Vaccines, man September 9th 2024 ===================== I'm mostly feeling better from the vaccine-sick but my sleep schedule is all off again, which stinks because I felt like I had just gotten to have a consistent amount of sleep for the first time in years and now here I am waking up at 4am again. I know I can get back there but lord is it annoying. Anyway I'm writing this on the pocket reform again, and every day I'm making it more the everyday machine I want it to be. I just need to run some kind of tiny vm so I can test out my x86-64 programming for the systems programming class and I think I can do basically everything I need for all my teaching from this little thing. Oh, right, so y'know how you need to name every linux system well I'm calling this one pod042 because I can't help but go with the automata reference. I should write an actual review of this machine once I have everything the way I want. I'll admit that I'm really happy with the idea of being able to eventually replace basically every part without having to junk the whole thing. I *hate* having to throw things away and not just because I have bad scruples obsessions about waste. I legitmately think it's horrible just how much we have to throw in the garbage every week and I know that we throw away a lot less than the average group of three adults: we have neighbors throwing away multiple big garbage bags a week and we're only putting out one every few weeks and even that feels like too much. And I really hate that my last full laptop before the current one I'm using lasted less than two years before it started literally falling apart with failing keys, dead ports, and Mysterious Intermittent Issues. It was clearly meant to be junk you churned through. So I'm hoping that this little machine, at the very least, will be sticking with me for a long time. The pocket reform as received is pretty underpowered but I'm not having the issues some folks were having with wi-fi issues and overheating. Everything is running great, actually, and even the issue I was having with it seeming like the batteries were being weird is going to be resolved by letting it drain to nothing just once. I personally find that spooky but everyone says that's what to do! Oh, and actually the SBCL issue was resolved in the goofiest way: the debian packaged version of sbcl was much much newer than their prebuilt binary so I just installed that. I've gotten so use to the packaged version being strictly older that it didn't even occur to me that in this case it'd be like ten+ years newer! I still can't get the development release of gforth built, though, which is fine but slightly tilting. So, yeah, it's almost 6am now and I'm drinking a cup of lapsang souchong and hoping I either wake up or get sleepy. Caffeine often makes me sleepy if I'm tired enough.