.title Google Sheets Oddity I like to use Google Sheets for some quick chart/graph creation. This often means that I end up creating scripts that produce CSV content and then paste it into a sheet and finally use that sheet to create the chart I want. Today, I wanted to make a chart comparing the number of lines in each numbered file in a directory. I ended up doing this with some simple bash/awk scripting, but I ran into a confusing problem that makes sense in hindsight. The TL;DR is that when using this workflow, it's important to mark the column as Plain Text if you're getting spurious commas thrown in. In my case, the directory I was working with looked like: .scode $ ls rc_* rc_1000 rc_1008 rc_1016 rc_1024 rc_1064 rc_1072 rc_1080 rc_1088 rc_1001 rc_1009 rc_1017 rc_1025 rc_1065 rc_1073 rc_1081 rc_1089 rc_1002 rc_1010 rc_1018 rc_1026 rc_1066 rc_1074 rc_1082 rc_1090 rc_1003 rc_1011 rc_1019 rc_1027 rc_1067 rc_1075 rc_1083 rc_1091 .ecode Getting the word counts of each of these is easy. .scode $ wc -l rc_* 1 rc_1000 1 rc_1001 1 rc_1002 1 rc_1003 1 rc_1008 1 rc_1009 1 rc_1010 1 rc_1011 1 rc_1016 1 rc_1017 [... snip ... ] 38 rc_1075 1 rc_1080 161 rc_1081 1 rc_1082 17 rc_1083 12 rc_1088 192 rc_1089 51 rc_1090 26 rc_1091 728 total .ecode And converting this to CSV is pretty easy too, with some Awk magic. .scode $ !! | awk 'BEGIN { OFS="," } !/total/ { gsub("rc_", ""); print int($2), $1 }' 1000,1 1001,1 1002,1 1003,1 1008,1 1009,1 1010,1 1011,1 1016,1 1017,1 [... snip ...] 1075,38 1080,1 1081,161 1082,1 1083,17 1088,12 1089,192 1090,51 1091,26 .ecode Then it's just a matter of copy-pasting this into Google Sheets, which is easier with the xsel command. .scode $ !! | xsel -i --clipboard .ecode Now, the crux of the issue: when I paste this in, I normally expect to see a dialog that asks if I want to split by comma. This time, I had accidentally set the column to be a number (Select Column A, Format > Number > Number), and when I paste in the data from above, Sheets "helpfully" inserted extra commas for me. This is mostly caused by the "1081,161" line, and anything with a comma that looks like it's separating the thousand from the hundreds. The fix is non-obvious if you don't realize the Format as Number problem, but it is: select the column again and change the formatting to Plain Text. Now when you paste, Sheets won't insert extra commas.