   DIR CCSO Nameserver Resources
                            Connecting to CCSO with Lynx
       Lynx (the curses web browser) supports CCSO links using the cso://
       protocol. When you open a cso link, lynx will present you with a
       form that contains all of the fields that are indexed and searchable
       by the CCSO server.
           $ lynx "cso://mozz.us"
       Lynx also recognizes gopher URLs with item type 2, and will parse
       everything after the ? as a CCSO query. Queries of this type are
       displayed in an alternate, simplified format. This format is also
       used when following a cso:// link from inside of a gopher page.
           $ lynx "gopher://mozz.us:105/2?name=adams clay"
       --- Example ----------------------------------------------------------
       $ lynx cso://mozz.us
       CSO/PH command: query name="clay" name="adams" return all
                       There was 1 match to your request.
          Entry 1:
               Unique name for user.
               Full name.
                      adams a clay
               Preferred paper mail address.
                      150 dcl
                      CAMPUS MC 256
               Paper mail address of office.
                      150 dcl
                      CAMPUS MC 256
               University department.
                      computing services office
               University job title.
                      extra help technical
               Person, Phone, Outsider, Unit, Food, Weather, etc.
                      person phone
               Month and year ph noticed the person left the
                                                 Served by Flask-Gopher/3.0.0