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       Don't be a clicker!
       Sometimes when I notice how some people use their computers (even fellow
       computer science students) I want to rip out my eyes.
       They sometimes willingly perform twenty-seven  actions of the exact same
       kind  (e.g.:  rightclick + download item),  while at  the same  time one
       could write a short script to do the task in just one call.
       When  I face  situations like  this, I'd  rather go  for a  programmatic
       Confronting them  with their  behavior, I often  get replies  like this:
       "Writing a script  takes more time than doing that  manually right now."
       Or they say:  "I'm too lazy to  write a script." Everytime  I hear these
       words a part of my soul perishes.
       In  my opinion,  they overcomplicate  their own  (computer-)life. Sadly,
       they see it differently.
       This  aversion,  this  missing  disire to  automate  things  instead  of
       repeating things  like stupid, results  in obstacles for those  who have
       that desire.  People who  build what  is called  "the modern  web" often
       provide content  or ressources in way  that cannot be accessed  in a way
       that would seem appropriate to me.
       I  claim that,  as  a programmer, you should  aim  for the  programmatic
       attempt. Don't be a clicker! The more you use these kinds of automation,
       the more usecases  you'll find  in  your everyday life.  It should  feel
       painfull to you, to not automate  things, but instead do  the exact same
       click over and over again. Horrible!