       Magical Fish
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RESERV < Main Menu
       1This is a test for something I am working on.
       1Screen width set to 45.  Change it?
       this is a long string of text. It is very
       long so I can test how it wraps using the
       textwrap python library.  this is a long
       string of text. It is very long so I can test
       how it wraps using the textwrap python
       library. this is a long string of text. It is
       very long so I can test how it wraps using
       the textwrap python library. this is a long
       string of text. It is very long so I can test
       how it wraps using the textwrap python
       library. this is a long string of text. It is
       very long so I can test how it wraps using
       the textwrap python library. this is a long
       string of text. It is very long so I can test
       how it wraps using the textwrap python
       library. this is a long string of text. It is
       very long so I can test how it wraps using
       the textwrap python library. this is a long
       string of text. It is very long so I can test
       how it wraps using the textwrap python