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  TEXT 2016-01-01 CDC Recommends a Powerful New Tool to Protect Infants from 
  TEXT 2016-01-01 CDC launches new effort aimed at strengthening survival and
  TEXT 2016-01-01 CDC warns of Listeria outbreak linked to Soft Serve On The 
  TEXT 2016-01-01 One in 5 Women Reported Mistreatment While Receiving Matern
  TEXT 2016-01-01 Provisional Suicide Deaths in the United States 2022
  TEXT 2016-01-01 Transcript-One in 5 Women Reported Mistreatment While Recei
  TEXT 2022-11-15 Community is Key to Success of Vaccination Outreach Held at
  TEXT 2023-06-16 Tracking the Contributions of Implementation Science to the
  TEXT 2023-07-14 The Promise of Population-based Genomic Screening for Selec
  TEXT 2023-07-24 Learning through the Lived Experience-Recognizing the Anniv
  TEXT 2023-07-25 Persistent Underutilization of BRCA Testing for Breast and 
  TEXT 2023-08-03 West Nile Virus
  TEXT 2023-08-04 A Communitywide Collaboration to Increase Enrollment Retent
  TEXT 2023-08-09 Get up to Speed on the Latest Developments in the Field. Re
  TEXT 2023-08-11 Creating and Implementing a Community Engagement Strategy f
  TEXT 2023-08-18 Changes in Sales of Tobacco and Nicotine Replacement Therap
  TEXT 2023-08-22 Preventing Liver Cancer Among People Who Inject Drugs
  TEXT 2023-08-24 Drink Tap-A Multisector Program to Promote Water Access and
  TEXT 2023-08-29 How the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) Provides Insights 
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