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       Schmendrik the Wizard Apprentice
       Name: Schmendrik
       Race: Human
       Class: Wizard
       Alignment: Neutral Good
       Background: Apprentice
       Level & XP: 3
        11  14  15  13  13   9 | 12 | 30 ft | 14
       STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA | AC | Speed | HP
   DIR Prepared Spells
       Passive Perception:  11
       Initiative Modifier: +2
       Personality traits:
         I'm Constantly seeking new knowledge as part of my training.
         I idolize my master and constanly refer to their deeds and teachings.
         Greater Good. My gifts are meant to be shared with all, not used for my own benefit.
         I will do anything to make my master proud.
         Sometimes, without my master, I don't know what to do.
       Proficiencies & Languages
         Proficiency Bonus: +2
         Armor: none
         Weapons: dagger, dart, light crossbow, quarterstaff, sling
         Tools: none
         Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
         Skills: Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine
         Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Oc
       Human Traits:
         Creature Type: Humanoid
         Age: 33 years old
         Medium Size (5'5", 128 lbs.)
       Wizard Class Feature
         Ritual Casting
         Arcane Recovery (regain spell slots totalling 2 levels after short rest once per day)
         Abjuration Savant (copy such spells in half the time)
         Arcane Ward (aura of 9 temp. h.p. when you cast an abjuration spell)
       Carried Gear:
         two daggers
         belt pouch
         set of common clothes
         bottle of black ink
         small knife
         personal papers
       Coins & Gems:
         10 gold pieces (gp)
         69 silver pieces (sp)
         78 copper pieces (cp)
         2 gems (worth 10 gp each)