   DIR 2018 Advent Beer Review
       Date:   Dec 2, 2018
       Beer:   New Belgium - Accumulation
       Style:  White IPA
       Source: Fort Collins, Colorado
       ABV:    6.2%
       "Flurries of Mosaic and Amarillo hops bring soft fruit and citrus
        flavor, followed by a layer of bitter in our seasonally suited
        White IPA."
   IMG Accumulation
       This was a nice, smooth drinking beer. I could taste the subtle
       fruit notes at first but I didn't pick out any specific flavors.
       Bitterness was at around the ideal level for a session IPA. Nothing
       about the flavor stood out as particularly interesting or exciting,
       but it was solid overall. I don't know why this is marketed as a
       seasonal beer, I could drink it all year long.
       - Would I buy it again? Yes
       - How much could I drink in one night? Around 3-4 bottles.