   DIR Mozz.us Homepage
       / The mozz.us single-page phlog  \
       \ "a place to store all my junk" /
          \ ,   _ ___.--'''`--''//-,-_--_.
             \`"' ` || \\ \ \\/ / // / ,-\\`,_
            /'`  \ \ || Y  | \|/ / // / - |__ `-,
           /@"\  ` \ `\ |  | ||/ // | \/  \  `-._`-,_.,
          /  _.-. `.-\,___/\ _/|_/_\_\/|_/ |     `-._._)
          `-'``/  /  |  // \__/\__  /  \__/ \
               `-'  /-\/  | -|   \__ \   |-' |
                 __/\ / _/ \/ __,-'   ) ,' _|'
                (((__/(((_.' ((___..-'((__,'
       I've made several significant additions to my gopherhole over the
       past few weeks. I haven't particularly felt like writing a phlog
       post, so I've given myself permission to have fun tinkering without
       documenting anything.
       I've been thinking about making some sort of telnet game/application.
       I found this great Python telnet library that I want to use:
  HTML shmup/miniboa (github)
       But I realized that I don't actually know how the TELNET protocol
       works, so I've been slogging through all of the old RFCs. I enjoy
       reading the RFC documents for old protocols. They're succinct and
       written in clear, precise language. It's such a stark contrast from
       the overly verbose papers that are coming out of academia.
       Presenting a new gopher applet...
   DIR A Random Dad Joke!
       (Start preview)
               A Random Dad Joke
               / Two fish are in a tank, one turns to  \
               | the other and says, "how do you drive |
               \ this thing?"                          /
                      \   ^__^
                       \  (oo)\_______
                          (__)\       )\/\
                              ||----w |
                              ||     ||
               (refresh the page for a new joke)
               Powered by https://icanhazdadjoke.com
       (End preview)
       This was a fun little 15-minute gopher app that I decided to create
       after stumbling upon the following site:
  HTML https://icanhazdadjoke.com/
       The Python (3) code was only a few lines long:
       from subprocess import run, PIPE
       from unidecode import unidecode
       def generate():
           command = 'curl https://icanhazdadjoke.com | cowsay'
           resp = run(command, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, encoding='utf-8')
           return unidecode(resp.stdout)
       I had to throw the unidecode converter in there because the service
       returns those annoying UTF-8 quotation marks and apostrophes.
       I briefly considered scraping all of the dad jokes into a local file
       so it wasn't depending on making an HTTP request. But then I decided
       that I was probably over-thinking it. Maybe I'll come back to this
       later if I'm still interested.
       I updated the layout of some of the pages on my main gopherhole.
       Specifically, I added formatted gopher directories to the top-level
       listing pages for file repositories. I wanted to be able to group
       similar files and include helpful descriptions, instead of simply
       dumping all of the file names to a page. I also added some nifty
       ASCII art banners.
   DIR - Music Library
   DIR - Flash Library
   DIR - Qi/Ph Source Code
       I can't stop myself from tweaking things. Every time I start browsing
       through other sites in the gopherverse, I end up with a bunch of new
       ideas for how to display content. Everyone has their own little
       personal touches that they add. I still have a lot to learn.
       My latest gopher app is live!
   DIR Cocktails (Drink Recipe Search Engine)
       I'm really happy with how it turned out! The only bug that I've
       encountered so far is that the floodgap HTTP-proxy chokes on the
       type "7" search query, because the URL contains a "?" character. For
       some reason, it URL escapes the "?" character when it shouldn't be...
       But that's a small nitpick, everything else works great :)
       It's nice to be able to work on a gopher site for a couple of days,
       pronounce it as "done", and then move on to something new. This was
       the perfect size. I'm going to try to do more projects like this in
       the future. Right now I'm thinking about porting some ASCII art over
       to gopher. The artist below is who I've gotten like 90 percent of
       the art for my sites so far. She's really incredible:
  HTML Joan Stark's ASCII Art Gallery
       I've been increasingly negative on the prospect of gopher over TLS.
       Not from a technical perspective. I added TLS to Flask-Gopher a while
       ago and it works just fine.
   DIR TLS using FLask-Gopher
       Rather, from a perspective of "Why is everyone wasting their time on
       this?". I can't think of any good reasons for gopher to *need* TLS
       connections. Let's be real here:
       1. Nobody is sending passwords or secure information over search
          queries. It's just not a reality in gopher. There are several
          non-TLS reasons for this, including gopher's lack of support for
          session cookies.
       2. Your ISP is not going MITM your port 70 gopher connection. Yes,
          they technically *could* if they wanted to. But there are not ads
          on gopher, no commercialization opportunities. There's simply no
          financial incentive for them to give a damn about gopher.
       3. Yes, a government agency could spy on your requests. But if you're
          being targeted by a nation state (or any sophisticated individual),
          you've already lost. No amount of TLS encryption will save you.
       I added my library of flash (.swf) files to the mozz.us gopher
       homepage. They were already sitting on the server being used by
       another webapp, so I figured "why not?".
   DIR Flash Library
       I want to be careful to avoid turning my gopher server into a dumping
       ground for 1000's of random files, just for the sake of it. It feels
       messy and pointless. In this case, I'm going to let it slide because
       there's some poetic beauty in serving a dead file format (.swf) over
       a dead server protocol.
       For the same reason, I also want to avoid adding an "external links"
       section with links to other gopher holes that I appreciate. There are
       already plenty of gopher servers that do a good job aggregating links.
       Let's keep mozz focused on serving unique and delightful content.
       The past few days, I've been working on a new gopher service that
       contains a sortable database to cocktail drink recipes. I was inspired
       after seeing a few recipes on gopher and noticing how nice they looked
       formatted as ASCII. Basically, I like the A E S T H E T I C.
       So first I wrote a scraper to pull recipes from liqour.com
  HTML liqour.com
       That part was surprisingly easy. The hard part now is building some
       kind of menu system in gopher to allow selecting and filtering by tags
       like "Difficulty: [Medium]". That's what I'm working on for the moment
       whenever I can find the time.
       Here's a preview of what the recipes look like formatted. All of the
       information is pulled from a sqlite database.
  TEXT Manhattan Drink Recipe
       I keep flip-flopping on how I should format headers on my main page.
       The problem is this: I can chose something and it looks great in lynx
       because links are highlighted in a different color so they stand out
       from the header info lines. But when I test using a different browser,
       it becomes hard to read because there's no visual separation between
       headers and content.
       So, I need to pick a format that meets the following criteria:
         - Easily distinguishable on clients that don't use text formatting.
         - Gracefully degrades on screens that wrap less than 70 characters.
         - Allows the header text to include non-alphanum characters (like
           parenthesis) without looking awkward.
       Today, I've settled on using a tilde character + uppercase. Tilde is
       nice because it's not often used in ASCII for other purposes.
   DIR Some example styles that I have been playing around with
       I will probably change my mind again tomorrow.
       Here's a little rock-paper-scissors app that I made for gopher. I
       felt that the quality turned out too low to post it on the main page,
       but there's no harm in sharing it here.
   DIR Rock Paper Scissors - The Ultimate Game of Strategy
       The random token at the end of the URL (e.g "/bfhqK3kH") doesn't
       actually represent anything. I only added it for cache-busting on
       lynx (otherwise you would always see the same result as the first
       time you loaded the page). I really hate doing that because it screws
       with the purity of my gopher routes. But a lot of people (including
       myself) use lynx. It sort of reminds me of JS hacking to support old
       Internet Explorer versions.
       Now that I think about it, in the future I might disregard lynx and
       settle with putting a disclaimer on the page about browser caching
       breaking dynamic applications.
       I recently stumbled across this interesting article on formatting:
  TEXT ASCII Formatting in Gopher Menus
       TITLE = Deeply indent, then precede and end phrase with arrows:
                       ---> Title <---
       HEADING = Left align, then box above and below with equal-signs:
       BULLET = Indent, then precede with a dash and a space:
                    - bullet
       SUB-BULLET = Heavily indent, then precede with a tilde and a space:
                       ~ sub-bullet
       BOLD = Type phrase using all capitals:
       ITALIC = Precede and end phrase with a dash:
       BOLD/ITALIC = Combine the bold and italic indicators:
       UNDERLINE = Precede and end phrase with a double-quote:
       HIGHLIGHT = Precede and end phrase with a single-quote:
       Unfortunately I couldn't find the date of when this was published.
       It seems to be more-or-less a primitive version of markdown. Using
       quotes for underline instead of _underline_ doesn't make any sense
       to me. Using arrows for the title is an interesting idea though. I
       wonder how many servers back in the 90's settled on a common scheme
       for formatting. It's not something that was ever outlined in any of
       the RFCs.
       In related news, I've started using three periods to divide sections,
       kind of like a <div></div> tag. I think it works pretty well.
       New Release: Flask-Gopher 2.1.1
  HTML (GitHub) Flask-Gopher 2.1.1 Release Notes
       Yesterday I discovered a bug in Flask-Gopher that was causing query
       parameters to be chopped off the end of HTTP links.
       The link that lead to the discovery
  HTML https://kb.wisc.edu/page.php?id=4418
       was redirecting here instead
  HTML https://kb.wisc.edu/page.php
       Here's the source of the bug:
           def gopher_url_redirect(url):
               url = url_quote(url)
               return self.URL_REDIRECT_TEMPLATE.format(url=url).strip()
       I had assumed that the flask <path:url> regex would capture
       everything after the "/URL:". However, flask has special behavior
       for query parameters where they get stripped and parsed separately
       from the rest of the path. So the ``url`` variable only contained
       the base path before the ? character.
       This also got me thinking about how the URL string should be escaped
       in the HTML redirect page. I was using URL escaping, when I *should*
       have been using HTML *escaping*. At least... I think so.
       Otherwise you could craft a malicious URL like this
       (turns into)
  HTML (Stack Overflow) Difference between URL encode and HTML encode
       Here's what I ended up changing it to:
           def gopher_url_redirect(url):
               # Use the full_path because it keeps any query params intact
               url = request.full_path.split(':', 1)[1]  # Drop the "/URL:"
               url = url.rstrip('?')  # Flask adds an ? even if there are no 
               url = escape(url)
               return self.URL_REDIRECT_TEMPLATE.format(url=url).strip()
       Plaintext is beautiful!
       ...but is it, really?
       I would rather read a LaTeX generated pdf than an ASCII version of
       the same document. I would also rather read a Markdown formatted
       README.md on Github than a plain text README in a project's root dir.
       A little formatting can go a long way towards improving readability.
       - headings are nice
       - bold / italics / underlines are nice
       - hypertext links are nice
       I would absolutely love it if there was a link descriptor type in
       gopher for markdown formatted text (say, "m"?). There are already
       lots of cool tools for converting markdown to ANSI terminal codes.
  HTML Terminal Markdown Viewer (Github)
       Go ahead, I know, you can't resist asking: "What is Mozz?"
       Mozz is a 4-letter domain name that was still available in 2018.
       Often short for "mozzarella" (a damn good cheese, in my top 5).
       Pronunciation rhymes with "Woz", as in "Steve Woz-niak".
       "Mozz in the morning, mozz in the evening, mozz at suppertime.
        When mozz is on a bagel, you can eat mozz.us anytime!"
       Fuck it, I'm starting a phlog.
       I want a place to jot down random observations on gopher and
       technology, site updates, and other junk. But I don't want the
       pressure of maintaining an active blog and writing long-form
       articles. To be honest, I don't actually like writing very much.
       This'll work for now.
       Don't expect much, and you won't be disappointed.
       ps. That kick ass tiger logo was generated with "$ cowsay -f meow"
  HTML Wikipedia article on cowsay
                                       . . .