       -=-=-=- Welcome to the gopherspace at pongonova.org! -=-=-=- 
       This gopher was last updated Tue Sep  8 18:32:44 GMT 2015. 
       Gopher proxies (code, live sites, etc.)
   DIR WikkaGopher
       An open source gopher proxy plugin for WikkaWiki.
   DIR Gopher proxies
       Obviously, if you are reading this, you have no use for a gopher
       proxy.  But please feel free to share these proxies with those less
       fortunate who may not have gopher access due to firewalls or lack
       of a client.
       Gopher tutorials and resources
  HTML SDF tutorial
       Compact, up-to-date gopher help including gophermap details,
       phlog links, and moles.
  HTML Gopher mailing list archives
       Archives for the gopher mailing list go back to 2003. An excellent
       source of information about all things gopher.  To subscribe to the
       list, send an empty e-mail to:
       with a subject line of "subscribe".
  HTML Gopher server statuses
       Status/uptimes for selected list of gopher servers
   DIR Server configuration notes
       Random notes about this server's configuration.
  HTML OpenNIC wiki
       OpenNIC is a free, democratic, and open alternative to the ICANN
   DIR Network traffic stats for
       ASCII graphs of traffic for the OpenNIC Tier 2
       server located in Bloomington, IN
       2nd Amendment Issues and Archives
       "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
       State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
       infringed." --U.S. Constitution (2nd Amendment)
       "If you asked, if he was still alive, he would have said his only
       regret is he didn't have his sidearm with him and he couldn't do
       anything to stop him." --James Gill, on friend Jonathan Blunk,
       killed in the Aurora, CO Century movie theater shooting
  TEXT More Quotes
       Various freedom-related quotes.
   DIR DUF Archives
       Archives (soon to be searchable) of Stephen Wenger's "Defensive Use of
       Firearms" (DUF) mailing list (2005-present).
       Questions or comments?
   DIR Guestbook
       Leave a message in our guestbook
       E-mail: brian@pongonova.net
       IRC: #gopherproject on Freenode (nick: brianko)