       Kroovy's Phlog
       # Thoughts on the Gopher Onion Initiative
       I don't  want to repeat  the prudential  words that are  already written
       down at bitreich.org:
   DIR The Gopher Onion Initiative
       ...so, in a nutshell:
       Onion services are indeed the obvious choice to go for, in order to host
       a gopherhole (and visit them!).
       ## Broken usability
       My daily gopher workflow looks like this:
       Typing the  word "sacc"  into the commandline  and adding  a memorizable
       domain name right behind it.
       Press "Enter".
       There is my page.
       But how can  this work with onion  addresses? They are long  to type and
       far beyond from being easy to memorize. The length will extend even more
       of the  torproject switches to  an address  length of 54  characters, as
       tthey plan.
       ## Fixing usability
       There is a solution.
       Everybody should  use tools  like eschalot to  mine themselves  an onion
       address. That way, at least the  beginning of an address is memorizable.
       For example,  if you would  like to visit  my gopherhole, you  would use
       Once that is achieved, we can use  the tab completion of our shell to do
       the nasty part  of the onion address. I already  hacked an example using
       bash.  It utilizes  the compgen  command  in combination  with a  simple
       bookmark-file that  contains all of  the onion addresses you  visit (one
       address per line).
       You can check out the code that has to be added to your .bashrc here:
   DIR code
       And also check out eschalot, which enables you to mine your own address:
  HTML eschalot - onion address miner
       You can check out my asciinema recording. It displays the tab completion
       workflow very well:
  HTML my asciinema recording
                                  \  \ /**
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                               /  /    \      (Berrito)