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                       |   Y  (  <_> )  |_\  ___/                 
                       |___|  /\____/|____/\___  >                
                            \/                 \/   
                 <== Welcome to the fab's gopherhole ==>
          <== Served to you by gophernicus on  FreeBSD 14.1 ==>
       Hello and welcome to fab's gopherhole. It's heavily under
       construction and it was first introduced on Sat, 27. Jan
        #Gopher #phlog #smolnet #Gemini #GeminiProtocol #gemlog
        #HomeLab #SelfHosting #Terminal #CLI #CommandLine #TUI
        #Linux #FreeBSD #BSD #FreeSoftware
       Because I'm a beginner in the #gopherspace every input is
       very appreciated.
       So if you have any comments, suggestions, advice or ideas
       please send me an email or follow me on Mastodon /
       ActivityPub and reach me there.
   DIR About and Contact
       <== Local Documents ==>
   DIR fab's phlog
  TEXT fab's phlog rss feed
   DIR The Finger Protocol
       <== Interesting things ==>
   DIR Community Gopher Sites
       <== Status ==>
       10:22AM  up 24 days,  7:07, 0 users, load averages: 0.12, 0.08, 0.08