev that I've come across. The first is more universal: opting out. I HATE when websites automatically opt you into every little newsletter or notification. I hate it. They will spam you until you click the tiny legalese link at the bottom of their spam emails and make you check/uncheck every little category of emails. That's BS. The only thing that's worse is when they update their preferences and automatically opt you into more nonsense without any notice. An anecdote I had of one website was the worst login security I've ever seen on an actual site. HTML had a sort of user/password scheme where you could just look at the source code and see the username and password to any person. I was late/lucky enough that I never saw that on prod. The site I signed up on used GET to log you in with your username and password in plaintext in the freaking URL with an automatic redirect. I'm not making this up. Thank goodness I was using a completely original username and password. When I contacted the "support" for the site about it, they got pissy, decided I was a hacker, and deleted my account without warning. Nothing of value was lost, but I was flabbergasted as this site had thousands of users and they were using the worst "security" I'd ever seen. I mean kudos on using PHP, but how the fuck are you stupid enough to put the password in a URL? I believe this was before/right around the time Incognito became a thing, so anyone using my computer that wanted to do an address autocomplete could see my name/password. Again, I'm incredibly grateful I didn't use a username or password that was tied to any other accounts. One other fun thing I saw was from an amateur using one of those cookie-cutter site builders. I was browsing in Lynx, as usual, and I came across a sentence with weird capitalization... And this was from a person advertising professional services. I checked out the site in a "normal" browser and saw that the site was using the CSS text-transform property to make the span all caps (almost 100% sure he's never even heard of CSS) but didn't adjust his keyboard input so the actual source and CSS-less page had "hI, i'M firstname lastnamE" scrawled proudly in the "About Me" section. My guess is the pre-built template had it all in caps by default and this guy didn't look at the screen while typing... or maybe he did and figured out his Caps Lock was on halfway through it. I don't know. It's just funny to see web design mistakes (even well-hidden ones) like that in 2024. Man, I really miss Web Pages That Suck. The site is still up, but hasn't had an update since 2016 and most/all the image links are broken.