   DIR 2018 Advent Beer Review
       Date:   Dec 12, 2018
       Beer:   Archor Brewing - Our Special Ale
       Style:  Special Ale
       Source: San Fransisco, California
       ABV:    6.9%
       "This is the forty-forth annual Our Special Ale from the brewers at
       Anchor. It is sold only from early November to mid-January. The
       Ale's recipe is different every year, as is the hand-drawn tree on
       the label, but the intent with which we offer it remains the same.
       Joy and celebration of the newness of life."
   IMG Our Special Ale
       The label for this beer is quite festive. The large tree on the
       front and the parchment style paper really put me in the mood for
       Christmas. Likewise, the beer inside doesn't disappoint! There have
       been some sort of peppers added that make it tingle with spiciness.
       The overall flavor is hard to pin down but it tastes like there are
       some floral or botanical notes. It's a unique beer that's really fun
       to drink.
       - Would I buy it again? I can't wait to try next year's batch!
       - How much could I drink in one night? A 22oz bomber.