SYNTAX: help [native] name-of-topic... SUMMARY The "help" command gives help on Nameserver commands and concepts. You can obtain a list of help topics by simply typing the word "help". You will notice that the list of topics is divided into two parts, "ph" help topics and "native" help topics. The "ph" help topics pertain to commands and concepts related to the Unix ph client and other clients similar to it. The "native" topics may of interest to anyone using the Nameserver database and are not specific to a particular client. If you ask for help on a topic, "help" will first look for that topic in the "ph" topics. If there is no help specific to "ph" for the topic, it will look for a "native" help topic with that name. In the rare event that there you are interested in reading the "native" help text for a topic that also has a "ph" help text, you can type: "help native name-of-topic-you-want". If you find the concept of "ph" versus "native" help to be confusing, the following categorization of the ph help topics may be of use to you. The list below assigns each topic to one of five main subject areas: commands, concepts, fields, services, codes, and miscellaneous: COMMANDS - commands that can be typed at the ph> prompt: add help me quit change login passwd register delete logout ph status edit make query switch fields CONCEPTS - introductory information and basic ph concepts: aliases commands interactive_mode command-line_mode e-mail introduction FIELDS - ph fields of special interest: alias nickname paper type email no_update proxy SERVICES - services or categories of information that the ph database offers: areacodes people timetable campus_units restaurants weather CODES - explanations of the three digit result codes returned by ph: 100 300 403 503 508 513 518 523 101 301 475 504 509 514 519 598 102 400 500 505 510 515 520 599 200 401 501 506 511 516 521 201 402 502 507 512 517 522 MISCELLANEOUS - help topics that do not fall into any of the areas above: clients manpage policy sites forwarding ph_news protocol vi