                        _ _                 _ 
        _ __ ___   ___ | | | ___ _ __ __ _ (_)
       | '_ ` _ \ / _ \| | |/ _ \ '__/ _` || |
       | | | | | | (_) | | |  __/ | | (_| || |
       |_| |_| |_|\___/|_|_|\___|_|  \__,_|/ |
       Contact me!
       Email: molleraj@gmail.com
       SDF SIP/VoIP: x2156
       Mastodon: @guofu@mastodon.sdf.org
       This is my personal gopher hole!
       I recently migrated it to a new server. 
       The previous address was gopher://molleraj.homelinuxserver.org.
  TEXT About me
   DIR Local phlog
   DIR MIDlet repository
  TEXT Unscii-16-full truetype font - so good
       What else should I include here?
       I am thinking news (RSS), weather (wttr.in), games (interactive 
       fiction), and software downloads (especially for Palm, Windows 
       Mobile, Casio Pocket Viewer, and programmable calculators, like my 
       beloved TI-95). I will try to focus on local (DC/DMV region) news a
       present it in a similar way to gophernews.net:70. Definitely there 
       should also be a link to my playlist of favorite internet radio 
       stations, like WHUR, WDNA, WFMU, and WPFW. Perhaps also a guestbook
       where visitors can post quick entries.
       Check out my ADS-B tracker below. I might parse the output as text 
       files and serve them here.
       Note - no longer active as of 2022. It might be worth migrating thi
       from Ohio to Maryland.
  HTML My home ADS-B tracker
  HTML ADS-B tracker statistics
       You can find my SDF gopherhole at gopher://sdf.org:70/1/users/guofu
   DIR My SDF gopher
  HTML My SDF website (inactive as of 2022)
  HTML My home website (SDF mirror)
  HTML My radio show
       My fellow gopherer in Germany:
   DIR port70.de
       Another fellow gopherer in Turkey:
   DIR attaque-cinq.com
       And another in Norway!
   DIR isene.com
       GopherNews from Canada:
   DIR gophernews.net
                     Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on Ubuntu/24.04 x86_64