       +++ Card 1: How you feel about yourself +++
       +++ The Chariot +++
       You feel everything is a constant battle at the moment, but
       persevere and you will triumph in the end. Expect some good
       news that will help you to keep going until you achieve
       your goals.
       This is a time of movement and change and of conflicts
       ending in victory. You may well consider a journey that
       relates to work or go for that new car you've been looking
       +++ Card 2: What you want most right now +++
       +++ The Fool +++
       The Fool in this position suggests that what you most want
       at this time is just to be happy, and you are searching for
       one thing that will bring happiness.
       You desire a new start but feel unsure of what you want or
       where you want to go.
       Romantically you may have mixed feelings about someone -
       part of you wants to enter the relationship wholeheartedly,
       part of you wants to hold back. So if you are in a
       relationship that empowers you then stay - if not it is
       ttime to move on.
       +++ Card 3: Your fears +++
       +++ The Hanged Man +++
       You fear letting go, yet this place of limbo and indecision
       is not a good place to be.
       Are you being emotionally blackmailed so you don't leave?
       Don't be the victim.  Sometimes we have to have the
       strength to let go to attract new positive possibilities
       into our life.
       +++ Card 4: What is going for you +++
       +++ The Magician +++
       If considering any new enterprise or relationship you will
       find the self-belief, confidence and ingenuity to make it a
       Perhaps you desire a promotion or pay increase at work
       You may strongly and truly believe that if you were to
       choose to work for yourself you could be prosperous.
       Go for it!
       +++ Card 5: What is going against you +++
       +++ Strength +++
       Your negativity and lack of self-control are your real
       If you are finding certain addictions in your life are
       ttaking a hold, be it smoking or drinking for example, look
       inward for your heart's true strength and self-belief.
       Change your attitude and be positive and you will reap
       great rewards.
       +++ Card 6: The likely outcome +++
       +++ The Devil +++
       If your previous cards have been positive and your main
       consideration has been about a relationship then there's a
       possibility of commitment, even a proposal of marriage.
       If this is not the case, there is a final opportunity for
       you to change course, because the temptation you are
       experiencing concerning a relationship, money or
       materialism or any other kind of addiction won't lead to a
       happy ending.
       If you are feeling low in self-belief and self-worth and
       doubt your abilities, don't. Have more confidence - it's
       not too late to change direction.
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