SYNTAX: delete [name-of-field=]value-of-field... SUMMARY This command is used to delete entire entries from the Nameserver database. Most users are not allowed to use this command. Note that it deletes ENTRIES; to delete a FIELD from an entry, use the "edit" command. You must be logged in and have special privileges to use "delete". The arguments to the "delete" command are the same as the selection part of a "query" command. "Delete" finds all the entries that match the argument(s) and deletes them. The "delete" command obeys the Nameserver "limit" option, which can be used to prevent deletion of more entries than intended. To change the limit option from its default of 2 to a smaller or larger number, type the command "set limit=#", where "#" equals the maximum number of entries that can be deleted. If your intention is to delete one specific entry, the safest method is to use the "alias" field specifier in the argument; e.g., "delete alias=alias_of_entry_to_be_deleted". EXAMPLES ph> delete john doe 200:2 entries deleted. ph> ph> delete alias=j-doe1 200:1 entry deleted. ph> SEE ALSO: edit, change, add, login, query, make