   DIR CCSO Nameserver Resources
                           Connecting to CCSO with Telnet
       Any telnet client can work in a pinch as a CCSO client when nothing
       else is available. All CCSO commands use standard ASCII characters,
       and are also valid telnet commands (no special characters or
       control sequences are used). The CCSO protocol returns human
       readable text strings.
       --- Example ----------------------------------------------------------
       $ telnet mozz.us 105
       Connected to mozz.us.
       Escape character is '^]'.
       200:Database ready.
       query adams clay
       102:There was 1 match to your request.
       -200:1:           alias: a-adams11
       -200:1:            name: adams a clay
       -200:1:         address: 150 dcl
       -200:1:                : CAMPUS MC 256
       -200:1:      department: computing services office
       -200:1:           title: extra help technical
       -200:1:       left_uiuc: 10/1991
                                                 Served by Flask-Gopher/3.0.0