   DIR 2018 Advent Beer Review
       Date:   Dec 22, 2018
       Beer:   Brewery Vivant - Tart Side of the Moon
       Style:  Tart Imperial Stout
       Source: Grand Rapids, Michigan
       ABV:    9.5%
       "Big dark chocolate notes and hints of black cherries erupt from
        this hearty stout. We kettle-soured a portion of this brew and
        blended it back for a slight tartness on the finish. No adjuncts
        are added to this beer-- these robust layers of flavor are yeast
        driven. Listen to the lunatic in your head... and enjoy"
   IMG Tart Side of the Moon
       This is possibly the most unique beer that I've ever had. It has
       that signature sour beer smell that's tart and funky (and a bit
       rancid in my opinion). On the surface it tastes like a strong stout.
       The cherries intrude the otherwise familiar beer with a burst of
       funkiness. They do indeed taste like the black cherries that you
       find in ice cream and other desserts. I don't "hate" it, but I can't
       say that I like it either. It's definitely an experience though and
       I'm glad that I tried it. I would say if you're a fan of sour beers
       then you can't pass this one up.
       - Would I buy it again? No
       - How much could I drink in one night? I struggled to get through
         the can.