       Gopher Live Chat
       "A Place to Hang Out in Gopherspace."
       Keep it kind and friendly. Admin reserves right to moderate or remove
       any post.
       Say  /h  for help.
       The time is 2024-10-17 02:24:36 UTC
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       Your Name is aa422
       92492: hi folks [20241016 18:04]
       67894: Oh, dear  [20241016 04:28]
       9db55: Sorry. I went on a 4 day holiday and my router barfed.
       [20241014 20:05]
       67894: Welcome back online! I thought you abandoned us to our fate :(
       I had a panic attack as if a hurricane had blown you away. [20241013
       56761: When did we take a wrong way and abandon Windows95? :(
       [20241007 04:25]
       56761: Solution found for viewing TLS 1.3 sites in Win95, more details
       gopher://shibboleths.org/1/browsers98 [20241006 04:24]
       93c68: Read the Bible in English.  gopher.rbfh.de [20241005 08:09]
       93c68: Read the Bible in German.  t1p.de/d0r0x [20241005 08:07]
       e51b8: feeling nice today, sup gophersupe? [20241004 11:46]
       85b44: testing 123... [20241004 05:46]
       cf5a8: What gossip gopherspace? [20241004 04:26]
       d14f2: Happy Gopher, fridayspace :) [20240928 04:15]
       61089: Happy Friday, gopherspace! [20240927 16:06]
       d14f2: The damn wind is ignoring my complaint? [20240927 04:18]
       66ada: awesome that this exists [20240927 03:34]
       17cde: Wind's picking up. The guys are busy; you're in charge. Ya know
       what? You're a goddamn swordboat captain! Is there anything better in
       the world? [20240926 21:15]
       d14f2: I'll write a complaint to the main Gopher server and the
       hurricane will pass you by. [20240926 04:17]
       d14f2: If Khzae closes soon I will have a panic attack and will start
       having fits again. [20240926 04:16]
       17cde: Hurricane Helene is coming right for me. Yay! And FSU sucks
       this season, too. :( [20240926 01:32]
       61089: I hear from sources that Khzae will soon shut down. I hope am
       wrong. [20240925 14:19]
       cf5a8: What gossip, gopherspace?! [20240923 04:14]
       cf5a8: I like Gopher! [20240921 04:12]
       6b423: Have a nice weekend everyone [20240920 16:02]
       013c2: AWESOME COOL ☻ [20240920 04:17]
       6cff9: i found this site by searching "thing-fish" [20240919 04:17]
       7ec75: We need more support summer software :( [20240914 04:35]
       ac971: Summer, going too fast. :( [20240911 21:53]
       2d5cf: Where all folks?! [20240909 04:24]
       36994: Right.  But not aliens.  They are demons exciting hatred and
       deceiving innocent people. [20240901 10:43]
       b2dbd: The voices in my head won't let me sleep, they say that alien
       brain slugs are taking over the minds of politicians. [20240901 04:27]
       ac971: hey a 'mericans, have a great Labor Day holiday. take no work
       calls or emails. [20240831 16:35]
       bcc4a: someodd was here [20240829 05:25]
       17cde: This is what I think of when I hear users mention "the cloud":
       https://yewtu.be/watch?v=9ntPxdWAWq8 [20240827 19:10]
       17cde: There's like one game a year that's played in Ireland... Or
       every other year. I don't know why... advertising to get college
       football worldwide? [20240827 19:09]
       ad4be: Why were they playing in Ireland? [20240827 08:26]
       17cde: FSU lost to freaking Georgia Tech in Ireland. *forlorn noises*
       [20240826 16:07]
       1ddba: A new uncensored search engine has been launched by
       enthusiasts, I don't know if you've heard about it or not
       https://cdg.iounews.com The search engine uses its own database for
       searching. It works even for me in Windows XP [20240826 04:15]
       982a0: So you have to manually refresh... [20240825 21:27]
       ac971: Nothing going on, Gopherland? [20240825 17:24]
       fa47d: New mega corporate system of automatic driver update via Gopher
       ONLINE gopher://shibboleths.org/1/pages/drv [20240819 04:22]
       2929b: yo? [20240819 02:30]
       ac971: I wish I could upload photos here. dang, why didn't Gopher+
       catch on. [20240818 19:03]
       ca340: its rainy out there [20240812 00:40]
       2929b: toki pona li wawa [20240811 21:08]
       b3f70: Hello from BROWSER [20240811 04:11]
       129e9: Floodgap has a list of new Gopher holes. The thing about Gopher
       is you explore and find things more "naturally." [20240810 08:37]
       fd092: Greetings from Baku Airport [20240807 20:02]
       cd2ce: Hello from HELLO [20240807 08:47]
       01595: Hi from Shinonome, Tokyo. :) [20240807 03:10]
       e44e2: Hello Minnesota gophers [20240806 13:50]
       a56c8: I love it! [20240806 13:33]
       cd2ce: Cool stuffff [20240806 04:10]
       2929b: this tiny lil obscure part of the internet is so friendly and
       well-meaning! cool stuff [20240805 06:17]
       cd2ce: ☻ I NEED MORE GOPHERs Ideas? [20240803 04:06]
       61089: Mmmm. Wonton... [20240729 18:43]
       2cdb2: egg drop, hot & sour, wonton, vegetable, cream of corn
       [20240729 11:05]
       5f6f5: I am at the bottom of a gravity well [20240728 18:53]
       ac971: I am at a lake, enjoying 90 degree heat and 79% humidity.
       [20240728 16:30]
       26bbb: Helloo gopherspace. What will you do this weekend? [20240726
       6f5e3: Yes, yes, yes. [20240723 19:28]
       17cde: Does anyone else digitize their print books like I do? Scanning
       and OCR (Tesseract) is tedious, but I still like digital copies.
       [20240723 16:15]
       57ef7: HTTPs is a simulation [20240720 15:05]
       cd48a: (the naming of gopher was oddly prophetic) [20240720 12:29]
       cd48a: the internet is alive and burrowed underground! [20240720
       60d06: We need more goopheeers... [20240718 04:06]
       a1ee6: Hi everyone. This is kinda cool. Hello from my boring cubicle
       in sunny LA! [20240717 17:20]
       8d60e: Saludos desde textoplano [20240716 12:25]
       3605d: Whant's up here, Gopher? [20240712 02:56]
       3f442: Perhaps it was me. I was just testing finger clients for
       Windows before uploading. [20240708 15:04]
       61089: more gopher holes should use Finger [20240708 13:20]
       bbe8f: Good tip!  [20240705 20:04]
       603d6: Quick life hack regarding dead gopherholes: Try to contact the
       owner. Sometimes there is a httpd listening on the same host which
       points at a way to contact the owner. So [20240704 11:03]
       38fb8: It back online [20240630 04:16]
       38fb8: gopher://infinitelyremote.com Another Gopher fell down dead....
       [20240628 14:52]
       3f442: The main thing is that nasty bugs or mosquitoes don't eat you.
       [20240628 04:02]
       17cde: Summer here means you're sweating outside after a minute or
       two. lol. [20240627 16:17]
       3f442: Sound Quelle Diana Miro Summer Rain.mp3 [20240625 04:08]
       a1ee6: My favorite thing in summer is rain. I don't like when it's too
       hot. [20240624 01:09]
       ac971: Beautiful day here. Enjoy Summer! [20240623 18:54]
       a1ee6: Bonjour ! [20240623 18:28]
       5252a: You are not right. I have a good file archive. [20240622 04:14]
       17cde: b98b9 I think the only holes that get that much traffic and eat
       that much bandwidth would be floodgap or bitreich. You can maintain a
       phlog and that shouldn't be eating that much bandwidth per month.
       [20240621 17:57]
       b98b9: Good people constantly download gigabytes of files from my
       hole, I doubt that SDF will allow me to do this. [20240619 04:14]
       17cde: Oops. I meant I was with b620d. But you can make a popular
       gopherhole on SDF. [20240618 20:04]
       b98b9: You can't make a large visited project on Tilde or SDF.
       [20240618 04:21]
       17cde: I'm with b98b9: quality, not quantity. Just because SDF is
       technically one server doesn't mean it's not worth much more than
       that. Some with circumlunar, tilde town, etc. [20240617 19:39]
       b620d: These things are befitting to younger protocols unsure of
       themselves. [20240617 19:09]
       b620d: And having meta discussions about the protocol itself all day.
       [20240617 19:05]
       b620d: I'd make the argument for quality over quantity. It doesn't do
       much good to have thousands of teehee hello world holes with no
       substance. [20240617 19:03]
       b98b9: My opinion is that we need more Gophers, good, bad, or
       otherwise. Let there be thousands, millions of different gophers. Now
       there are no more than 400 servers left online. I'll have a panic
       attack and cry again ( [20240617 04:26]
       17cde: Gopherholes close and open a lot. Reddit is trash anyway: it's
       like Twitter with no character limit. Insane mobs shouldn't rule major
       websites. [20240616 19:47]
       b98b9: What's happening gopher://gopherddit.com is no longer working
       What happened? The third big Gopher in a month is not working.
       [20240616 17:23]
       b98b9: AI has been writing articles for news sites since 2018.
       Massively since 2020... For Gopher to exist, holes must be opened, not
       closed ( [20240615 04:08]
       7f7ed: blinder than a lesser blind mole-rat. [20240614 21:24]
       06a95: Many brains have taken the tattoo. [20240614 18:42]
       95b8c: Now that world wide web is fucked with AI content, Gopher is
       our last hope! [20240614 18:23]
       05f4f: I wrote a letter to the owner asking him to restore the guest
       book so that I could continue read the gossip. But instead, Gopher
       disconnected. Bad... [20240613 04:15]
       6938a: Watch the subcreatures meddle with the primeval forces of
       nature: gopher://gopher.viste.fr/1/ogup/down [20240612 19:09]
       607ea: Aliens have always abducted gopher server administrators. It's
       tradition. They'll be back ... probably. [20240612 18:00]
       05f4f: Aliens seem to be abducting the owners of Gopher servers. Now
       hngopher.com not works. What the hell is going on? [20240612 17:39]
       a1ee6: hai :3 [20240610 00:57]
       098cd: Im too old for this shit [20240609 12:51]
       17cde: Adobe is under fire for a similar deal where their ToS says
       they can use users' artwork for anything. [20240609 07:47]
       11fc0: i think MS must backtrack on Recall. it is terrible idea fir
       privacy. [20240608 06:58]
       dba3b: Sorry. I don't understand what you're talking about. [20240605
       17cde: Recall might be the one killer app that ends Windows'
       dominance. Hopefully more people move to something other than Mac OS.
       [20240605 18:19]
       17cde: MS is pushing people to alt OSes. Copilot is a screenlogger and
       it's insecure. I'm so glad I switched to Mint years ago. [20240605
       dba3b: I find good alternative for gopherspace.de -
       gopher://kamalatta.ddnss.de/1/links This is good servers alive serivce
       for me i think [20240605 09:02]
       cc533: Mozhno poluchit' orbot app i tor magical.fish . [20240604
       cc533: Ne znayu. [20240604 07:29]
       a1ee6: Russie zdesi esti? [20240603 07:15]
       a1ee6: it's alive! [20240603 07:14]
       a1ee6: оно живое! [20240603 07:14]
       dba3b: Search queries don't works... White screen and that's it.
       [20240603 03:59]
       cfb4c: forthworks searches always turn up dead links for me. They need
       to purge. it seems dead, honestly. [20240602 20:20]
       dba3b: Why? ? ?  [20240602 03:44]
       bdec4: gemini prolapsed my backend. swing lo sweet chariot. [20240601
       ac36f: forthworks.com search don't works for me [20240601 07:58]
       a06b4: if not then try searching gopher://me0w.net:70/1/searx.dcgi
       [20240601 03:42]
       a06b4: or search gopher://forthworks.com/1/contrition [20240601 03:41]
       a06b4: maybe try searching gopher://gopher.icu/1/quarry [20240601
       a06b4: search gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/1/v2/vs [20240601 03:38]
       ac36f: Where i can download Geminin browsers for legacy Windows ?!
       [20240529 04:15]
       5bd84: My Name isn't 5bd84!  I won't tell you what it is, though.
       Browsing from my homemade gopher client! [20240528 04:35]
       96754: Maybe, you find gemini browsers on damaniel.xyz [20240526
       8e013: What newws? [20240525 03:40]
       8e013: What browser for DOS for Gemini? [20240522 03:50]
       da70a: What browser for Windows 98 for Gemini? [20240520 04:25]
       55982: I_use_lagrange_its_fun_and_has_gemini_and_spartan_too [20240520
       da70a: I like gophers... [20240519 09:15]
       da70a: Gopherspace is oooollldddd  [20240518 08:19]
       b1cd1: Hi y'all! I'm new to Gopherspace so just want to say hi.
       [20240517 14:52]
       c3207: If you need time in Germany: ard-text.de/time.php . [20240517
       c3207: you get short news from Germany from https://ard-
       text.de/mobil/104 . [20240517 13:33]
       da70a: WE NEED GOPHERSPACE DE BACK ON LINE BACK !!!! [20240517 08:18]
       68ae4: Meanwhile you can read taz.de . [20240517 05:13]
       68ae4: Anyone knows, what happened to gopherspace.de ? [20240517
       da70a: Bring back gopherspace.de otherwise I'll have a panic attack
       and cry (I'm not kidding) [20240517 01:22]
       da70a: End is near.... [20240516 09:03]
       26bbb: It was incredible in Minnesota! [20240515 16:42]
       b88ba: That aurora was beautiful! Anyone else catch it this past
       weekend? [20240513 19:14]
       44c42: Big aurora tonight!  [20240510 22:01]
       44c42: The women higiene TV commercials are out of control. [20240510
       17cde: Also Trevor Moore was a great comedian and member of WKUK.
       [20240504 16:22]
       17cde: Overbite for Android is good for viewing. Unfortunately you
       can't download anything with it, though it will display pictures.
       [20240504 16:21]
       f55f3: Nope [20240504 09:19]
       0da0a: Head on down to the Jack F. Paulus Skiway and mix yourself up a
       couple of doggie dogs! [20240503 16:06]
       f55f3: Diggie dog can't download archives from gopher, he writes:
       "It's too long link." [20240503 04:02]
       d71ca: DiggieDog in Play store is good. [20240502 18:50]
       f55f3: Well, that's good. Now I know 3 Android clients for gophers.
       [20240502 04:20]
       7fbf9: Moin! [20240501 15:36]
       26bbb: I use Pocket Gopher. Its in fDroid app store. [20240501 14:24]
       0da0a: Anywhere there's a signal. [20240501 08:07]
       fbb65: I need gopher browser for Android? Where i can download it?
       [20240427 04:24]
       cfdb5: Hi Gopher! [20240424 20:55]
       856b5: Do you think they still celebrate October fest? [20240422
       0da0a: Don't get your lederhosen in a twist. [20240421 19:10]
       856b5: gopher://gopherspace.de still don't works..... [20240420 04:22]
       856b5: Yes, now working [20240419 11:32]
       ac971: gophernrws.net is working ok today. [20240419 09:09]
       856b5: Yes, something wrong.... [20240418 11:46]
       856b5: I can't load gopherspace.de [20240418 04:23]
       8fa93: Where all ?! [20240417 04:31]
       8fa93: Gift for you gopher://shibboleths.org/1/pages/gift [20240416
       8fa93: What happened with gophernews.net gopher? [20240415 18:45]
       8fa93: Taxes were invented by the communists [20240415 18:42]
       4eae8: gopher://gopherspace.de/gb.php [20240415 11:39]
       7351e: Today is US tax. Pay your high taxes today or go to jail. Your
       choice. [20240415 07:10]
       8fa93: Why here so few people, write more words! [20240415 04:26]
       f44d5: Hello Trevor [20240413 04:22]
       0da0a: he's here [20240412 19:51]
       f44d5: I don't see him Sorry [20240412 09:10]
       17cde: I miss Trevor Moore. [20240410 21:24]
       f44d5: Megamonkey vs megdinosaur during eclipse [20240407 04:16]
       b733a: 86400 seconds. Consult GALILEO. Godspeed. [20240406 15:06]
       c8f00: a cot in the park? [20240406 14:44]
       f88ec: tot in the ark? [20240406 14:28]
       f88ec: a dot in the shark? [20240406 14:27]
       04b2a: a shot in the dark: a guess [20240406 14:16]
       5d8c5: What's the exposure time? [20240406 13:44]
       f44d5: Try taking photos of the night at night time. [20240406 13:41]
       a3b05: A shot in the dark. [20240406 08:43]
       bdec4: For the purpose of being in a state along the path of totality,
       probably. [20240406 08:42]
       f44d5: For what? [20240406 08:20]
       ae3f4: Im traveling to Missouri to see the eclipse on Monday.
       [20240405 17:17]
       f44d5: What's up?! [20240403 18:37]
       17cde: Happy New Year! Did I get the date right? [20240401 17:18]
       130a8: Antidepressive page gopher://shibboleths.org/1/pages/dp
       [20240401 04:17]
       ac971: Eclipse soon in USA [20240330 19:45]
       87d95: Hello from Lynx again! [20240328 16:29]
       ca04d: Big snow storm coming to midwest USA. [20240322 19:10]
       ac971: Yes, it works! Welcome! [20240317 19:36]
       d93c5: Post from Lynx and Pentium 133. It's works?! [20240317 15:00]
       acb90: I just watched The Holdovers which was nominated. Its really a
       great film. Free on Peacock. [20240317 08:36]
       acb90: Its true, Oppenheimer was waaaay too long. [20240317 08:35]
       55687: KABO?? [20240316 10:02]
       bd1c8: No way, I can't believe my friend said the trolls movie was
       better than shrek and no one here seems to care at all. When I let him
       use my Macbook to say that I was expecting people to get real mad
       [20240316 06:22]
       17cde: Movies recently have been so lackluster for me. The only one I
       was remotely interested in seeing was Oppenheimer, but it was too long
       for my tastes. [20240316 02:38]
       c2abd: And don't even get me started on the Trolls Movie, A
       Masterpiece. Even Shrek crumbles under it. 100000000000 - 10 watching
       it everyday. [20240313 03:50]
       c2abd: The Emoji Movie is and hidden gem, and is underrated. I give it
       a 10 - 10 Would recommend for Cinema dates ;) [20240312 05:31]
       c2abd: I think SharkTale Isn't that bad of a movie, a solid 9.5 - 10
       [20240312 05:27]
       ac971: Oppenheimer is best picture [20240310 21:40]
       ac971: Im thinking gonna be Poor Things [20240310 19:58]
       ac971: Any guess for Best Picture tonight on Oscars? [20240310 19:57]
       a1ee6: hewwo :3 I love gemini protocol.
       gemini://gemlog.blue/users/546pvp/1709922234.gmi [20240308 12:33]
       a1ee6: hewoo :# [20240308 12:32]
       26bbb: Whats going on in your corner of gopher space? [20240307 16:08]
       88dc2: hi there, puddin' [20240302 23:20]
       5e2ee: howdy chummer [20240301 07:38]
       a1ee6: hewwwwooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [20240229 23:23]
       6bb64: test from lynx [20240228 08:50]
       4d2ce: funny,_the_price_will_come_back_to_30 [20240227 15:08]
       a1d56: Bitcoin is kicking asses and taking names! [20240226 21:21]
       26bbb: Congrats man, way to  innovate with Gopher!! [20240224 19:43]
       68e9b: Just programmed my own Gopher Browser. It works :D [20240221
       c8a2d: Today is a beautiful day. Smile! [20240220 11:52]
       68e9b: It's dark here [20240220 06:27]
       4d2ce: are+a+demon?+i+dont+like+demons,+my+mom+said+demons+are+evil,+t
       hey+want+to+steal+my+breakfest [20240218 04:35]
       59f06: Eat vegetables! [20240215 14:37]
       a1ee6: Hello, sinners! I am a satanic warmaster, come to liberate you!
       [20240214 14:26]
       a1ee6: Привет, земляне!!! [20240214 14:23]
       18862: Hello, world! I am lumo. I've never left the Earth. [20240214
       4d2ce: nice,+i+like+it [20240207 16:15]
       17cde: "Drift Away" by Dobie Gray is one of my favorite songs.
       [20240204 16:10]
       4d800: Whats eveyone doing today? [20240203 06:48]
       3707f: Amen. [20240201 19:26]
       6fbbe: Anyone here,  who loves Jesus or searches his help.  Read or
       listen to 5fi.sh or 5fish.com or use 5fish app from Google App (in
       every language or dialect of the world)! [20240130 19:55]
       3707f: But think of poor Taylor and all the Swifties! [20240130 11:59]
       17cde: Poor Lions. Blew a 24-7 lead to SF. Now I have to root for SF
       so KC doesn't win another one... [20240129 03:32]
       3707f: Lets go Detroit Lions!!! [20240128 18:53]
       ac971: It will be coming back. [20240123 11:40]
       ac971: Hey, Magical.fish will be going offline for a few days so i can
       move the raspi to a different location and get it configured.
       [20240123 11:39]
       3707f: I check in here occassionally.  [20240120 12:18]
       a1f02: hello everyone here! [20240120 09:44]
       17cde: Michigan will be punished by the NCAA... probably. The Bucs
       beat the Eagles in the NFL playoffs, so that's cool. Poor Dallas...
       [20240118 03:21]
       20a39: Carissa edulis, Garcinia kola. [20240115 09:35]
       3707f: It sure was, if you are a Michigan fan. [20240109 18:45]
       ac971: Michigan Vs Washington tonight. Should be a great game!
       [20240108 11:40]
       17cde: Excellent start to the new year! FSU is vindicated because Bama
       and Texas lost! Go Noles! [20240102 04:11]
       ac971: Wish you all a happy 2024! [20240101 21:22]
       14527: Anything you do,  do it in love.  1 Kor 16,14 [20240101 03:57]
       17cde: I'm glad Minnesota got the win in their bowl. Too bad FSU
       didn't show up to theirs. [20231231 18:24]
       e3567: God has come in this world,  not through war,  but through
       Jesus.  Where people do not believe in Jesus,  do not obey HIM,  there
       is war. [20231230 02:06]
       ac971: Minnesota Gophers in Quick Lane Bowl today at 1pm Minnesota
       time. [20231226 12:01]
       e7a99: God is coming in this world: Throug [20231224 18:23]
       65df1: Can you believe it guys? Christmas, just a day away. Christmas
       is in a day! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information. Christmas!
       Just a day away, oh wow. Can you believe it? Christmas! Just in a day!
       It got here so fast! Christmas! Just a day away! [20231222 21:36]
       48c5f: Halleluja. \o/ [20231222 04:31]
       16eb3: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! \o [20231221 18:58]
       ac971: What's up Gopher Space? What u into today? [20231220 16:28]
       3707f: Hi. I am here. [20231219 21:35]
       c2abd: I guess not [20231219 05:30]
       c2abd: Anybody here rn? [20231219 05:28]
       3707f: Welcome, Hessen! [20231205 18:32]
       b2ee1: Greetings from snowy, cold and wet Hessen! [20231205 04:21]
       3707f: College football is crazy. [20231203 13:17]
       17cde: FSU was left out of the College Football Playoff. That is an
       absolute disgrace. I'm mad. [20231203 12:06]
       17cde: 13-0! Undefeated ACC Champions! Go Noles! [20231203 00:59]
       3fe59: Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving [20231125 15:47]
       82965: I declare today a day - visits the gophers. [20231123 03:40]
       ac971: Happy gluttony day.  [20231122 13:22]
       ac971: Looking forward to tomorrow's U.S. holiday. [20231122 13:22]
       0bc79: Thats the reason of fellowship. [20231122 07:32]
       0bc79: A 0 is important in companian with other 0, if they follow a 1.
       [20231122 07:30]
       0bc79: Nolls? [20231122 07:27]
       17cde: Go Noles! 11-0! [20231121 17:55]
       ac971: Hello and welcome . [20231120 19:49]
       a1ee6: hello guys [20231120 14:08]
       8016c: All power to the gophers! (raised fist) [20231117 11:57]
       8016c: I think, you need to expand work on this chat so that it can be
       installed on other Gopher:// as a service. I think your server can
       handle this... [20231117 11:56]
       8016c: Worked on expanding the scope of accessible alternative press
       in my RSS aggregator. The numbers reached were 215 media. [20231117
       3707f: Where have you been? Its safe to come out now. [20231117 06:03]
       8016c: I see that without me, everyone here is sad and doesn’t write
       anything. [20231116 18:01]
       ac971: This is gopher chat on  gopher://magical.fish . [20231113
       ac971: Welcome, all ye who still gopher! [20231112 13:03]
       3707f: Hello Gopher land [20231111 17:47]
       50213: irc? how are the dullards? [20231108 17:31]
       712a0: webchat.freenode.net #valesco [20231107 01:28]
       712a0: Searching for IRC? webchat. free [20231107 01:27]
       ac971: Hi everyone. Welcome to Magical Fish! [20231105 18:52]
       03e44: 40 years ago. [20231104 09:47]
       03e44: Greetings from Bottrop.  Coal mining. Producing electricity.
       [20231104 09:45]
       116c4: Out in rural NE Minnesota deer hunting on the iron range.
       [20231103 20:09]
       b5caa: Is there a secure proof,  that the Emperor is living? You
       cannot find a message,  telephone call,  picture or video from the
       living emperor. Everything is fake. [20231030 19:55]
       918be: Just found: gopher://tilde.pink/1/~bencollver/dir Nice app for
       directions on gopher. [20231026 12:33]
       ac971: http://magical.fish:70/feeds/files/static/files/chat.dat.atom
       [20231025 13:02]
       ac971: I added an atom feed for this chat, just for the hell of it.
       [20231025 13:02]
       06477: 7b7c7 here, gotta love CGNAT and ISP-level DHCP. Testing IE6's
       gopher implementation on a vintage machine. [20231025 12:05]
       e70de: Where do you live, in Ukraine? [20231024 17:28]
       df96a: HI! My name is Dan (turboblack@torba.com) downgrade.me.eu.org
       [20231023 13:47]
       07765: It’s excruciatingly painful that I can’t run Python on
       Windows on the Gopher server to make a chat room ( [20231023 13:35]
       47193: Look up 5fish. https://5fi.sh or https://5fish.mobi [20231022
       26bcd: GO NOLES! 38-20 over #16 Duke! [20231021 22:53]
       26bcd: The Golden Gophers win 12-10 against Iowa! Go Gophers! What a
       game! [20231021 18:13]
       edec4: This is great! [20231020 08:53]
       3707f: http://www.aaronsw.com/ [20231019 17:16]
       3707f: I just learned Aaron Swartz had a blog, and it still works.
       [20231019 17:16]
       a1ee6: datatatatatttttttttt [20231019 05:54]
       a1ee6: dirty hole. i want to make a diry hole. [20231019 05:53]
       2f063: Glad to see activities still 9n #Gopher. [20231018 10:44]
       3707f: Welcome, Huntsville! [20231017 18:55
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