       Name                  Description                              Last commit
   DIR acm-proxy             acm library proxy                        2020-03-31 10:29
   DIR amprolla              devuan's apt repo merger                 2019-06-17 21:20
   DIR aoc                   Advent of Code                           2022-12-01 17:24
   DIR aoc22                 2022 Advent of Code                      2022-12-04 13:59
   DIR arm-sdk               os build toolkit for various embedded …  2021-12-12 13:02
   DIR autohell              a simple replacement for GNU autoconf    2018-02-25 10:53
   DIR blck                  ephemeral pastebin/url shortener         2021-04-19 22:04
   DIR btcticker             eInk Bitcoin price ticker                2021-05-04 14:11
   DIR cancel                free software for cancelling people an…  2021-03-29 22:16
   DIR coffin                secure lan file storage on a device      2016-10-10 11:46
   DIR counterfacto          small software tool to analyze twitter…  2017-03-08 23:14
   DIR devuan-keyring        Devuan keyring package                   2020-11-09 23:51
   DIR devuan-releasebot     devuan's releasebot reimplemented (sco…  2017-07-27 12:55
   DIR dmt                   source code for the kunsthal art insta…  2017-11-29 09:59
   DIR docker2sh             Convert Dockerfiles into shell scripts   2019-11-20 22:28
   DIR dotg                  a bitreich fosdem adventure              2020-02-05 17:59
   DIR droid4-sys            Droid4 tools                             2019-06-12 10:58
   DIR dwm                   dynamic window manager                   2023-11-02 11:15
   DIR electrum-personal-s…  Maximally lightweight electrum server …  2021-04-16 11:04
   DIR electrum              Electrum Bitcoin wallet                  2021-03-12 22:41
   DIR geoip                 short golang utility to fetch geoip da…  2020-03-03 18:59
   DIR git-restrict          simple utility for git repo permission…  2022-05-22 13:03
   DIR gitzone               git-based zone management tool for sta…  2019-06-10 07:29
   DIR google-fonts          Google Fonts portage overlay             2023-09-07 07:11
   DIR gopherbay             A Gopher interface to The Pirate Bay     2022-03-25 10:43
   DIR gtomb                 tomb gtk frontend in zenity              2016-06-16 19:19
   DIR libdevuansdk          common library for devuan's simple dis…  2021-04-12 14:10
   DIR mars                  superminimal static website framework    2018-02-07 23:48
   DIR mixmaster             mixmaster 3.0 patched for libressl       2016-09-19 13:33
   DIR obelisk               Electrum server using libbitcoin as it…  2021-05-06 16:45
   DIR paraports             parazyd's aports                         2019-07-31 08:53
   DIR parlay                yet another gentoo overlay               2024-10-01 11:27
   DIR pi3-aoe               ATA over Ethernet setup for Raspberry …  2021-01-28 16:47
   DIR pinephone-boot        Bootloader and kernel build for the Pi…  2019-04-30 20:18
   DIR plumber               simple plumber tool                      2021-05-28 19:23
   DIR proofbug              halo2 proof bug                          2022-04-30 22:50
   DIR qemu-wrapper          qemu wrapper used for specifying args …  2016-06-16 20:24
   DIR sacc                  sacc(omys), simple console gopher clie…  2021-04-06 11:24
   DIR scrapers              scrapers for various sites               2021-02-07 14:18
   DIR scripts               random scripts                           2020-05-19 11:21
   DIR sdk-vm                Blend repository for building a Devuan…  2019-11-04 12:40
   DIR sraft                 simple raft implementation               2022-03-31 00:00
   DIR st                    simple terminal                          2022-04-26 18:50
   DIR sup                   small tool for privilege escalation      2021-04-03 11:34
   DIR system76-tools        collection of utilities for system76 l…  2022-10-21 13:29
   DIR tarot                 A Tarot engine                           2019-11-29 11:20
   DIR timesheetpy           simple timesheet generator               2016-12-19 21:17
   DIR tlstun                simple go program to add tls support t…  2021-04-26 08:38
   DIR tomb                  the crypto undertaker                    2017-08-08 07:55
   DIR tordam                A library for peer discovery inside th…  2021-03-29 21:07
   DIR unix-socket           unix socket C example                    2021-01-04 22:35
   DIR uwu                   hardware bitcoin wallet software and b…  2021-02-03 00:10
   DIR wallpapers            collection of wallpapers i found nice    2016-10-10 14:01
   DIR wasm-runtime          A wasm runtime                           2022-03-11 18:09
   DIR wiki                  knowledgebase of randomness              2018-02-05 17:21