   DIR 2018 Advent Beer Review
       Date:   Dec 15, 2018
       Beer:   Samuel Adams - White Christmas
       Style:  Spiced Ale
       Source: Boston, Massachusetts
       ABV:    5.8%
       "Hazy, crisp and bright. Ale brewed with spices."
   IMG White Christmas
       This is a limited release from Sam Adams. I do like some of their
       other beers, like the Rebel IPA, but this one is a disappointment.
       It's advertised as "hazy" but it just tastes stale to me. The flavor
       is kind of like a Red Delicious apple with some random spices thrown
       in that don't compliment each other. It feels like they phoned this
       one in without any clear direction to what they were trying to
       - Would I buy it again? No
       - How much could I drink in one night? If I bought a six pack, they
         would sit in my fridge until I could pawn them off on guests.