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       Subdue-the-World Gameplay
       For a while now, I felt uncomfortable with my state of gaming. I noticed
       that it became harder  to group up to play with my  friends, with whom I
       regularly played for  a long time now.  I noticed that when  I was hyped
       about some kind of game - or aspect of a game - they are not. Or if they
       were, their hype died off much faster than mine.
       This went  on for over a  year now, but  I couldn't really find  and fix
       that problem.
       It took a while to unterstand what  it actually is, that I like about my
       games. There was a time when I thought it was speed leveling. I had that
       idea, because I  intensely prepared myself for the  classic wow release.
       If you'd  ask my  friends they would  tell you that  I overdid  it. Most
       people think leveling a  character to level 60 in wow  classic is a pain
       in the  ass. So  people had little  to no understanding  why the  fuck I
       leveled  a druid  to 60  on a  private server,  just to  do a  couple of
       dungeon runs  and a  handfull of  raids, and never  touch it  after that
       anymore. I played  Classic WoW and found the early  phases (mainly 1 and
       2)  really enjoyable.  Then shortly  before Phase  3 (of  6) I  needed a
       break. Shadowlands came out. I tryharded  it on one character. I did all
       the world quests, pushed the reputations. Even did a optional reputation
       farm for some alchemy recipe. M+  became boring, so I played some Arena.
       It  became boring  aswell.  At this  point  I was  thinking  it was  the
       speedleveling that has fueled my motivation.
       I checked out path of exile again  (for the second time). I tried to get
       a better  understanding. The seasonal concept  seemed somewhat appealing
       to me. Couldn't really excplain what  it was. I watched the 4hour videos
       of a top PoE-speedrunner. And I was still thinking that is speedleveling
       my thing.
       Then Classic  TBC was  announced. Shortly  after that,  I heard  about a
       fresh  private server.  And did  the same  thing I  ded for  Classic TBC
       again. Rushed  a character on  a fresh private  server to max  level and
       started gearing to my best potential.
       For a long time I felt lost. Undefined. A bit of a (gaming-)crisis.
       The reason of this was the simple  fact, that I could not explain people
       what I like. Other people had  established terms of what they like about
       a game: "Hey, I  like M+", "Hey, I like Arena" or  "Hey, I like "MOBAs".
       At this point I had no term that described, what I learned to love about
       a game.  That's simply  because there is  no term for  what I  like. The
       absence pushed me into other  existing terms like "speedleveling". Which
       turned out to not entirely be my thing.
       Now comes  the most interesting part  of this article. The  reason why I
       wrote this article. I  do now know what fuels my  motivation for a game.
       It is a  fresh world, filled with other players  that start with nothing
       and rush to build their characters, professions and skills. They rush to
       conquer the limited ressources that this  world has to offer. An economy
       establishes. You have to make decissions on what to buy and what to farm
       yourself.  You utilize  the  unique features  of your  class  to make  a
       specific farm  possible. World pvp  comes into being. Players  fight for
       specific valuable ressources.
       I don't really  know how to call this.  But I  wanna call  it conquer or
       subdue-the-world kind of gameplay.
       Now that it has  a name, I really hope I have an  easier time to explain
       this stuff to my friends and hope they can appreciate this aspect more.