TThhee CCCCSSOO NNaammeesseerrvveerr -- AAnn IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn by Steven Dorner Computer and Communications Services Office University of Illinois at Urbana March 29, 1990 updated by Paul Pomes Computer and Communications Services Office University of Illinois at Urbana August 2, 1992 % ph steven dorner ---------------------------------------- name: dorner steven c phone: 244-1765 address: 181 dcl : CAMPUS MC 256 department: computing services office title: res programmer hours: 7-5, four days per week. email to: ( ---------------------------------------- _W_h_a_t _i_s _i_t? The CCSO Nameserver could be considered a database containing information about people and things at the University of Illi- nois. It is designed to be extremely flexible in what informa- tion it keeps, and also to provide fast access to that informa- tion. Currently, most of the information in it comes from the University _S_t_u_d_e_n_t/_S_t_a_f_f _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y (the phone book). The CCSO Nameserver could also be considered to be a pair of pro- grams; one that manages the actual data (this program is called _q_i, for _query _interpreter), and another one that handles user requests (the program CCSO provides for this is called _p_h, for _p_hone book). To most people, the CCSO Nameserver will be exactly ____________________ Converted to portable n/troff format using the -me macros from funky Next WriteNow format (icch). 22 TThhee CCCCSSOO NNaammeesseerrvveerr -- AAnn IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn this second program, _p_h, which gives them access to the Univer- sity _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y. _W_h_e_r_e _i_s _i_t? The database for the Nameserver resides on a CCSO minicomputer (a VAXServer 3500) that runs the UNIX operating system; the name of this computer is The program that manages the database (_q_i) runs on this machine. _Q_i allows programs run- ning on other computers to access the database by serving as an intermediary between them and the actual database. It communi- cates with such programs using the campus network, UIUCnet.[1] _P_h (the program that is usually used to communicate with _q_i) is installed on all of CCSO's UNIX computers. A simple version of _p_h is available on CCSO's main IBM computer, and _p_h is installed on hundreds of non-CCSO computers across the campus. A full- featured version of _p_h is available for VAX computers running VMS, if they have Wollongong TCP/IP software. Versions also exist for Macintosh, PC, and VM/CMS. Later, I'll discuss how you can get _p_h installed on your system. _W_h_a_t _i_s _i_t _g_o_o_d _f_o_r? The Nameserver is good for looking up phone numbers and addresses of University faculty, students or staff members, just like the _S_t_u_d_e_n_t/_S_t_a_f_f _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y; but the Nameserver is good for more than just that. For one thing, the Nameserver knows the electronic mail address for thousands of faculty, students and staff; this information is more up to date that the _S_t_u_d_e_n_t/_S_t_a_f_f _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y. It knows other things about some people, such as office hours or vacation plans. Ph also has some other things in it not found in the _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y; up-to-the-hour weather information (e.g., "ph type=weather champaign"), the current UIUC timetable (e.g., "ph cs101"), and an extensive listing of local restaurants (e.g., "ph restaurant other=italian"). A key thing to know about the Nameserver is that, if you use a computer that has _p_h installed on it, you can change the informa- tion the Nameserver keeps about you. For example, if you change offices in the middle of the year, you can put your correct address and phone number in the Nameserver immediately, so that people can use _p_h to find up-to-date information about you. Another very important function of the Nameserver is electronic mail forwarding. If you tell the Nameserver where you read your electronic mail, then anyone wishing to send mail to you can send the mail to _a_l_i_a_s@_u_i_u_c._e_d_u, where _a_l_i_a_s is your Nameserver alias ____________________ [1] UIUCnet is a multi-protocol, multi-media network. Access to the Nameserver is via TCP/IP only. TThhee CCCCSSOO NNaammeesseerrvveerr -- AAnn IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn 33 (a unique name by which the Nameserver knows you; see below). If someone doesn't know your Nameserver alias, s/he can send mail to _y_o_u_r-_n_a_m_e@_u_i_u_c._e_d_u, and the Nameserver will try to find you. In either case, the Nameserver will send your mail to the address you have told it. For example, you can send me mail with the addresses: ("s-dorner" is my alias), or (my name). Either way, the mail will be sent by the Nameserver to "", which is where I'm currently reading my mail. _W_h_a_t _i_s_n'_t _i_t _g_o_o_d _f_o_r? There are some things the Nameserver is not meant to do. One thing that should be mentioned right away is that the Nameserver can't be used to generate mailing lists for junk mail; you don't have to worry about getting junk mail because you appear in the Nameserver's database. Another thing it isn't good for is notifying the University of changes of address. Changes you make to your information in the Nameserver are _n_o_t automatically sent to your department, or the Office of Admissions and Records, or Payroll, or anywhere else; you must notify these places of changes in your address separately. _H_o_w _c_a_n _I _h_a_v_e _p_h _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d _o_n _m_y _c_o_m_p_u_t_e_r? If one of the computers you use runs UNIX or VMS and is connected to UIUCnet, you can probably have _p_h installed on it. Tell the person who manages your computer that s/he can get the source code for ph by anonymous ftp to, in the net/ph subdirectory or the compressed tar archive in pub/ph.tar.Z (don't worry s/he'll know what that means). _H_o_w _d_o _I _u_s_e _p_h? There are two different ways to use _p_h. One way is good for finding information about people, and the other is good for changing the information the Nameserver keeps about you. I will give you a brief idea of how both these ways work; for more detailed information, you should read the "manual page" for _p_h, which you can read (if your computer runs UNIX) by typing the command, "man ph". To use _p_h to find out information, you should type "ph" and the name of the person you want to know about; _p_h will respond with information about that person: 44 TThhee CCCCSSOO NNaammeesseerrvveerr -- AAnn IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn % ph steven dorner ---------------------------------------- name: dorner steven c phone: 244-1765 address: 181 dcl : CAMPUS MC 256 department: computing services office title: res programmer hours: 7-5, four days per week. email to: ( ---------------------------------------- If there are a lot of people who have the name you asked for, _p_h will let you view the list a screenful at a time; just hit the spacebar to move to the next screen. You don't have to know the exact spelling of a name to find information; you can put special symbols in the name for which you are searching that tell the Nameserver to find names that you only know a few letters of. I won't say anything more about that here; look in the manual page if you are interested in the details. Sometimes, you will ask _p_h for a name, and it will refuse to give you information, because too many people have that name: % ph steven 502:Too many entries to print. _P_h does this so that no one can use it to get mailing lists for junk mail or other nefarious purposes. If you really want to find the person, you will have to know something else about them, like part of their last name (or first name, if you know their last name), or their phone number:[2] % ph steven office_phone=244-1765 ---------------------------------------- name: dorner steven c phone: 244-1765 address: 181 dcl : CAMPUS MC 256 department: computing services office title: res programmer hours: 7-5, four days per week. email to: ( ---------------------------------------- ____________________ [2] See the _p_h manual page for information on how to search for people with a certain phone number or address. TThhee CCCCSSOO NNaammeesseerrvveerr -- AAnn IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn 55 If you want to change the information the Nameserver keeps about you, you should just type "ph". _P_h won't look up a name, but will instead give you a prompt. There are many possible commands you can type to _p_h; they are described in full in the _p_h manual page. You will only need to know three commands to change your information: _l_o_g_i_n, _e_d_i_t, and _q_u_i_t. Before actually using _p_h for this, you will have to make some preparations. The first thing you have to do is find your Nameserver _a_l_i_a_s. This is a unique name assigned to you by the Nameserver. It is usually your first initial, followed by a dash, followed by your last name. If there is more than one person with the same first initial and last name as yours, there may be number tacked onto the end of your alias. The easiest way to find your alias is to look up your name with _p_h. Once your know your alias, you need to find out your Nameserver password. To do this, come to the CCSO Resource Center in Room 1420 DCL and present a valid University ID at the Accounting Desk. We cannot give out passwords via email or phone to prevent disclosure to unauthorized persons. In cases where a) _p_h is being used by the same user-id on the same machine that's listed in the email field, and b) _p_h has been installed "setuid root", and c) the _p_h version is 5.2 or greater, then no password is needed to login. Now, it's time to use _p_h to change your information. Type "ph" and a return. You will get a "ph>" _p_r_o_m_p_t. _N_o_w, _t_y_p_e "_l_o_g_i_n _a_l_i_a_s" (but use your real alias, not the word "alias"!) and a return. _P_h will ask for your password; type your password and a return. You should get a greeting from the Nameserver, and another prompt. % ph $Date: 1992/08/06 22:06:56 $$Revision: 1.1 $ 100: 100:Ph passwords may be obtained at CCSO Accounting, 1420 DCL. 100:Be sure to bring your University Id Card. You may not need 100:a password if you are using the login in your email field. 200:Database ready. ph> login s-dorner Enter nameserver password: 200:s-dorner:Hi how are you? ph> You are now ready to change your information. Your information is organized into "fields", each one containing a different piece of information. There is a field for your name, your address, 66 TThhee CCCCSSOO NNaammeesseerrvveerr -- AAnn IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn your phone numbers, etc.[3] To change a particular field, type "edit field" and a return, substituting the name of the field you wish to change for "field". For example, if you want to change your phone numbers, type "edit phone". You will be placed in your favorite UNIX editor,[4] with the contents of the field you asked for as the text. Make whatever changes you wish, and exit the editor. _P_h will then change the information for you. If you aren't familiar with a UNIX text editor, you may prefer to use the _m_a_k_e command. After you login to _p_h, just type, make name-of-field="value-of-field" _p_h> make email="" _2_0_0:_1 _e_n_t_r_y _c_h_a_n_g_e_d. _p_h> Some information cannot be changed; the "name" field, for exam- ple. If you need to change such a field, you should send mail to; arrangements can be made. Once you are done changing your information, type _q_u_i_t and a return. _S_u_p_p_o_s_e _I _c_a_n'_t _u_s_e _p_h _f_r_o_m _m_y _c_o_m_p_u_t_e_r? If your computer doesn't have _p_h installed on it, but you would like to use _p_h to look up addresses or change your information, you can still do so. Connect to the CCSO's Sequent ux1, by using telnet (telnet, sytek (call 1600), or by dialup (333-4000, ux1). When you are prompted for login:, type "phones" and a return. You will then be prompted for your terminal type. If you have a vt100 terminal or terminal emulator, you can just type a return; if you have some other terminal, type its name.[5] You will receive a "ph>" _p_r_o_m_p_t, _a_n_d _c_a_n _u_s_e _p_h. _W_h_e_r_e _c_a_n _I _f_i_n_d _m_o_r_e _i_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n? _P_h has an extensive on-line help system. UNIX users can access it by entering _p_h's interactive mode, and typing, _h_e_l_p. ____________________ [3] The _p_h command _f_i_e_l_d_s will give a complete list of Nameserver fields. [4] Unless you take pains to change it, that editor will be _v_i; see Appendix A if you've never used _v_i before. [5] If you have trouble finding the right name to use for your terminal, call the CCSO Consultants at 333-6133. TThhee CCCCSSOO NNaammeesseerrvveerr -- AAnn IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn 77 % ph $Date: 1992/08/06 22:06:56 $$Revision: 1.1 $ 100: 100:Ph passwords may be obtained at CCSO Accounting, 1420 DCL. 100:Be sure to bring your University Id Card. You may not need 100:a password if you are using the login in your email field. 200:Database ready. ph> help ---------------------------------------- These "ph" help topics are available: 511 edit login passwd type add email make password uiuc.general alias fields manpage query vi commands help nickname register delete introduction paper switch To view one of these topics, type "help name-of-topic-you-want". ---------------------------------------- These ``native'' help topics are also available: 100 403 508 518 policy 101 475 509 519 protocol 102 500 510 520 proxy 200 501 511 521 restaurant 201 502 512 522 site 300 503 513 523 type 301 504 514 598 update 400 505 515 599 401 506 516 forwarding 402 507 517 password To view one of these topics, type "help native name-of-topic-you-want". ---------------------------------------- CMS users of _p_h should give the command, "ph help", _a_n_d _s_u_b_s_e_- _q_u_e_n_t_l_y "_p_h _h_e_l_p _n_a_m_e-_o_f-_t_o_p_i_c" (e.g., "ph help email"). _W_h_a_t _i_f _I _h_a_v_e _t_r_o_u_b_l_e? If you have problems or questions that are not resolved by read- ing this document, the _p_h help, or _T_h_e _C_C_S_O _N_a_m_e_s_e_r_v_e_r, _S_e_r_v_e_r-_C_l_i_e_n_t _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l, feel free to ask me by sending mail to AAPPPPEENNDDIIXX AA AA RRaannkk BBeeggiinnnneerr''ss GGuuiiddee ttoo VVII This page describes a few _v_i commands to accomplish simple edit- ing tasks. Full documentation for _v_i can be found in _T_h_e _U_N_I_X _U_s_e_r'_s _M_a_n_u_a_l _S_u_p_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_r_y _D_o_c_u_m_e_n_t_s, chapter 15 (really advanced users should read chapter 16 as well). Two thing to keep in mind: First, the editor is pronounced "vee eye"; if you pronounce it, "vie", UNIX gurus will laugh at you, though not out loud. Secondly, _v_i is case-sensitive; be sure to use upper or lower case commands as appropriate. _M_o_d_e_s _V_i is a modal editor; what you can do depends on what mode you are in. The two modes of interest to us are _c_o_m_m_a_n_d mode and _i_n_s_e_r_t mode. You type most commands in command mode; all you do in insert mode is type your text. You get out of insert mode by typing _e_s_c_a_p_e, usually marked "esc" on keyboards; on some key- boards, you may have to hold down the control or alt key and press "[". If you type escape in command mode, _v_i will beep at you; so if you get confused, just type escape until _v_i beeps; then you'll be back in command mode. _M_o_v_i_n_g _A_r_o_u_n_d Here are some motion commands in _v_i. They are typed in command mode, and leave the editor in command mode. CCoommmmaanndd WWhhaatt iitt ddooeess ____________________________________________________ control-h Moves the cursor lleefftt one character. h Moves the cursor lleefftt one character. j Moves the cursor ddoowwnn one line. k Moves the cursor uupp one line. l Moves the cursor rriigghhtt one character. w Moves the cursor ffoorrwwaarrdd to the begin- ning of the next word. b Moves the cursor bbaacckkwwaarrdd to the begin- ning of the previous word. 88 TThhee CCCCSSOO NNaammeesseerrvveerr -- AAnn IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn TThhee CCCCSSOO NNaammeesseerrvveerr -- AAnn IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn 99 _D_e_l_e_t_i_n_g _T_e_x_t Here are some commands to get rid of stuff. Type them in command mode; they will leave the editor in command mode. CCoommmmaanndd WWhhaatt iitt ddooeess __________________________________________________ dd Deletes the current line. x Deletes the character at the cursor, and moves the rest of the line to fill the hole. _A_d_d_i_n_g _T_e_x_t The following commands all put you into insert mode and let you type text. Type escape when you are finished adding text, and you will be returned to command mode. CCoommmmaanndd WWhhaatt iitt ddooeess __________________________________________________ i Start inserting characters bbeeffoorree the character the cursor is on. a Start inserting characters aafftteerr the character the cursor is on. O Create a new line above the cursor, and start inserting at the beginning of that line. Note that this command is a capi- tal "O", not zero. _G_e_t_t_i_n_g _O_u_t The following commands exit _v_i. They work in command mode. CCoommmmaanndd WWhhaatt iitt ddooeess __________________________________________________ ZZ Exit _v_i, and save the changes you have made. Those are capital Z's! :q! Exit _v_i, but don't save changes (the "" means to type return).