TITLE: Processing bike ride data from Fitotrack Android app DATE: 2024-06-19 AUTHOR: John L. Godlee ==================================================================== I have been using The Fitotrack Android app for a over a year now to track my bike rides. Fitotrack allows you to export the tracking data in XML format. I wrote an R script to process the XML data and create some basic summary plots. I have broken down the R script below: [Fitotrack Android app]: https://github.com/russok/FitoTrack Firstly, load necessary packages and import the compressed XML file, which has the file extension .ftb. I use Syncthing to sync the backup files from my phone to my laptop. [Syncthing]: https://syncthing.net/ # Process data from FitoTrack Android app # John L. Godlee (johngodlee@gmail.com) # Last updated: 2024-06-19 # Packages library(dplyr) library(XML) library(lubridate) library(ggplot2) library(patchwork) library(archive) library(leaflet) library(sf) # Find all fitotrack backups f <- list.files("~/syncthing/fitotrack", "*.ftb", full.names = TRUE) # Check files found stopifnot(length(f) > 0) Then parse the file and extract each ride, represented by child nodes in the workouts part of the XML. # 7z unarchive the file conn <- archive_read(sort(f)[1]) # Import data dat <- xmlParse(readLines(conn)) # Separate nodes with summary data summ_nodes <- getNodeSet(dat, "//workouts//workouts") Summarise each node and create a pretty dataframe, where each row is a ride. # For each node, get children as list summ_df <- bind_rows(lapply(seq_len(xmlSize(summ_nodes)), function(x) { as.list(getChildrenStrings(summ_nodes[[x]])) })) %>% mutate( across(all_of(c("calorie", "ascent", "descent", "avgPace", "avgSpeed", "topSpeed", "length", "maxElevationMSL", "minElevationMSL")), as.numeric), start = as_datetime(as.numeric(start) / 1000), end = as_datetime(as.numeric(end) / 1000), duration = round(as.period(end - start)), pauseDuration = round(seconds_to_period(as.numeric(pauseDuration) / 1000))) Create plots with summary information for each ride (plots_all), and a table with the same information (month_summ). # Define conversion factor km to miles kmt <- 0.6213711922 # Plot average speed of all rides over time avgSpeed_ts <- ggplot(summ_df, aes(x = start, y = avgSpeed)) + geom_point(shape = 21) + theme_bw() + scale_y_continuous( name = expression("Average speed"~(km~h^-1)), sec.axis = sec_axis( transform = ~.*kmt, name = expression("Average speed"~(miles~h^-1)) )) + xlab("Date") # Plot top speed of all rides over time topSpeed_ts <- ggplot(summ_df, aes(x = start, y = topSpeed)) + geom_point(shape = 21) + theme_bw() + scale_y_continuous( name = expression("Top speed"~(km~h^-1)), sec.axis = sec_axis( transform = ~.*kmt, name = expression("Top speed"~(miles~h^-1)) )) + xlab("Date") # Plot length of all rides over time length_ts <- summ_df %>% mutate(length_km = length / 1000) %>% ggplot(., aes(x = start, y = length_km)) + geom_point(shape = 21) + theme_bw() + scale_y_continuous( name = "Distance (km)", sec.axis = sec_axis( transform = ~.*kmt, name = "Distance (miles)")) + xlab("Date") # Monthly breakdown of: # total distance # average speed # top speed month_summ <- summ_df %>% mutate(month_year = format(as.Date(start), "%Y-%m")) %>% group_by(month_year) %>% summarise( total_dist = sum(length, na.rm = TRUE) / 1000, mean_speed = mean(avgSpeed, na.rm = TRUE), max_speed = max(topSpeed, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% mutate( total_dist_miles = total_dist * kmt, mean_speed_mph = mean_speed * kmt, max_speed_mph = max_speed * kmt) # Plot monthly total distance bar chart month_dist <- month_summ %>% mutate(month_year_date = as.Date(paste0(month_year, "-01"))) %>% ggplot(., aes(x = month_year_date, y = total_dist)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", colour = "black", fill = "grey") + theme_bw() + scale_x_date( breaks = seq( as.Date(paste0(min(month_summ$month_year), "-01")), as.Date(paste0(max(month_summ$month_year), "-01")), by = "month"), date_labels = "%b %Y") + scale_y_continuous( name = "Total distance (km)", sec.axis = sec_axis( transform = ~.*kmt, name = "Total distance (miles)")) + xlab("Month") # Patchwork plots together plots_all <- avgSpeed_ts + topSpeed_ts + length_ts + month_dist ![Summary plots created by code above.](https://johngodlee.xyz/img_full/fitotrack/plots_all.png) ![Monthly summary table cretaed by code above.](https://johngodlee.xyz/img_full/fitotrack/month_summ.png) Now to process the data from a single ride. Fitotrack splits each ride up into interals which share a single ID, within the samples part of the XML. First process each node and create a pretty dataframe. # Get intervals # Separate nodes int_nodes <- getNodeSet(dat, "//samples//samples") # For each node, get children as list int_list <- lapply(seq_len(xmlSize(int_nodes)), function(x) { as.list(getChildrenStrings(int_nodes[[x]])) }) # Process intervals # summ_list$samples[[1]] int_df <- bind_rows(lapply(int_list, function(x) { data.frame( "int_id" = x$id, "id" = x$workoutId, "elevation" = as.numeric(x$elevation), "latitude" = as.numeric(x$lat), "longitude" = as.numeric(x$lon), "speed" = as.numeric(x$speed)) })) %>% group_by(id) %>% arrange(int_id) %>% mutate(int = row_number()) %>% relocate(id, int) %>% dplyr::select(-int_id) %>% mutate(per = int / max(int)) # Check all interval IDs in summary dataframe stopifnot(all(sort(unique(int_df$id)) %in% sort(unique(summ_df$id)))) Then extract a single ride ID, in this case the most recent ride, and create interval plots. The first is a speed plot, and the second is an elevation plot. # Extract most recent ID ex_id <- summ_df$id[order(summ_df$start, decreasing = TRUE)][1] # Create speed plot of a particular ride int_speed <- int_df %>% filter(id == ex_id) %>% ggplot(., aes(x = int, y = speed)) + geom_line() + theme_bw() + scale_y_continuous( name = expression("Speed"~(km~h^-1)), sec.axis = sec_axis( transform = ~.*kmt, name = expression("Speed"~(miles~h^-1)) )) + xlab("Interval") # Create elevation plot of a particular ride int_elev <- int_df %>% filter(id == ex_id) %>% ggplot(., aes(x = int, y = elevation)) + geom_line() + theme_bw() + labs( x = "Interval", y = "Elevation (m)") # Combine speed and elevation plots for a particular ride plots_ride <- (int_speed + int_elev) + plot_layout(ncol = 1) ![Plots of single ride generated by code above.](https://johngodlee.xyz/img_full/fitotrack/plots_ride.png) Finally, create a simple interactive map of the ride. # Create sf object with interval points int_sf <- int_fil %>% st_as_sf(., coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326) # Duplicate points to get start and end of interval, # add ID, summarise to interval lines int_lines <- int_sf %>% mutate(int = int - 1) %>% bind_rows(., int_sf) %>% arrange(int) %>% group_by(int) %>% summarise( elevation = mean(elevation), speed = mean(speed), per = mean(per), n = n(), do_union = FALSE) %>% filter(n > 1) %>% st_cast(., "LINESTRING") # Create colour palette pal <- colorNumeric(palette = "plasma", domain = int_lines$speed) # Create leaflet map call lmap <- leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% setView( lng = mean(int_fil$longitude), lat = mean(int_fil$latitude), zoom = 12) %>% addPolylines( data = int_lines, color = pal(int_lines$speed), opacity = 1) ![Screenshot of leaflet map showing route with colouring by speed.](https://johngodlee.xyz/img_full/fitotrack/leaflet.png)