   BIN .gopher12018 Advent Beer Review
       Date:   Dec 10, 2018
       Beer:   New Holland Brewing - Sour Inc. Stout with Cherries
       Style:  Sour
       Source: Holland, Michigan
       ABV:    6.7%
       " Cherry. Roasty. Tart."
   IMG Sour Inc.
       Michigan is well known for its cherries and we take pride in shoving
       them into every other food we can get our hands on - cherry salsa,
       cherry hot sauce, cherry BBQ sauce, and of course, cherry beer.
       Upon opening the bottle, the smell is something like a cherry
       infused beef jerky. The flavor is smokey and tart and the fresh
       fruit comes through strong. I'm not typically a fan of sour beers
       as they often have a high acidity that tastes like straight vomit
       to me. This one doesn't come off like that at all though. I wouldn't
       have even guessed that this was a sour beer if you handed it to me
       and called it a stout. It would be a nice beer to give as a gift or
       add as an addition to a mix-and-match six pack.
       - Would I buy it again? Yes, but spaced out and in small quantities.
       - How much could I drink in one night? Two bottles.