       Welcome to ...
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       This is the gopher hole for mirrors.apple2.org.za. Most of the
       sites listed within have long since disappeared from the internet.
       The files in these mirrors are static and have not changed in
       years even decades.  They are still available for browsing and
       archives are avalable if you want to download the complete site.
       All these mirrors are available using the following URLs:
           http://mirrors.apple2.org.za   (no SSL for older computers)
         gopher://mirrors.apple2.org.za   (you are here now)
       Fujinet TNFS server available at:
       Please use rsync for mirroring these sites. Much less load on the
       server.  Send any enquiries to gopher@apple2.org.za.
   DIR About Apple // Mirrors Gopher server
   DIR Active Mirrors
   DIR Dormant Mirrors