   DIR Mozz.us Homepage
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                      -[CCSO Nameserver Resources]-
       The CCSO nameserver was an early form of database search on the
       Internet. In its most common form, it was used as an electronic
       "Phone Book" to lookup information such as telephone numbers and
       email addresses. Today, this service has largely been replaced by
       LDAP. It was used mainly in the early-to-middle 1990s.
       All of the nameservers in the world (that we know of)
   DIR Master List of CCSO Nameservers
       A reference CCSO server hosted here, running qi version 3.1b7
   CSO cso://mozz.us:105
       CCSO's plaintext protocol works with a wide range of clients
   DIR Connecting to CCSO with Ph
   DIR Connecting to CCSO with Lynx
   DIR Connecting to CCSO with Telnet
   DIR Connecting to CCSO with Python
       Guides, specifications, references
   DIR CCSO Information Hub
  TEXT CCSO Gopherpedia Entry
       The source code for the original nameserver (qi) and client (ph)
   DIR Qi/Ph Source files
       How to run your own nameserver in a Docker Container
  HTML Setting up CCSO with Docker (Github)
                                                 Served by Flask-Gopher/3.0.0